Schedule 6
1. A’Sai
2. Abigail Slade
3. Ace / “Ace” Spencer
4. Agony / Leslie Gesneria
5. Alberto Ortega
6. Alexis Sharp
7. Alien Symbiote / Alien Costume (origin of the black-suited Spider-Man)
8. Alison Mongrain
9. Amanda Saint
10. Amun / Jon Kasiya
11. Amy Chen
12. Andros
13. Angus (Sandy Aitchinson’s bloodhound)
14. Angus Munro
15. Answer, The / Aaron Nicholson
16. Antro / Hashi Noto
17. Anubia
18. Apocalypse (first appearing in Vampire Tales #7)
19. Arachne / Dr. Sylvia Yacqua
20. Araknet, The Spider-God
21. Araña / Anya (Ana) Sofia Corazon
22. Armada
23. Armand Dubroth
24. Arnold Strunk
25. Ashcan / Alexander “Alex” Woolcot
26. Aura / Annie Herd
27. Banjo
28. Barnett, Geoffrey “Boss”
29. Basilisk / Wayne Gifford
30. Batwing / James “Jimmy” Santini
31. Belladonna / Narda Ravanna
32. Bert Gilmore
33. Big Man (I) a.k.a. Mr. Big / Frederick Foswell
34. Bigman (II) / Janice Foswell
35. Big Wheel, The / Jackson Weele
36. Binka Ivana
37. Black Alfred
38. Black Cat / Felicia Hardy
39. Black Fox, The / Raul Chalmers
40. Black Insect Swarm
41. Black Tarantula (I) / Carlos LaMuerto
42. Black Tarantula (II) / Fabian LaMuerto
43. Blackie Gaxton
44. Blaze (I) / Ashley Crawford, Thomas and Barry (students participating in a hoax)
45. Blaze (II) / Kirk Donaghue
46. Blitz
47. Blood Leader
48. Blood Rose / Richard Fisk
49. Blood Spider
50. Blood-Tide
51. Bloodbath aka Bloodbather, “Subway Vampire Killer”
52. Bloodlust / Beatta Dubiel
53. Bloodshed / Wyndell Dichinson
54. Bloodthirst
55. Blowtorch
56. Bluebird (I) / Zora Loftus
57. Bluebird (II) / Sally Avril
58. Bombadier
59. Bomblast / Parmenter
60. Morgan Boone
61. Bounty Hunter / Tommy Barrett
62. Brainstorm / Jimmy
63. Bramer
64. Brother Power / Achmed Korba
65. Brown Raincoat
66. Bruno Grainger
67. Buddy Corbett
68. Buel a.k.a. Plasmmage, a.k.a. Gremlyn-Lord
69. Bugeye / Abner
70. Burglar a.k.a. Carjacker / Carradine
71. Buzz, The / Jack Jameson
72. Buzzard
73. Caesar "Big C" Cicero
74. Caiman
75. Calypso / Calypso Ezili
76. Captain Power / Dr. Christina "Chris" Carr
77. Captain Zero
78. Cardiac / Dr. Elias “Eli” Wirtham
79. Carlyle, nicknamed Carlyle Calamari
80. Caretaker of Arcturus IV
81. Carnage / Cletus Kasady
82. Carrion (I) / Prof. Miles Warren clone
83. Carrion (II) / Malcolm McBride / Malcolm MacBride
84. Carrion (III) / Dr. William Allen
85. Cat a.k.a. Cat Burglar, Prowler
86. Cat, The / Walter Hardy
87. Chakane
88. Chakra
89. Chameleon, The / Dmitri Smerdyakov a.k.a. Dmitri Kravinoff
90. Chance / Nicholas Powell
91. Charles H. "Charlie" Buchanan
92. Charlie
93. Charlie Shaddock
94. Chief Inspector Krahn, RCMP
