Security Policy

ü  Children and staff documents to be kept in locked filing cabinet and treated with confidentiality at all times.

ü  Only permanent nursery staff will be given access to personal files.

ü  No confidential information is to be left unattended at any time.

ü  Computer systems are password protected.

ü  Confidential documents to be destroyed when no longer required.

ü  Staff are aware of responsibilities under the Data Protection Act 1998. Please refer to confidentiality policy

General Security

ü  Entrance to the building should only be through the main door

ü  Only permanent members of staff should answer the door.

ü  No children should be left in the play area, unless supervised by a permanent member of staff or their parent/ carer

ü  The front door is to be kept closed and security locked at all times.

ü  Storeroom door should be kept locked at all times, unless in use.

ü  All visitors except parents dropping off and collecting children must sign the visitor’s book. (Located in main entrance) Please also refer to visitors policy

ü  All children are to be signed in and out of nursery by their parent or carer.

ü  Children will only be released to an adult who has parental responsibility or has been nominated by the parent in advance.

ü  Children will not be released from Nursery care if the parent or nominated person is in an un-fit state to care for the child responsibly.

ü  All windows and doors must be locked by the staff before leaving the building each day.


ü  No member of staff should be left alone if they feel threatened by a parent/ carer/ visitor either by physical or verbal means.

ü  If a member of staff is verbally or physically abused, the incident will be documented, dated and signed by the member of staff and all witnesses.

ü  Depending on the severity of any verbal and physical abuse the relevant agencies should be contacted.

ü  If a member of public is known to be violent or verbally abusive, no member of staff in the building should be left alone with them.

ü  No visitor should be given any information about a child unless they are the parents or carer.

ü  Staff mobile phones should be turned off or on silent and kept in the basket provided in the kitchen.

ü  Staff medication should be clearly labeled and kept out of reach in the kitchen in the allocated place. Management must be told before taking any medication.

ü  Staff valuables; we have very little storage space so the minimum of possessions should be brought into the building and employer holds no liability for loss of personal belongings.

Security Procedures

Parents always have to notify the staff if someone different to usual is to collect their child. If this changes during the session our procedure is for parents/ carers to telephone. We do not allow the child to leave the premises, if the latter has not been carried out.

If the above were not done then a member of staff would contact the parent to confirm the identity of the person collecting the child. The collecting procedure would be reiterated to the parent to ensure that this would not happen again.

The front door to the nursery is kept locked at all times and only opened by a member of staff this is to ensure the safety of the children. The front gate to the premises is always kept shut and the children do not have access to this when outside in the nursery garden.

The back door that leads to the outside play area is shut unless a member of staff is outside with the children

Access and Exit Security Procedures

The double black gate to nursery is locked at all times. The main gate to nursery is to be kept closed at all times during the day and allows access for parents and carers. The main door is kept locked at all times and only opened by a permanent member of staff. The children never have access to the main gate.

Bognor House Day Nursery

Policy Date:

Signed by: Position:

Registered Address: Bognor House Day Nursery, 114 Old Church Road, Clevedon, BS21 7XP

Bognor House Day Nursery is the registered trading name of Bognor House Day Nursery Limited. Registered in England Number 08498932