October 24, 2007
The Lorain County Records Commission met this day in the J. Grant Keys, Lorain County Administration Building, 226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio at 2:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Public Hearing Room with the following members present:
Commissioner Ted Kalo, Chair, absent
Judy Nedwick, LorainCounty Recorder
Mark Stewart, Lorain County Auditor, absent, represented by Annie Carstarphen and Maggie Barta
Dennis Will, Lorain County Prosecutor, absent, represented by Jerry Innes
Rob Nabakowski, Clerk of Courts, absent represented by Vivian Grey
Commissioner Kalo was not able to attend today’s meeting and requested Theresa Upton, Records Commission Secretary to conduct the meeting on her behalf.
Also in attendance was: Lynn Wallace, Supervisor – RecordsCenter and Jeannie Weisbrod and Joe Carver, Fiscal - LCCS
The following business was transacted:
Motion by Jerry Innes, seconded by Judy Nedwick to approve the minutes as submitted from the April 18, 2007 meeting. Upon roll call, all voted in favor of the motion.
Motion carried.______
Theresa Upton, Records Commission Secretary indicated she distributed copies of the schedule of records retention and disposition forms from various departments to all Board members for review and requested a motion to approve all forms collectively.
- Application for One-Time Disposal of Obsolete Records (RC1)
Board of Elections;
BOE-DASAP-3-07 thruOutdated board of election manuals
BOE-DASAP-10-07destroy ASAP
BOE-DASAP-11-07 thruOutdated board of election manuals
BOE-DASAP-12-07destroy ASAP
BOE-CT-1-07 thruOutdated board of election manuals
BOE-CT-6-07destroy ASAP
BOE-DASAP-13 &Outdated board of election manuals
BOE-DASAP-19-07destroy ASAP
BOE-DASAP-13-07 andOutdated board of election manuals
BOE-DASAP-19-07destroy ASAP
Records Commission cont.Page 2October 24, 2007
- Approve records destruction/retention forms as submitted by various departments (RC2)
Board of Elections;
BOE-P-SR-1-07 thruSignature rostersretain 6 years destroy
BOE-P-SR-8-07after 5-8-2013
BOE-CONF-1-06 thruConfirmation notice responsesretain 2 years destroy
BOE-CONF 6-06after 9-30-08
BOE-CONF-1-07 thruConfirmation notice responsesretain 2 years destroy
BOE-CONF 3-07after 2-28-09
BOE-P-L&A-1-07Primary election 05-08-07retain 2 years; destroy
BOE-P-L&A-5-07after 5-8-09
BORC-1 thruBaldwin Wallace ORC Booksretain permanently
AVQ-P-1-07 thruAbsentee requestsretain 4 years destroy
AVQ-P-3-07after 5-8-11
BOE-APH-P-1 thruAlpha Sheetsretain 2 years destroy
BOE-APH-P-2-07after 5-8-09
2001-3Terminated personnel filespermanent change to 10 years
CBCF011Payroll copies3 years
CBCF012resident check registers5 years from audit report date
CBCF013employment applications1 year
CBCF014financial reports including
Commissary5 years from audit report date
CBCF015fiscal check registers5 years from audit report date
CBCF010financial reports/commissary5 years from audit report date
Children Services:
LCCS07-24adoption recordspermanent
Comm-Clerk/Tapes-BOCBoard of Commissioners5 years
Comm-Clerk/Tapes-RCRecords Commission5 years
Comm-Clerk/Tapes-TIDTransportation Improvement Dist 5 years
Comm-Clerk/Tapes IACInvestment Advisory Comm5 years
Ombudsman (Commissioners)
OMBUD 1-Acomplaint investigations4 years
OMBUD 1-Bresolutions and forms4 years
OMBUD 1-Cunresolved complaints4 years
OMBUD 1-Dpolicy information4 years
Records Commission cont.Page 3October 24, 2007
RC 07-01meeting notificationsuntil no longer of adm value
