PURPOSE: / The Crystal Charitable Fund assists children and young adults with extreme financial need to:
·  break out of poverty so they can live comfortable, productive lives;
·  grow up to be examples to others and provide leadership in helping others do the same;
·  ultimately grow up to make a difference in bettering our world.
TYPE OF GRANT: / Grant for an extended and independent “away from home” cultural, educational experience that will provide a skill, knowledge and/or personal value to the individual. WE DO NOT FUND THE FOLLOWING: school tuition; equipment and supplies; spending money; college tours; group trips; applicants traveling with friends, classmates or relatives; applicants who have previously lived abroad or experienced an extended away from home activity; applicants who have previously received a Crystal award.
AMOUNT OF GRANT: / One time grant up to $4,000
GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION: / Primarily limited to applicants from the metropolitan Chicago area.
FOCUS GROUP: / Adolescents and young adults ages 13 to 19 years, from very financially impoverished family situations with good academic standing. “Very financially impoverished family” may vary based on complete application, but is generally defined as 200% of Federal Poverty Guidelines for families of 2; 175% for families of 3-4; 150% for families of 5-7; and 135% or less for families of 8 or more.
INDIVIDUAL CRITERIA: / All aspects of the application and supplemental information submitted are considered in the decision to approve or not approve a grant application.
APPLICATION DEADLINES: / Rolling application process; we will not consider applications that arrive within one month of the trip departure date. Agencies/Sponsors shall not apply for more than (10) applications per week. Applicants need to allow six weeks turnaround for grant decision. Please note that this does NOT include time for payment.
PROCEDURE: / ·  All applications should be completed online by a sponsor. See our website: for more information.
·  Students interested in applying for our Crystal Charitable Fund Grant, please contact your sponsoring organization and have them register to begin the online application process.
QUESTIONS? / Contact us at:
Crystal Charitable Fund
Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation
1049 Lake St., Suite 204, Oak Park IL 60301
(708) 848-1560 ¨ (708) 848-1531 fax



Application Procedure for Sponsors / Check
Download the full application and guidelines
Send the full application to the student to complete and return to you (Note: Student should not complete the Sponsor’s recommendation section)
Check the information submitted by the student to make sure that it is complete and that the following information is correct: school information, including GPA.
Complete the online application. To do so, you will need to use information from the student. Additional information from the sponsor is also required.
Required documents for upload
After completing the online application, please print out the PDF and send it to the student so the student and a parent/legal guardian can sign and date it. Have them return it to you when complete. Once the sponsoring organization, the student, and the student’s parent/guardian sign and date all applicable areas, please scan the document and upload it online.
A 1-2 page brochure or informational material from the organization providing the travel program/activity.
The family's most recent tax return. Sensitive information such as Social Security Numbers MUST be blacked out.
Student's essay questions.


Grant Responsibility Agreement

The purpose of the Crystal Fund is to assist children and young adults with extreme financial need to: break out of poverty so they can live comfortable, productive lives; grow up to be examples to others and to provide leadership in helping others do the same; ultimately grow up to make a difference in bettering our world.

Sponsor Organization Responsibility:

·  Recommend a mature, responsible youth for the Crystal Fund Grant

·  Complete the online application

·  Assist the applicant with the completion & submission of the Application Form

·  Monitor and supervise the applicant in following through with all travel preparation

·  Complete and submit Sponsor Organization Feedback Form within 90 days after travel

·  Ensure Crystal recipient submits Feedback Form within 90 days

Applicant Responsibility:

·  Complete the application form provided by the Sponsor

·  Accountable for preparation for the trip with sponsor

·  Be aware of travel updates

·  Obtain Passport (if needed)

·  Update Immunizations (if needed)

·  Spending money

·  If the trip is over $4,000 the applicant is responsible for the difference

·  Follow through to completion of trip (possible cost for not attending)

·  Complete and submit Applicant Feedback Form to the Crystal Fund within 90 days of returning from trip

