State of Connecticut
CORE-CT Project / Configuration Approach

Item Overview:

A Workgroup is a group of time reporters who share common compensation requirements.

Menu Path:

Define Business Rules / Define Time and Labor / Setup 1 / Workgroup


Record Information:

TL_WRKGRP_TBL / Workgroup Table / A group of time reporters who share common compensation requirements.


The State of CT will establish Workgroups after analysis of the workforce, bargaining units and agencies sharing common compensation requirements. Workgroups will be based on the current bargaining unit structure. However, to accommodate the multiple variations of compensation requirement combinations within bargaining units it is anticipated that there will be multiple workgroups for some bargaining units. For example, most bargaining units have some employees that have time reported as exception time reporting and some employees reported as positive time reporting. Therefore, the bargaining unit will need one Workgroup created for positive type time reporting and another Workgroup created for exception type time reporting.

Each Workgroup has PeopleSoft imposed restrictions that must be considered based on the assigned Rule Program ID and TRC Program ID in the Compensation Controls on the Workgroup page. Other restrictions are determined by the Time Type (Exception or Positive Time Reporting). Additional restrictions based on defaults could have an effect (Holiday Schedule, Compensatory Time Off Plan, Time Period ID, Schedule ID). Overall the Time and Labor team expects to establish approximately 100 workgroups.

In addition to the above requirements, several workgroups will be established to support the reporting of time for Non-Resident aliens. The number of workgroups generated will tie directly to the number of income codes that the State identifies.

Note: Please be aware that UCONN, UCHC will have no input or workgroups established since they have decided to become interfacing agencies

Information Source:

  • State statutes, regulations, bargaining unit contracts and agency requirements. Agency SMEs

Data Entry Method:

______On-Line Pages

X Excel Spreadsheet

Fields on Record:

WORKGROUP / Workgroup / A 10 character upper case key field. Required.
Used to identify a group of employees that share identical compensation requirements such as pay group, union, work location. The first three digits will be used for the numeric code of the bargaining unit or labor unit. The next digit will either be a ‘P’ for positive time reporters or an ‘E’ for Exception reported. The next four digits will be used to identify the standard hours for the group. The final two digits will be reserved for use to support other status variations. An example of a workgroup name would be 001P3750CA. Note: when the final decision is made related to the naming standard all workgroups will have the same number of bytes,
EFFDT / Effective Date / A 10 digit date key field. Required. Identifies the effective date that the Workgroup became active or inactive. Initial load date = 01/01/1901.
EFF_STATUS / Status as of Effective Date / A one character upper case required field used to identity the status of Active/Inactive. Xlat value = A (Active), I (Inactive). Default is Active. Accept the default.
DESCR / Description / A 30 character mixed case long label used to identify the Workgroup. Key field. Required. This field should be set to a meaningful value
DESCRSHORT / Short Description / A 10 character mixed case short label used to identify the Workgroup. Defaults to the first ten characters of the TL_WRKGRP_TBL_DESCR. This field value should be meaningful.
TRC_PROGRAM / TRC Program ID / A 5 character upper case field that identifies the TRC Program which contains the list of TRCs that are used to create payable time for the employees belonging to this workgroup. Only the TRCs associated with the TRC Program assigned to this Workgroup will be displayed when reporting time. Exceptions will be created if invalid TRCs are reported. Required field. Prompt table = TL_TRC_PGM_TBL. The valid values for this field will be determined as part of the Time Reporting Code Program work unit.
RULE_PGM_ID / Rule Program ID / A 12 character upper case field. Prompt table = TL_RULE_PGM. The Rule Program is not required, however, it is needed in order for the time reporters in this group to have rules applied during Time Administration Rules processing. Time Administration will create payable time even if the workgroup has no rule program. If the rule program attached to a workgroup is changed the Referential Integrity process will determine the Payable Time affected by the change and trigger Time Administration to reprocess the time. . The valid values for this field will be determined as part of the rules_program work unit.
TIME_RPTG_TYPE / Time Reporting Type / A one character upper case field used to report the type of time being reported. Required field. Xlat value = E (Exception), P (Positive). Defaults to E. Accept the default, although some work units will be setup to force positive pay.
HOLIDAY_SCHEDULE / Holiday Schedule / A 6 character upper case field used to identify the holiday schedule associated with a Workgroup. The employee’s holiday schedule is located on the Job record. If no holiday schedule is listed on the Job record, the system checks this field at the workgroup level. Required field. Prompt table = HOLIDAY_TBL. The valid values for this field will be determined as part of the Holiday Schedule work unit.
PERIOD_ID / Time Period ID / A 12 character upper case field. Required field. Prompt Table = TL_TR_PRDS_VW which is TL_TIME_PERIODS. Used to establish time periods to differentiate between time that falls within the current period and time that falls within a prior period. Daily, Weekly and Monthly Period types are used to create time reporting periods. Repeating Period and Complex Period are used for rules processing. Bi-weekly periods can be created using the Weekly Period.
SCHEDULE_ID / Schedule ID / A 10 character upper case field. Prompt table = SCH_DEFN_TBL. Schedule definitions combine schedule templates into a pattern that can be used to produce a single schedule of work expectations over a period of time. The system uses the value as the default schedule assignment for all time reporters in this workgroup. For Exception type workgroups a value must be in this field or the system cannot create payable time. If you are creating a Positive workgroup, this field is optional. If the workgroup default Schedule ID is changed the system deletes workday overrides that are different than the scheduled assignment. Referential Integrity process is triggered by changes. To assign schedules to employees, the WORKFORCE_SYNC Message must be active on the PERSON_DATA message channel, which is delivered with PeopleSoft Application Messaging. This message inserts a row into the SCH_ASSIGN record when an employee is hired.
COMP_TIME_PLAN / Compensatory Time Off Plan / A 10 character upper case field. Prompt table = TL_COMP_TIME. If Default From Workgroup is set to “Y” on the TL Installation Table, the Compensatory Time Off Plan is required. No other Compensatory Time Off Plan can be used with the workgroup. The plan is associated with a TRC Program. If “N” is selected on the TL Installation, then the Workgroup is not limited to a specific Compensatory Time Off Plan. The default will be set to N on the TL Installation Table to allow the use of multiple plans.
NEEDS_APPR_FLAG / Needs Approval / A one character upper case required field. Edit = Y/N. The Needs Approval Flag should be selected if approval is required before the employee can be paid. If it is selected and the time is not approved, the employee will either not be paid or their time will not be finalized. Defaults to N. Accept the default.
DAYBREAKER / Day Breaker / A time field of 15 minutes. Required field. The point where one day crosses over to the next day, usually midnight. The system will use the day breaker to determine the exact date under report of each punch. The State will not be using punch time and therefore this field should be left blank.
DAYBREAKER_OPTIONS / Day Breaker Options / A one character upper case required field. Xlat = B (Begin Time of Shift), E (End Time of Shift), M (Majority of Shift), S (Split By Day Breaker). Defaults to B. Accept the default. The options refer to assigning all the time in a shift to a date based on when the first punch was logged, assigning the time to a date based on when the last punch was logged, assigning the time based on when the majority of the time in a shift was worked or split the time between different dates on either side of the day breaker. The State is not using punch time and therefore this field should be set to the default value of ‘B’ (Begin Time of Shift).
ROUNDING_OPTIONS / Rounding Options / A one character upper case required field. Xlat = D (Day), N (None), S (Segment). Defaults to N. Accept the default. Segment rounds each segment of time and then sums all like segments before transferring the data to Payable Time. Day sums all like segment that belong to a single day and then applies the rounding rules. The State will always select ‘N’ for rounding options since punch time is not being used.
ROUNDING_OPTS_RULE / Round Duration After Rules / A one character upper case field. Edit = Y/N. Defaults to N. Accept the default. Post-rules rounding can be applied to punch time as well as elapsed time. Post-rules rounding is applied after rules have been processed, before time is transferred to Payable Time. The State will always select ‘N’ for rounding options rule since punch time is not being used.
ROUNDING_OPTS_PCH / Round Punches Before Rules / A one character upper case required field. Edit = Y/N. Default is N. Accept the default. Values are D (Day), N (None), P (Punch), S (Segment). Pre-rules rounding applies only to punch time data, not elapsed. The system rounds all reported punches before applying the rules to the time in Time Administration. The State will always select ‘N’ for rounding punch options since punch time is not being used.
ROUNDING_INTERVALS / Rounding Interval / A 3.2 number field. A rounding interval represents the number of minutes comprising a segment of an hour. This field will be left blank since punch time is not being used.
ROUNDING_MARKER / Rounding Marker / A 3.2 number field. Rounding markers work in conjunction with rounding intervals to define rounding rules; a point in time in relation to which the system rounds either up or down within an interval. The way rounding intervals and markers are used depends on whether the pre-rules or post-rules rounding is used. This field will be left blank since punch time is not being used.
DAYBREAKER_RANGE / DayBreakerRange / A one character upper case field. Xlat value = B (Range Start Day), E (Range End Day). Defaults to B. Accept the default of B since the State is not using punch time.