RC 07-02general correspondence internal1 year
RC 07-03records request info via email1 year
RC 07-04quarterly/month/weekly reports1 year
RC 07-05administration correspondence2 years
RC 07-06departmental polices & procpermanent in paper form
RC 07-07vendor correspondence/quotes
Emails6 months
06-Safrski-Workmans Compnon medical claims2 years
(this was held from April 18 meeting for clarification – these records are non-medical claims)
LCT0501trip sheetspermanent
LCT0502receipts10 years
LCT0604general correspondence10 years
LCT0505bookkeeping/pam novak5 years
LCT0102maintenance records10 years
LCT9807ridership reportspermanent
Health District:
2006-1EI discharges A-BA5 years
2006-2EI discharges Bal-Bo5 years
2006-3EI discharges Boo-By5 years
2006-4EI discharges C-Cle5 years
2006-5EI discharges Cli-Cz5 years
2006-6EI discharges D-Dr5 years
2006-7EI discharges D-Fl5 years
2006-8EI discharges Fo-Gi5 years
2006-9EI discharges Gl-Gw5 years
2006-10EI discharges H-He5 years
2006-11EI discharges Hel-Huf5 years
2006-12EI discharges Hug-J5 years
2006-13EI discharges K-Kv5 years
2006-14EI discharges L-Ly5 years
2006-15EI discharges McA-Mar5 years
2006-16EI discharges Mart-Mon5 years
2006-17EI discharges Moo-Ne5 years
2006-18EI discharges Ni-O5 years
2006-19EI discharges Pa-Pl5 years
2006-20EI discharges Po-Re5 years
2006-21EI discharges Rey-Rod5 years
2006-22EI discharges Rog-Sch5 years
2006-23EI discharges Sc-Sma5 years
2006-24EI discharges Smi-Step5 years
2006-25EI discharges Stev-Thom5 years
2006-26EI discharges Thopm-U5 years
Records Commission cont.Page 4October 24, 2007
2006-27EI discharges V-Wel5 years
2006-28EI discharges Wes-Wil5 years
2006-29EI discharges Win-Z5 years
2006-30Travel Activity Sheets & Statistics5 years
2006-31Billing Invoices5 years
2006-32AHC Discharged charts B-Z #175 years
2006-33AHC Discharged charts A-Z #185 years
2006-34AHC Discharged charts A-W #195 years
2006-35AHC Discharged charts A-Z #205 years
2006-36AHC Discharged charts B-W #215 years
2006-37Adult Immunization blue card A-Z5 years
2006-38AHC – 2004 flu shots5 years
2006-39Public health headstart health
Screenings A-Z 2005-2006 school yr5 years
2006-40Public health headstart health
Record rev A-Z 2005-2006 school yr5 years
2006-41Adult Health 2004 flu shot
Permission form5 years
2006-42Adult Health 2004 flu shot
Permission form5 years
2006-43Adult Immunization perm form5 years
2006-44CHC yellow immunization
Cards 1964-19905 years
2006-45CHC yellow immunization
Cards 1990-19995 years
2006-46CHC yellow immunization
Cards 1970-19995 years
2006-47Public health discharge A-Br5 years
2006-48Public health discharge Bu-C5 years
2006-49Public health discharge D-F5 years
2006-50Public health discharge G-H5 years
2006-51Public health discharge Ho-Ki5 years
2006-52Public health discharge Kl-McM5 years
2006-53Public health discharge MacI-Mu5 years
2006-54Public health discharge N-Q5 years
2006-55Public health discharge R-Sc5 years
2006-56Public health discharge Se-Sp5 years
2006-57Public health discharge Sq-W5 years
2006-58Public health discharge We-Z5 years
2006-59Pay in’s 1st quarter 20055 years
2006-60Pay in’s 2nd quarter 20055 years
2006-61Pay in’s 3rd quarter 20055 years
2006-62Pay in’s 4th quarter 20055 years
2006-632005 mileage box 1 of 25 years
2006-642005 mileage box 2 of 2 5 years
2006-652005 payroll vouchers5 years
2006-66grants 03-04-05-phi/05-sc/05-iap5 years
2006-672005 wic vouchers5 years
2006-682005 payment register grn po
Request, expense reports5 years
2006-692005 vouchers5 years
Records Commission cont.Page 5October 24, 2007