95. Clash
96. Clifton Arliss
97. Col. Buchinsky
98. Coldheart / Kateri Deseronto
99. Commanda / Catherine D'Anton
100. Commuter / Ron
101. Conchita Hernandez
102. Connie Hunt
103. Conundrum
104. Cordite
105. Corona / Dagny Forrester / Dagney Forrester
106. Crazy Eight
107. Creaux
108. Creep
109. Crime-Master (I) / Nick "Lucky" Lewis
110. Crime-Master (II) / Nick Lewis, Jr.
111. Critical Mass / Arnie Gunderson
112. Crown a.k.a. Hunger
113. Crushtacean
114. Cyber Scarlet Spider / Joseph “Joe” Wade
115. Cyber-Spider / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
116. Cyber-Hunters
117. Cyberslayers
118. Cyborg X
119. Cyclone / André Gerard
120. D.K. / David Kalen
121. Daniel Lindy
122. Dark Mairi of the Shore / Mairi
123. Darter / Randy Vale
124. Daze
125. Dead Aim
126. Deadmaker / Anatolovich
127. Dealer, The
128. Death-Flame
129. Delilah
130. Demogoblin / an unknown demon fused with Jason Philip “The Hobgoblin” Macendale, Jr.
131. Demon-Fire Cult (villain team)
132. Dentist, The
133. Dick Packer
134. Digger (II) / former mobsters known as “The Vegas Thirteen”, including Freddie Carnevale, Santo Castellani, Jimmy “Little Man” Desanti, Louis Fredone, Tony Mascapone, George Sims and seven others
135. Discord
136. Disgraziato
137. Disruptor / Richard M. Raleigh
138. Doctor Angst / Jonas Mueller
139. Doctor Hope
140. Dr. David Langford
141. Dr. Emil Kovax – Mordechai (Bloodbath) Kovax’s father
142. Dr. Jacob Weisenthal
143. Dr. Jonas Harrow
144. Dr. Judas Traveller and his Host
145. Doctor Nero / Dr. Royce Nero
146. Doctor Octopus (I) a.k.a. “Doc Ock” (I) / Dr. Otto Octavius
147. Doctor Octopus (II) a.k.a. Lady Octopus, “Lady Ock” / Dr. Carolyn Trainer
148. Doctor Paine / Dr. Thaddeus Paine
149. Don Fortunato / Vincente Fortunato
150. Don Moroni
151. Doppelganger a.k.a. Spider-Man Doppelganger
152. Dormouse, The
153. Doug Powell
154. Dragons / street gang
155. Dryrot / Paul Contoni
156. Duke (first appearing in Spider-Man: The Lost Years #1)
157. Dumont, Harry
158. Dusk (I) / Peter Parker
159. Dusk (II) / Cassie St. Commons
160. “Dutch” Malone
161. El Muerto / Juan Carlos Estrada Sanchez
162. El Toro Negro (The Black Bull) / Sergio Torres
163. El Uno
164. Electro / Maxwell "Max" Dillon
165. Eli Rumsford
166. Elmak the Light-Shaper
167. Emilio – Morbius Victim
168. Empathoid, The
169. Emperor of the Eastern Galactic Sector
170. Ephex, The
171. Equinox a.k.a. Thermodynamic Man, The / Terrence “Terry” Sorenson
172. Ezekiel / Ezekiel Sims
173. FACADE (Full Acclimation Combat And Defense Explo-skeleton) / unknown alter ego – suspects include Archer Bryce and Cole Cooper
