August 13, 2014
Mayor Carlson called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Members present: Larry Carlson, Tim Kennedy, Bob Spry, and Bill Lenz
Members absent: Jan Sivertson
Staff present: Mike Roth, Kim Dunsmoor and Chris Hood
Mayor Carlson invited the public to speak during a period of open forum. Open Forum is limited to one half-hour. No person may speak more than 5 minutes or more than once.
Maren Webb, Safe Routes to School, asked the council for permission to place temporary signs in the Boulevard along 1st Avenue West with permission of adjacent property owners in order to raise awareness and visibility of the Safe Routes to School Program.
Motion by Spry, seconded by Kennedy to allow Safe Routes to School Signs to be placed in the boulevard on 1st Avenue West. Approved unanimously.
Motion by Spry, seconded by Kennedy to approve the Agenda with addition of North House Folk School Temporary Liquor License and Soil and Water Rain Garden Agreement; July 30, 2014, Minutes; Payment of Bills; and Sawtooth Challenge Street Permit – Superior Cycling Association. Approved unanimously.
North House Folk School is requesting a temporary Liquor License to be operated by My Sister’s Place for the UnPlugged Event September 11-13, 2014.
Motion by Carlson, seconded by Kennedy to approve the Temporary On-Sale Liquor License for North House Folk School September 11-13, 2014, as long as they follow the same rules as other Temporary Liquor License permits during events with a confined area being inside the tent or with fencing. Approved unanimously.
The Soil and Water Cost Share Agreement was reworked by the City Attorney and City Administrator to define conditions where the City would need to repay the State if the Rain Garden or some replacement structure is not continued for 10 years.
Motion by Lenz, seconded by Spry to approve the Cook County Soil and Water Conservation District Cost Share Assistance and Operation and Maintenance Agreement for Stormwater, Erosion Control and Landscaping Features between Phyllis Olson, City of Grand Marais, and the Cook County Soil and Water Conservation District. Approved unanimously.
The Draft Budget for 2015 was reviewed by City Administrator Roth. A budget worksession with department heads was scheduled for 1:00 p.m. on August 27th.
Councilor Lenz’ Report:
1) The Cherry Blossom Sculpture is located by the entrance to the park near the covered bridge.
2) Park Revenues are good. Golf revenues are better than 2013, but down from 2012.
Councilor Spry’s Report:
1) The EDA approved a management agreement with LTTA in order to get bonding for the golf course.
2) AEOA is now operating in the EDA Space.
There are two meetings scheduled for August 28th: The Joint City, County, School, Tribe Meeting in Grand Portage and a tentatively scheduled Highway 61 Design Public Meeting.
FVB will present their detailed Biomass District Heating Report on August 19, 2014, at 1:00 p.m. in the Commissioner’s Room.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:04 p.m.
Mayor, Laurence Carlson
City Administrator, Michael J. Roth