2006-702005 vouchers pone bills for 03/045 years
2006-71mileage audit5 years
2006-722004 mileage5 years
2006-7304 exp report, payment reg & po5 years
2006-7404 payroll & registers5 years
2006-75iap grants 02-04 traffic safety
02-04 misc5 years
2006-76pay ins 1st quarter 01/2004-03/20045 years
2006-77pay ins 2nd quarter 04/2004-06/20045 years
2006-78pay ins 3rd quarter 07/2004-09/20045 years
2006-79pay ins 4th quarter 10/2004-12/20045 years
2006-802004 vouchers a-o5 years
2006-81wic discharges #1 a-ar5 years
2006-82wic discharges #2 arr-bel5 years
2006-83wic discharges #3 belo-bra5 years
2006-84wic discharges #4 bras-cam5 years
2006-85wic discharges #5 cam-ch5 years
2006-86wic discharges #6 ci-co5 years
2006-87wic discharges #7 cot-dav5 years
2006-88wic discharges #8 dav-edg5 years
2006-89wic discharges #9 edm-flo5 years
2006-90wic discharges #10 flu-gib5 years
2006-91wic discharges #11 gif-gu5 years
2006-92wic discharges #12 gur-has5 years
2006-93wic discharges #13 hat-hol5 years
2006-94wic discharges #14 hol-ja5 years
2006-95wic discharges #15 je-ke5 years
2006-96wic discharges #16 ke-lan5 years
2006-97wic discharges #17 lan-lui5 years
2006-98wic discharges #18 lu-men5 years
2006-99wic discharges #19 men-morg5 years
2006-100wic discharges #20 moro-mcw5 years
2006-101wic discharges #21 n-o5 years
2006-102wic discharges #22 p-ph5 years
2006-103wic discharges #23 pi-ra5 years
2006-104wic discharges #24 re-ri5 years
2006-105wic discharges #25 ro-ru5 years
2006-106wic discharges #26 sa-sh5 years
2006-107wic discharges #27 shi-sq5 years
2006-108wic discharges #28 st.cl-te5 years
2006-109wic discharges #29 th-v5 years
2006-110wic discharges #30 w-wi5 years
2006-111wic discharges #31 wil-z5 years
Records Commission cont.Page 6October 24, 2007
c.Certificate of Records Disposal – Sent to Ohio Historical Society as FYI (RC3)
DateDepartmentDisposal Date
7/16/07Metro Parks11/01/07
Motion by Judy Nedwick, seconded by Jerry Innes to approve all records destruction/retention
forms and certificate of records disposal with the change to CBCF terminated personnel files from permanent to 10 years not 2 years as requested.
Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: All.
Motion carried.______
1.Note: Clarification under LCDJFS: ADC records are now Ohio Works
2.Records Policy HB9
a.Theresa Upton said she will put a memo out to each department
requesting their contact and designees to be on file
b.Should another informational meeting be held to make sure that all departments are in compliance?
Judy Nedwick stated that the issues relating to the social security numbers,
birthdates, bank account numbers, etc would likely shutdown the internet because the information has to be redacted. Clerk of Courts office does not redact information, too much, not sure what they will do.
3.Lynn Wallace-Smith said the RecordsCenter has web pages for public access to records and will continue to add records to these applications and to this search page and can add new applications at anytime. The following links have been placed on the countywebpage but can access on outside network link; ,
Inside network link; or
-Wednesday, April 23, 2008 at 2 pm
-Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 2 pm
f.Call for adjournment
With nothing further before the Commission, Motion by Jerry Innes, seconded by Judy Nedwickto adjourn at 2:22 p.m. Upon roll call the vote taken, thereon resulted as: Ayes: All.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted, Theresa L. Upton, Clerk