174. Fancy Dan (I) / Daniel Brito
175. Fancy Dan (II) / Dan Rubinstein
176. Finisher, The / Karl Fiers
177. Firearm
178. Firebrand / Russ Broxtel
179. Firefist
180. Firelight / Gabriel "Gabe" O'Hara
181. Flare
182. Flipside
183. Flying Fox
184. Fogg / Thomas Fogg
185. Foreigner, The / Basil, Rafael Sabitini, Lt. Christopher "Kris" Keating and others aliases
186. Fox, The / Reynard Slinker
187. Foxy Briggs
188. Frank Cortese
189. Frank Cruz / Franz Kraus
190. Frank Gibbs
191. Frankie the Fish
192. Freak
193. Fusion (I), the Twin Terror / Hubert and Pinky Fusser
194. Fusion (II) / Wayne Markley
195. Future Max / Max
196. Fyodor Rebrov
197. Gale
198. Gantry
199. Gatekeeper, The
200. Gaunt / Prof. Mendel Stromm
201. Gauntlet / Alfredo Morelli
202. Gavin Thorpe
203. Genetrix
204. Gentleman, The / Gustav Fiers
205. George Hill
206. Gibbon, The / Martin Blank
207. Goblinettes
208. Gog (an alien, first appearing in Amazing Spider-Man #103)
209. Gorath Tenclaws
210. Gray Goblin, The Gabriel Stacy
211. Green Goblin, The (I) / Norman Osborn II
212. Green Goblin, The (II) a.k.a. “The New Goblin” / Harold “Harry” Osborn
213. Green Goblin, The (III) / Dr. Barton "Bart" Hamilton
214. Green Goblin, The (IV) / Phillip “Phil” Urich
215. Green Goblin, The (V)
216. Green Goblin, The (VI) / Norman "Normie" Harry Osborn
217. Green Goblin Construct
218. Gremlyns, The
219. Griffins (Demon-Fire Cult member)
220. Grim Hunter / Vladimir Kravinoff
221. Gripes
222. Grizzly / Maxwell Markham
223. Grunz
224. Guardian / a hulking, or large, clone of Spider-Man
225. Gunplay / Miho Mikashi
226. Gunther Stein
227. Guy Jones
228. Hal Goldman
229. Hammerhead
230. Hardcases (Vic Slaughter’s mercenaries)
231. Hardshell / Leila Davis
232. Harrier
233. Headhunter
234. Headsman, The
235. Helleyes
236. Hermit / Timothy Quail
237. Hershell (first appearing in Web of Spider-Man #28)
238. Hobgoblin, The (I) / Roderick Kingsley
239. Hobgoblin, The (II) / Arnold "Lefty" Donovan
240. Hobgoblin, The (III) / Ned Leeds
241. Hobgoblin, The (IV) / Jason Philip Macendale, Jr.
242. Hobgoblin, The (V)
243. Hobgoblin 2211 / Robin Bourne
244. Homo Arachnis / Carlton Drake
245. Honcho
246. Honeysuckle Muldoon
247. Hornet (I) / Peter Parker
248. Hornet (II) / Eddie McDonough
249. Human Fly, The / Richard Deacon
250. Humbug / Prof. Buck Mitty
251. Hybrid / Scott Washington
252. Hydro-Man / Morris Bench
253. Hypertron a.k.a. Bobster / Sturdevant E. "Bob" Robbins
254. Hypno-Hustler and the Mercy Killers
255. Iguana, The
256. Izumi (Spider)
257. Jack / child-sized clone of Spider-Man
258. Jackal / Prof. Miles Warren
259. Jack O’Lantern / Jason Philip Macendale, Jr.
260. Jacks / miniature clones of The Jackal and Spider-Man
261. Jaime Jade
262. Jake Martino
263. Jason Havershaw
264. Jason Tso
265. Jefferson Bolt
266. Jeremiah Slade
267. Jimmy “The Mouth” Tannen
268. Jimmy-Six / Giacomo Fortunato
269. Joe Smith a.k.a. “A Guy Named Joe” / Joseph “Joe” Smith
270. Joey
271. Joey Beal
272. Joey Z
273. Jonathon Caesar
274. Josephine “Joey” Pulaski
275. Joshua Coolridge
276. Joystick / Janice Olivia Yanizeski
277. Justin (Demon-Fire Cult member)
278. Kaina / Marcy Kane
279. Kaine / flawed clone of Peter Parker
280. Kaneshiro
281. Kangaroo (I) / Frank Oliver
282. Kangaroo (II) / Brian Hibbs
283. Katabolik
284. Kid Ock / Oliver “Ollie” Osnick
285. Killerwatt
286. Killshot
287. Klara – Mordechai (Bloodbath) Kovax’s mother
288. Knight / Malcolm Knight
289. Knockout / Elizabeth Rawson
290. Komodo (first appearing in Scarlet Spider Unlimited #1)
291. Kraven The Hunter (I) / Sergei Kravinoff
292. Kraven The Hunter (II) / Alyosha “Al” Kravinoff
293. Kurudred the Blood Drinker a.k.a. Tyrant of Dolara, a.k.a. Master of the Night Spawn
294. Kwaku Anasi / Spider-Man
295. Larry Arnold
296. Lasher (I) / Ramon Hernandez
297. Lasher (II)
298. Lena Ivana and her “Amulet of Change”
299. Leroy Tallon
300. Leticia Mason
301. Lightmaster (I) / Dr. Edward Lansky
302. Light-Master (II)
303. Lightning Fist
304. Living Brain, The
305. Lizard, The / Dr. Curtis “Curt” Connors
306. Lizard Offspring
307. Lobo Brothers, The / Carlos and Eduardo Lobo
308. Looter, The a.k.a. Meteor Man / Norton G. Fester
309. Lucky Lobo / Francisco Lobo
310. Mad Jack / Daniel Berkhart & Maguire Beck
311. Mad Hatter, The
312. Madam Web / Madame Web / Cassandra Webb
313. Madame Fang
314. Madame Fate
315. Mandy Tyler
316. Major Toler Weil
317. Malo
318. Man-Monster a.k.a. Smasher
319. Man-Mountain Marko / Michael Marko
320. Manslaughter Marsdale / Marsdale
321. Man-Spider / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
322. Man-Wolf Col. John Jameson
323. Mary Slade
324. Master Monarch
325. Master of Vengeance / Dwight Faron
326. Master Planner / Dr. Otto Octavius
327. Master Programmer / artificial intelligence, based on the mind of Dr. Otto Octavius
328. Medea
329. Medgar DuPaul
330. