Minutes of the meeting of the Parish council held on Tuesday 17th November 2015 at Green Hammerton village hall, Harrogate Road, Green Hammerton at 19.30.

15/095 Present

Cllrs Bailes (Chair), Chelton, Andrew, G Leather, M Leather, Taylor and Tegerdine.

15/096 in Attendance

Mrs Kirkwood (taking the minutes) Nine members of the public

15/097 Apologies for absence

Cllr Lewis (HBC) and Paul Whelan (the clerk)

sent their apologies

15/098 Declaration of interest and dispensations

No interests were declared

15/099 Public participation

No matters raised

15/100 Redrow development (proposed 83 houses)

There is no confirmed date for the HBC planning committee to meet to discuss this application – a member of public did mention he had received information to say that the meeting was on the 22nd December 2015. It was agreed for Cllr Chelton to speak at the meeting representing the Parish Council for the allocated 3minutes. The need was emphasized for him to speak for the whole parish based on the relevant consultation. It was also agreed to send each HBC planning committee member a copy of the parish council Redrow report nearer to the time of the planning meeting.

A meeting was held with Yorkshire Water (YW) attended by Cllr M Leather, Cllr Chelton and Cllr Lewis to discuss the impact of the drainage from the proposed Redrow development at Bernard Lane. YW had no previous reports of drainage problems but it was agreed that YW would investigate further. The possible outcome of this investigation could result in YW reconsidering its’ report re The development. It was agreed that Cllr Chelton follow up this meeting and that residents should be requested viaVillage View to contact the Parish Council by email with photographic evidence of any incidents regarding drainage. Cllr G Leather to action.

It was believed by the meeting that the decision regarding the commuted sum had now been reversed and it was likely that Green Hammerton would get the full commuted sum. Even though a member of public had received this information to support this view, it had not yet been received by the parish council formally.

15.101 Update on Cycle Path

Jonathan Purday presented the Parish Council with the completed proposal report prepared by Chain Events. He reported that the report had been well received and several funders have shown interest. Estimated costs for the construction of the path; £57,300 Basic track £85,000 with optional extra features.

15/102 Proposed development by Linden Homes (proposed 18 houses)

No date yet for the HBC planning committee to meet to discuss this development.The value of both applications being heard together at the HBC planning committee was discussed. Both developments would have an impact on Bernard Lane drainage. It was agreed Cllr Chelton to ‘hand deliver’ the Parish Council response to the relevant planning officer.

15/103 Reports from District and County Councillors

None were received

15/104 Confirmation of minutes of the meeting held on 17th November

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 20th October 2015 be accepted as a true record. The chairman signed the minutes.

15/105 Report from the Clerk to the Parish Council

  1. Received planning application from Linden Homes for 18 homes
  2. Printed and helped to distribute newsletter about Redrow and Linden developments
  3. Arranged extra meeting to consider Linden Homes planning application
  4. Wrote to NYCC about dead branches on trees opposite school entrance
  5. Wrote to David Bowe about highway lights
  6. Sent Bill Smith the information about Neighbourhood Watch signs
  7. Wrote to Superintendent Mike Walker about Rapid Response Unit
  8. Wrote to HBC Tree Officer about the maple outside No4 The Crescent
  9. Chased up noticeboard installation and replied to unsuccessful tenders
  10. Paid Chain Events for cycle survey report
  11. Wrote to HBC for their contribution to the cycle path survey
  12. Wrote to Kirk Hammerton for their contribution to the cycle path survey

Cllr M Leather informed the meeting that the Rapid Response unit has been moved to Ripon.

It was agreed for the clerk to follow up on the installation of the noticeboard.

15/106 Approval of Payments


100864Garden Grooming – Basal growth on Lime Tree £86.40

100865Paul Whelan – Oct Salary & allowance£192.49

15/107 Parking issues at York Road/Boroughbridge Road Junction

Concerns were discussed over the regular parking of cars along this road particularly since this road is used regularly by buses and farm vehicles. The combination of parked cars and cars pulling out of the Green junction onto Boroughbridge Road make this a danger spot. It was agreed for the clerk to write a courteous letter to the residents of Cowley Mews (to the three houses facing York Rd/Boroughbridge Rd).

Further concern was noted about the parking of the Post Office van near the junction of Harrogate Road and York Road. The clerk to follow up on previous correspondence with the post master.

15/108 Precept 2016/2017

It was agreed to defer this item as additional information was required.

15/109Hedge and verge cutting at Helenfield

Cllr Taylor informed the meeting that Helenfield (according to themanagement plan) is cut every 3 years. He also informed the meeting, that any items of concern regarding Helenfield need to be addressed to the sub committee directly.

15.110 Reports from Committees, outside bodies and ongoing tasks

It was noted that the following issues are still ongoing:

Planter still has not been moved. Ideally, needs to be done before colder weather.

Silage bag still needs to be removed from Stoned House Lane.

It was reported that:

The bench outside the post office has been removed by Mr D Mack and will be repaired.

Salt bin on Kirk Hammerton Lane is in a bad state.

The meeting ended at 8.36pm

Dates for future meetings:

At 7.30pm in the village hall



Jan 19th, Feb 16th, March 15th