Dependencies and Timing:

  • WORKGROUP TABLE requires the following Prompt Tables:







  • TRC Programs must be defined prior to assigning to the Workgroups
  • Rule Programs must be defined prior to assigning to Workgroups
  • Analysis of workforce must be completed prior to establishing Workgroups
  • A flag in Application Messaging must be turned on by the technical team for Schedule ID

Testing Considerations:

  • If the Holiday Schedule default is selected the system should check the Job record first for a holiday schedule before using the default
  • If the Holiday Schedule is selected and the employee’s Job record does not carry a holiday schedule, the system should use the default holiday schedule
  • Test period of interest. Time entry associated with the old Workgroup and new Workgroup should be associated with the rule program in the appropriate Workgroup for each date
  • Test ability to use TRCs from TRC Program not associated with a particular Workgroup
  • Test the ability to use more than one Compensatory Time Off Plan for an individual employee (as the assumption is that the Compensatory Time Off Plan default will be set to N on the TL Installation Table)
  • Validate that multi job employees function properly.


  • Since the State envisions setting up multiple Compensatory Time Off Plans, the Default from Workgroup on the TL Installation Options Page will be set to N.
  • Workgroups will be set up according to bargaining unit and there could be more than one Workgroup established for each bargaining unit.
  • The State will not use punch time.
  • The State will use elapsed time reporting, therefore, rounding options will not be utilized.

Changes Needed:

Input Provided By:

Name / Title, Department
Dottie Enos / DMR Time and Labor
Ryan Oakes / Configuration Team Lead, Accenture
Lee Stolzman / Time and Labor Team Lead
Diane Anzelloti / Time and Labor Team
Mark May / Time and Labor Team
Judd Nielsen / Time and Labor Team Lead, Accenture


Configuration Team



Configuration Team Leads


Ryan OakesRon Kuehner

Module Team Leads


Team Leads


Rajeev SharmaAnne North


Sue Martin


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