January 21, 2017 General Meeting
Attending: Timothy Burchett, Christopher Lanski, Shannon Wiebke, Rich Hoops, Stephanie Young, Jennifer George, Bob Shaw, Steve Georgeson, Edward Bond, Colby Clendenin, Bob Barkley, Jeannie Chau, Kevin Hamacek, Vita Ozoude, Matt Johnson & Yvette Hamacek.
I. Welcome & Meeting Ground Rules Timothy Burchett
II. Attendee Introductions/Vote-In Board Members Timothy Burchett
Open Board Positions:
· Division Coordinators
· …and MORE.
Motion by Shannon Wiebke to keep everyone in their current board positions. Second by Jeannie Chau. Unanimously Approved.
III. Review and Approve Previous Minutes Timothy Burchett
Motion to approve August and October minutes by Shannon Wiebke. Second by Kevin Hamacek. Unanimously Approved.
IV. Review and Approve Financials Timothy Burchett (Vita Ozoude)
August 2016:
Total Assets: / $109,821.59Total Expenses: / $34,486.04
Total Income: / $5,673.23
Net Income: / ($28,812.81)
September 2016
Total Assets: / $98,186.78Total Expenses: / $1,796.36
Total Income: / $4,863.94
Net Income: / $3,067.58
October 2016
Total Assets: / $98,186.78Total Expenses: / $117,426.37
Total Income: / $114,126.83
Net Income: / ($3,299.54)
November 2016
Total Assets: / $85,098.00Total Expenses: / $10,891.23
Total Income: / $ 603.61
Net Income: / ($10,287.62)
December 2016
Total Assets: / $76.561.68Total Expenses: / $12,460.12
Total Income: / $ 675.68
Net Income: / ($11,784.44)
Year End 2016
Total Assets: / $76,561.68Total Expenses: / $85,941.37
Total Income: / $26,743.26
Net Income: / ($59,198.11)
Motion to approve financials for August, September, October, November, December, and Year End 2016 by Bob Shaw. Second by Colby Clendenin. Unanimously approved.
V. Budget Timothy Burchett
2016 Spring Budget
Budget / Actual / Over / (Under)Revenues / $35,625.00 / $36,735.05 / $1,110.05
Expenditures / $38,000.00 / $30,433.55 / ($7,566.45)
TOTAL / $6,301.50
2016 Fall Budget
Budget / Actual / Over / (Under)Revenues / $82,535.00 / $79,988.81 / ($2,546.19)
Expenditures / $104,618.00 / $102,128.64 / ($2,494.36)
TOTAL / ($22,134.83)
We will talk to National to see if we are being refunded fees for dropped players.
Spring 2018:
· Registration: The budget is based on $75.00 per player and 500 players, or $37,500.00 total.
· Registration Fee Refunds: Budget will remain the same at ($3.75)/player or ($1,875).
· Total estimated Revenue is $35,625 or $71.25 per player.
· Uniforms – Players: Budget will remain the same at $25/player or $12,500.
· Uniforms – Coaches: Budget will increase to $2/player or $1000.
· Uniforms – Referees: Budget will remain the same at $1/player or $500.
· Uniforms – Other: Budget will remain the same at $1/player or $500.
· Field Expenses: Budget will remain the same $2/player or $1,000.
· Facility/Park Fees: Budget will decrease to $20.50/player or $10,250.
· Equipment: Budget will decrease to $2.50/player or $1,250.
· Storage Fees: Budget will decrease to $1.20/player or $600.
· Ads/Newsletter/Yearbook/Pictures: Budget will remain at $3/player or $1,500.
· Clinic Training Expenses – Coaches: Budget will remain the same $1.50/player or $750.
· Clinic Training Expenses – Referees: Budget will remain the same at $1/player or $500.
· Payments to AYSO – Registration Fees: Budget will increase to $4/player or $2,000.
· Conferences/Meetings: The budget will remain the same at $1/player or $500.
· Section/NAGM: The budget will remain the same at $4/player or $2,000.
· Phone/Internet/Website: The budget will remain the same at $0.50/player or $250.00
· Postage: The budget will remain the same at $0.50/player or $250.
· Office Supplies: The budget will remain the same at $0.75/player or $125.00.
· Miscellaneous Supplies: The budget will remain the same at $0.25/player or $125.00.
· Bank Fees: The budget will remain the same at $2.75/player or $1,375.00.
· Other Expenses: The budget will remain the same at $0.25/player or $125.00.
· Total estimated Expenditures is $37,350.00or $74.70/player.
The Estimated Ending Cash Balance is ($1,725).
