Regular Meeting
June 10, 2013
(Minutes of Council)
Slocan, British Columbia
June 10, 2013
The Regular Meeting #2013/16 of the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the Village of Slocan, elected for the years 2011-2014, was held in Council Chambers 503 Slocan Street, Slocan, B.C., on Monday, June 10, 2013.
PRESENT: Elected Officials
Mayor Madeleine Perriere
Councillor Jean Patterson
Councillor Hillary Elliott Councillor Patricia McGreal
Councillor Jessica Lunn
Appointed Personnel
Jack Richardson, Chief Administrative Officer
Call to Order
Mayor Madeleine Perriere called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Adopt Agenda Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor McGreal,
And Resolved:
That the agenda be adopted as amended.
Adoption of
Minutes Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Lunn,
And Resolved:
That the minutes of the Regular Meeting #2013/14 of May 13, 2013 be adopted as amended.
Audience with Council:
Fields / Dufault Daphne Fields and Denise Dufault attended the meeting to voice their opposition to wireless communications, cell towers and smart meters in the Slocan Valley.
Annual Report A May 29, 2013 report from the CAO providing Council with a draft of the 2012 Annual Report. Part 4 Division 5 of the Community Charter requires Council to consider the annual municipal report at a public meeting. After the annual municipal report has been prepared and released for public inspection, Council must consider the report at a public meeting. The meeting must occur at least 14 days after the annual report is released for public inspection but before June 30th.
Moved by Councillor Lunn, seconded by Councillor McGreal,
And Resolved:
That the Annual Report 2012 be approved. 2013/168
SOFI: May 30/13 report from the CAO on the Statement of Financial Information for 2012. SOFI must be submitted to the Ministry by June 30th each year.
Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Patterson,
And Resolved:
That the 2012 Statement of Financial Information be approved as presented. 2013/169
2012 Audit &Financial
Statements A draft of the Audited Financial Statements prepared for the Village by the independent external auditors Berg Lehmann, Chartered Accountants.
Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Patterson
And Resolved:
That the 2012 Audited Financial Statement be accepted as presented.
Truck June 4/13 report from the CAO supporting a report from the Public Works Supervisor outlining the deficiencies of the Village’s 1997 F150 pick-up. Based on the Public Works Supervisor report the truck should be replaced.
Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Lunn
And Resolved:
That staff be authorized to investigate the purchase of and financing options for a replacement vehicle.
Elliott At 7:42 p.m. Councillor Elliott removed herself from the meeting due to a possible perceived bias or conflict of interest.
Burton, D. Referred from the Regular Meeting of December 10/12 and February 12/13 a report from the Building Official on Building Bylaws contraventions on the property legally described as Parcel B (See XJ4096) of Block 24, DL 292, Plan 496. The subject building has been constructed partly within the Village laneway, not entirely on the owners parcel of land and not in compliance with the required property setbacks.
A decision to register a Notice on Title was deferred to the June 10, 2013.
Based on a site inspection by the Building Official on June 6/13 it was his recommendation that the Village cease from registering a notice on title as per his previous report.
Moved by Councillor Lunn, seconded by Councillor Patterson
And Resolved:
That the Building Official inspection report of June 6/13 be received and that the Village cease from registering a notice on title;
And that Mr. Burton be notified of this responsibilities to complete the conditions of his building permit.
Elliott Councillor Elliott returned to the meeting at 7:46 p.m.
Requests: - Nil.
Information Items:
Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor McGreal,
And Resolved:
That the following items be received:
- West Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital District SPOTLIGHT
- SIBAC – Beetle Bites
- Canada Post Service Response
- FortisBC – Kootenay Energy Diet
- Unity Festival – Request to Use Portable Stage
- Victoria – Reducing Default Speed Limits for Municipal Roads
- Silverton Community Club – Canada Day Invitation
- Invitation - KBRH Health Foundation Golf Classic
- Invitation – Green Energy Workshop
- SD#8 – Committee Review of District Boundaries & School Catchments
- Legion – Silvery Slocan Fence & Relocation of Cenotaph
- S. MacCuaig – Library Update
- Slocan District Chamber of Commerce – Minutes / Notice of Meeting
Unity Festival Moved by Councillor Lunn, seconded by Councillor McGreal,
And Resolved:
That the Village permit the Unity Festival organizers to use the Village portable stage; subject to the Public Works Supervisor determining if the stage can be located to the beach area.
Unity Festival Moved by Councillor Lunn, seconded by Councillor Elliott,
And Resolved:
That Council approve a $500 grant to the Unity Festival from the Village’s RDCK grant-in-aid discretionary funding.
Silverton Mayor Perriere to represent the Village at the Silverton Community Club Canada Day Celebrations.
Workshop Moved by Councillor Lunn, seconded by Councillor Patterson,
And Resolved:
That mileage costs be covered by the Village for Mayor Perriere and Councillor Elliott to attend the June 17/13 Green Energy Workshop in Nakusp. 2013/176
Legion Moved by Councillor Lunn, seconded by Councillor Elliott,
And Resolved:
That a letter of thanks be forwarded to the Slocan Valley Branch 276 of the Royal Canadian Legion thanking them for their June 5/13 correspondence on the Cenotaph relocation and fence construction;
And that the legion be requested to provide written details on the type of fence to be constructed and time lines for such work.
Moved by Councillor Lunn, seconded by Councillor Elliott,
And Resolved:
That the Slocan Valley Branch 276 of the Royal Canadian Legion be authorized to relocate the Cenotaph from its present location to the Wellness Centre, subject to Village approval of the location.
Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Lunn,
And Resolved:
That Village Council supports the Slocan Valley Branch 276 of the Royal Canadian Legion with their Silvery Slocan Community Hall kitchen renovation project; and that the Legion ensure that all design work and building permits are in place and approved by the Village prior to the commencement of any work.
Moved by Councillor Lunn, seconded by Councillor Elliott,
And Resolved:
That the Slocan Valley Branch 276 of the Royal Canadian Legion undertake a before and after photo documentary of Silvery Slocan Community Hall kitchen renovation project; and that the Legion connect with the Slocan Valley Historical Society to assist with documenting the historical values of the Silvery Slocan Community Hall.
Bylaws: - Nil.
Reports; Moved by Councillor Lunn, seconded by Councillor Patterson,
And Resolved:
That the May 2013 report of the RDCK Director be received for information.
Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Patterson,
And Resolved:
That Staff be directed to prepare a report on possible management options of gophers at the Cemetery.
Moved by Councillor McGreal, seconded by Councillor Patterson,
And Resolved:
That a Special Meeting of Council be held on June 20/13 at 6:00 p.m. for the public presentation of the Annual Report;
And that a Committee-of-the-Whole meeting be held immediately following the Special Meeting to discuss the draft Public Wharf Bylaw and Special Events Bylaw and the Village Facility Use and a Donations of Gifts policies.
Adjournment Moved by Councillor Patterson,
And Resolved:
That the meeting be adjourned at 8:57 p.m. 2013/184
Chief Administrative Officer