Crystal Fund Responsibility:

·  Provide youth the opportunity with an extended "away from home" travel experience that will provide skill, knowledge and/or personal value as a means of support to the individual

·  Carefully evaluate and select Crystal Fund recipients based on eligibility requirements, and including follow through and commitment by sponsors

·  Provide grants to eligible participants to cover fees submitted on application plus travel expenses up to $4,000

·  Communicate with Crystal Fund Applicants and Sponsoring Organization about the commitment involved in accepting a Crystal Fund Scholarship

·  Serve as an information source for requests for Crystal funding

·  Provide information on possible trip opportunity for applicants

I, ______understand and agree with the Responsibilities of the

(Applicant signature) Crystal Charitable Fund Application.

I, ______understand and agree with the Responsibilities of the

(Sponsoring Agency signature) Crystal Charitable Fund Application.



Please complete ALL of the following application parts. Leaving a portion blank will disqualify or delay your application. Please TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary; however ensure that all parts of the application are SINGLE-SIDED ONLY.

Date of application: / Name of Agency submitting application:
Name of Agency staff completing application:
Phone: / Fax: / Email:
Address: / City, State: / Zip:
Name of individual being nominated:
Phone: / Date of birth: / Parent/Guardian Name:
Address: / City, State: / Zip:
Name of school attending:
Public Private Charter / Current grade in school: / Grade point average:
Grant amount requested: / Date grant verification needed:
Activity for which grant is requested: / Location of activity (City, Country)
Dates of activity (beginning and ending):
/ / What are the accommodations on this trip
(hotel, dorm, homestay, camping)?:
Name of organization providing activity: / Phone: / Fax:
Organization contact person: / Email:
Type of organization (check one): ___For-profit ___Not-for-profit
Please attach organization's brochure with description of activity (no more than 2pages)
Total cost of program (including travel, documentation, out of pocket, etc.):$
Are there any other sources of support for your program (family, other scholarships, sponsor, etc.)?
1. / $
2. / $
3. / $



Please complete ALL of the following application parts. Leaving a portion blank will disqualify or delay your application. Please TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary; however ensure that all parts of the application are SINGLE-SIDED ONLY.

Date of Application: / Applicant Name: / M/F / Parent/Guardian Name:
Date of birth: / Phone: / Email:
Address: / City, State: / Zip:
Name of School attending:
Public Private Charter / Current grade in school: / Grade point average:
Please list all individuals in household:
Name: / Date of Birth: / Relationship: / Highest level of Education
Total household annual income:
(attach current tax return if available) / Parent(s)/Guardian
Does your family own any real estate, automobiles or bank accounts? (please list):
Please note unusual expenses or circumstances you would like taken into consideration:
Have you had extended time away from home or have you previously traveled extensively either within the U.S. or to another country? Yes No
When did you go? For how long? Where did you go? What did you do?

Diversity information (optional):
Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation will use diversity data for informational purposes only, to help the Foundation keep current with the diversity profile of its constituencies. This information will not be used to evaluate your application.
Please check all categories that are relevant to you:

Black/African American European American/Caucasian
Arab American Latino/Latina American
Asian American/Pacific Islander Native American

Biracial/Multiracial American Other (please specify) ______
Grant amount requested: / Date grant verification needed:
Specific activity for which grant is requested: / Location of activity (Country, City)
Dates of activity (beginning and ending):
/ / Where will you stay on this trip
(hotel, dorm, homestay, camping)?:
Name of organization providing activity: / Phone: / Fax:
Organization contact person: / Email:

Please answer the following questions in paragraph form to assist the committee in the selection process (you may attach additional sheets).

1.  What do you hope to achieve through participation in this activity?

2.  How will you use your experience as a way of encouraging/supporting others to make

positive life changes?

I have answered questions on this application to the best of my ability and believe my answers are true and correct.
I have read this application and the responses are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
I support this application.
I believe that the information provided about this applicant is true and correct.

page 1 of 7 updated 10/28/2015