Fall 2017:
· Registration: The budget is based on $100/player and 850 players for a total of $85,000.
· Registration Fee Refunds: Budget will remain at ($3.50)/player or ($2,975.00).
· Interest Income: Budget will remain at $0.60/player or $510.
· This gives us an estimate Revenue of $82,535.00 or $97.10/player.
· Uniforms – Players: Budget will remain at $25/player or $21,250.
· Uniforms – Coaches: Budget will remain the same at $2.50/player or $2,125.
· Uniforms – Referees: Budget will remain at $1.50/player or $1,200.
· Uniforms – Other: Budget will remain at $1/player or $850.
· Field Expenses: Budget will remain the same at $5.53/player or $4,700.50.
· Facility/Park Fees: Budget will remain at $23.10/player or $19,635.
· Equipment: Budget will decrease to $2.50/player or $2,125.
· Storage Fees: Storage fees will remain the same at $0.75/player or $637.50.
· Tourn: Incentive, Trophies Awards: Budget will remain at $8/player or $6,800. Tabled until February so that we can discuss the possibility of getting a team on the field.
· Ads/Newsletter/Yearbook/Pictures: Budget will remain the same at $3.50/player or $2,975.
· Fund Raising Other: Budget will remain the same at $0.50/player or $425.
· Awards & Volunteer Recognition: Budget will remain the same at $5/player or $4,250. Tabled until February to discuss participation rewards.
· Clinic Training Expenses – Coaches: Budget will remain the same at $4/player or $3,400.
· Clinic Training Expenses – Referees: Budget will remain the same at $2.50/player or $2,125. Tabled until February to discuss.
· Payments to AYSO – Interregional: Budget will remain the same at $2/player or $1,700.
· Payments to AYSO – Registration Fees: Budget will remain the same at $17.75/player or $15,087.50.
· Conferences/Meetings: The budget will remain the same at $0.50/player or $425.
· Section/NAGM: The budget will remain the same at $4/player or $3,400.
· Phone/Internet/Website: The budget will remain the same at $0.50/player or $425.
· Postage: The budget will remain the same at $0.50/player or $425.
· Office Supplies: The budget will increase to $0.75/player or $637.50.
· Bank Fees: The budget will remain the same at $2.00/player or $1,700.
· Other Expenses: The budget will remain the same at $0.20/player or $170.
· Total estimated Expenditures is $96,543 or $113.58/player.
The Estimated Ending Cash Balance is ($14,008).
The budget will be revisited in February due to the large number of changes, and finalized before it is due in July.
Fees are anticipated to remain the same as 2016:
· Spring Registration: $75.00/child
· Fall Early Registration: In-person: $85/child, Online: $110/child
· Fall Regular Registration: $135/child
VI. 2017 Calendar Timothy Burchett
Board meetings will be moved to the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
February: First in-person spring registration on Saturday the 11th from 9am-12pm (Location TBD). Second in-person spring registration on Wednesday the 15th from 5pm-7:30pm (Trying to book Alf Sorenson). Registration closes on the 20th; players added after this date will be waitlisted and placed as space allows. The last day for full refunds is the 20th. SYSF is on the 21st.
March: AYSO Expo is the 3rd through 5th in Las Vegas. Forms are distributed to Coordinators on the 1st, and draft week will take place from the 13th-17th. The 15th is the deadline for 50% registrations. Practice will begin the week of the 20th. We are hoping to be able to schedule a U-12 Coach training prior to practices starting. AYSO Western States Championship will take place in Carson City on the 25th-26th; Sparks AYSO will send referees. SYSF is on the 21st.
April: Fields will be painted on the 1st. We will also try to schedule a basic referee class on April 1st. Season begins on the 8th and continue through the month. SYSF on the 25th.
May: No games on the 6th for Picture Day/Soccerfest/Early Fall Registration. Regular games on 13th and 20th. No games on the 27th for Memorial Day Weekend. First early fall registration on Wednesday the 31st, from 5-7:30 pm. SYSF on the 23rd.
June: Games finish on the 10th, with early fall registration on the field at Bud Beasley from 9am-12pm. Registration closes on the 26th; players signed up after this date will be at the regular rate of $135 and waitlisted with spots filled as available. SYSF on the 27th.
July: Registration forms to Coordinators on the 3rd. The last day for full refund requests is the 4th. Draft week on the 24th-28th. Fall practices begin on the 31st. SYSF on the 25th.
August: Fields will be painted on the 5th. Games start on the 12th and continue through the month. Deadline for 50% refunds is the 19th. SYSF on the 22nd.
