Minutes-Faculty Senate
(revised 2012 01 24: Added S. E. R. C. Vision Statement to Minutes, New Business I)
University of Wisconsin-Superior
December 20, 2011
YU 204 2:30-4:00 p.m.

Call to Order
Chair Rosenberg called the meeting to order, 2:35 p.m.
Present: Rosenberg, Sloboda, Christensen, Aldridge, Notbohm, Clark, Sipress (for Starratt), Kronzer, Roth Day, Jacobs,
Hembd, Schmude, Tucker, Lynch, Wachter, Hensrud, Schlacks, Nordgren, D., Crow, Douglas, Miller, Meyer
Excused: Cleary

Approval of Minutes
Motion (Christensen/Notbohm) to approve minutes dated November 15, 2011. Motion carried.
Motion (Christensen/Aldridge) to approve minutes dated December 6, 2011 (special meeting). Motion carried.
Receive Executive Minutes
Motion (Kronzer/Notbohm) to receive Executive minutes dated December 13, 2011. Motion carried.

Budge lapse- a letter from President Reilly went to DOA on December 13th. The letter contained three scenarios.
The current $65.8 million, which is the current lapse amount for this fiscal year, the second was a reduced base, and the third of $38 million. We are still waiting until the new year for final numbers.
The legislative taskforce is looking at issues such as tuition, purchasing flexibility, transfer and articulation agreements, structure of UW System, personnel, and compensation.
Regent Tyler’s visit of last week was very positive.

CIPT update – Our HLC liaison, Dr. Taylor, will be meeting with our steering committee on the 11th and 12th of January.
The very rough draft of our documentation is expected to be completed at the end of January. It’s been recommended that a classified staff member be added to the executive budget council. A process is being established for nominations.
Revision to UW personnel structure update-Wendy Kropid is a part of the system taskforce. The work has begun.
The survey identified some internal and external issues. A group is being created to look at the internal items and to determine training needs the campus has. Sexual harassment, open records, safety, supervision, and disability are areas that will looked at. UW system will be asked for assistance.

President Reilly has been invited to the White House for a conference to discuss strategies and issues of controlling costs of and reducing student debt. Our campus is doing several things to reduce debt such as textbook rental, reduction of credits for majors (138 to under 130); four year degree plans are in place for majors, collaborative degree program development and free rides on DTA for students. These cost saving measures will be shared with system for President Reilly to take with him to the conference.

Title III Planning continues. The proposal is for the Department of Education Title III grant that focuses specifically on retention. Title 3 is an institutional change grant that is focused on providing funding to institutions that have high population of PELL students. The grant provides funding of up to $500,000 per year up to five years. An outside writer has been engaged to help with the process. Advising and looking at how we will move our liberal arts high impact practices to the next level have been identified as our focus.

Faculty and staff enhancement day is January 18th. This event will focus on the student centered campus. All are encouraged to participate.


Chair Rosenberg provided a summary of his meeting with Regent Tyler.
Budget lapse-the faculty senate is committing some money to the lapse. Recommendations include saving power to the greatest extent possible.

Committee updates-No responses to the call for volunteers for the Prior Assessment Working Group have been received.
Sabbatical replacement is needed for the Personnel Council. The call for nominations will be sent during the upcoming welcome week. A call for a Promotions Committee replacement has been sent. Please contact Chair Rosenberg if interested.

Personnel Council call to nominations will be sent out in January.

Faculty Representative (handout provided)
Sloboda-the direct deposit link is now working. The System President is on record supporting the twelve month pay plan.
Our budget lapse resolution was hand delivered to the regents. The faculty reps are working on being more of a lobbying force.
Peter Nordgren and Wendy Kropid are representatives on two system taskforces.

Academic Program Review Council No Report

PBC No Report
Personnel Council-Christensen -Work has begun on the feedback received on the templates. Due to the large amount of feedback the timeline has been extended to February 1.

UAAC Four action items
1. Gen Ed Non Western Diversity Recommendation
Motion (Notbohm/Kronzer) to approve the Gen Ed Non Western Diversity Recommendation.
Students must complete at least one General Education course with the non-Western designation and a separate course with the diversity designation for a total of six credits. Motion carried.