September: No games on the 2nd for Labor Day. Games will be played on the 9th, 16th, and 23rd. Pictures are tentatively scheduled for the 16th, but we will request that they be taken over 2 weeknights. Trophies should be picked up by the 22nd. No games on the 30th for fall break. Bonus tournament begins on the 25th. SYSF on the 26th.
October: No games played on weeknights during the first week of October. Saturday games will resume on the 7th and 14th. Championship Saturday is scheduled for the 21st. SYSF on the 24th.
November: Soccer Ball tentatively scheduled for the 4th in lieu of the UNR football schedule. SYSF on the 28th.
VII. Registration Shannon Wiebke/Timothy Burchett
Starting in Fall 2017 a new registration system, Blue Sombrero, is being deployed. We will be learning more about this system at Expo in March.
We really need more people to help out with two things: registration events and field layouts. Last year we were severely lacking.
Kid Zone forms have not been signed the past couple of years due to most of the registrations being online and the form not being integrated into the eAYSO system. Shannon suggested that these would be a good addition to the parent packets that the coaches will be handing out at the beginning of the season.
VIII. Team Balancing Timothy Burchett
Fall of 2016, we had a ton of player evaluations come in. They were submitted in excel and PDF, so we need a volunteer to put the evaluations into one excel spreadsheet with tabs for each division so that we can easily view rankings in the fall. One of the problems that we run into is that we may have a child in U-12 who gets ranked a 9 or a 10 but is suddenly the youngest player in his division at U-15. Tim wonders if we should assign some sort of correction factor for children who are advancing. Colby suggested that we should sort each division by age and then by their evaluation score. Steve agreed. Jeannie reminded everyone that the evaluations are subjective, so what one coach sees as a 9 or 10 may only be a 7 to another coach. She recommended continuing to try to sort by age and experience. There was talk of splitting divisions into A and B groups, but the consensus was that weaker players need to play with stronger players to improve. We believe that dividing the evaluations into age brackets and then evaluation score will work well for U-10 and above.
We also want to strive to create balance for teams in U-6 and U-8. Our plan will be to sort kids by years of experience, and divide them up accordingly. All attempts will be made to distribute 4 years, 3 years, and 2 years as evenly as possible. No more than three 1-year or no experience players will be placed on a team if it can be avoided.
IX. Equipment & Fields Christopher Lanski/Timothy Burchett/Jeannie Chau
Fields: Bud Beasley has swampy areas around the edges of the field. We will move the Jobox to somewhere that does not hold as much water. Locks on the Joboxes at Reed are working. We need to fill some holes at Dunn. Golden Eagle fields are not being replaced under warranty. The City of Sparks is trying to find donors and supporters to allow for them to redo fields 7 and 8.
We have the same field space for Spring that we did last year. Practices on weeknights, games on Saturdays only. More field space may become available, but we will not know until at least March.
Equipment: Greenbrae trophies has offered to reuse some of our excess trophies from previous seasons that are accumulating in storage. Spring Inventory will take place in a couple of months.
The storage room at Golden Eagle that we share with GBYSL has a manual lock and opens quite high. We can get a garage door opener installed on the door. We approved $500 last Fall, but it turns out that this only covers our part of the electrical wiring for the opener, not the complete installation. The full quote is about $3,000, putting the Sparks AYSO portion at approximately $1,000. Christopher Lanski motioned that we approve $1,000 to purchase the garage door. Second by Bob Shaw. Two opposed. Motion Carried.
The field painter that was purchased last year is not working as expected. It is repeatedly fouling the spark plug and needs to be worked on before each use (working on possible warranty claim for repair). The iGo Mini field painter is recommended as a replacement. It is battery operated, and we can purchase extra batteries so that we could paint all of the fields. There was not a price online for the extra battery at this time. There is special paint that is required for use. Tim did the calculations and it works out to a savings of approximately $0.005 per yard of paint. These paint bags and the painter will be lighter and easier to handle, the would fit inside of the trunk of a car, and they would take up less room in storage. Purchase of the iGo Mini Paint Machine Starter Pack and extra battery from Score Sports has been tabled until February so that we can do more research on the warranty and service options.
X. Safety Steve Georgeson
We need to keep Ice Packs in the First Aid Kits at the field. The kits that we got from Remsa the past few years have been appreciated but are inadequate for the older divisions. The instant cold packs, gauze, tape, and 4x4’s will continue to be stocked in Joboxes. We will continue to provide first aid kits to coaches for practice since the Joboxes are not open at that time. Steve will look into kits that may be better suited to put in the equipment bags.