2. ENGLISHProgram Changes (WLLC)
a. Secondary Education major and minor-
Sipress/Kronzer moveto approve of the English Education Major and Minor with the understanding (Sipress) that this motion is for the purpose of voting down the proposed action.
Kronzer, as certification officer is concerned that this is a major program modification that would also need to go through DPI. We are reducing teaching our students the skills in writing before bringing them to a methods class of how to teach writing. Reading the entry level papers that our students are required to write to get into our program shows that we should be adding more writing requirements. Kronzer is strongly against reducing the writing requirement.
Roth Day-there are significant implications to student retention and enrollment and graduation. What is the input from the area schools in relation to the change.
Sipress –Has concerns to have an English Education major that requires no writing beyond freshman comp calls into question the integrity of that certification program. If any of our certification programs have their integrity questioned it damages the reputation of every one of our certification programs.
Hembd-not inclined to support this because of the results of the vote in UAA C and the concerns discussed in senate today.
Motion to approve the changes to the English Education Major and Minor fails. One abstention.

b. Non Education Major and Minor
Sloboda/Notbohm move to table the remaining English program proposals. Motion to table carried.

3. Mathematics and Computer Science Catalog Changes
Motion (Roth Day/Notbohm) to approve the Mathematics and Computer Science Catalog Changes.
Motion carried.

4. Articulation Agreement NTC
Motion (Hembd/Sloboda) to approve the University of Wisconsin-Superior Sustainable Management Bachelor of Science Degree and Northcentral Technical College Articulation Agreement. Motion carried.

Graduate Council No report

Student Senate No report

Academic Staff Senate
Academic Staff Senate will meeting in January to look at how constituents can be best represented and discussion of additional ways to cut funds (if necessary).


I. IDS Policy
Motion (Sloboda/Hembd) to approve the proposed charge to UAAC. Rosenberg provided an update.
Sipress-does the last bullet point imply that the procedures and policies should be the same for on campus and Distance Learning IDS? Rosenberg-yes, that is the intent. Hensrud-is the intent to look at one as comprehensive and the other one as not? Rosenberg-it may be that UAAC recommends that we offer the comprehensive and the non comprehensive both on line and on campus. The intention is to align but could be difficult given that they are separately entitled right now. Douglas-concerned over who owns the IDS prefix? Rosenberg-the home department is UAAC.
Jacobs-concerned about the potential additional burden to UAAC. Clarification-this is not charging UAAC becoming the oversight body but charging UAAC with coming forward with recommendations. Notbohm-there should be a deadline and it would be good to recommend parties to bring in for discussion would benefit UAAC.
Motion (Sipress/Nobohm) to amend motion to include a deadline of the April 2012 senate meeting. Motion carried.
Motion (Kronzer/Notbohm) to amend motion to include UAAC should consult with committees and offices which theydeem relevant. Motion carried. No further discussion.
Motion to approve the main motion as amended carried.

II.Posting of Faculty Committee Meeting Materials
Motion (Notbohm/Christensen) to endorse. Background provided by Rosenberg. No suggestions for amending.
Motion carried.

III. Curriculum Approvals Chart AP1117 (part two)
Motion (Roth Day/Christensen) to approve to removethe three rows of the approval chart that relate to course number changes. Discussion. Motion (Sipress/Notbohm)to table. Motion carried.Rosenberg and Douglas will meet for further discussion and resolution.


I. Vision Statement Student Enrollment and Retention Committee

Student enrollment and retention is the responsibility of every faculty and staff person at the University of Wisconsin – Superior. Strategies and practices which enhance the student experience, thereby increasing and improving enrollment and retention, must be utilized in all areas of campus, curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular.

Roth Day- One of the things that has been clear in the last year and a half is that student retention is the responsibility of certain offices or particular individuals. One of the things that the committee is working to do is to try to change the tone of understanding the realm of student enrollment and retention. The committee is asking that changes in policies and procedures, including changes to majors and minors, are viewed through the lens of student retention. At all points in time we have to be concerned about student retention and enrollment.

Meeting adjourned 4:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted on the 30th day of December , 2011 by Linda Sharp, Faculty Senate Clerical Assistant.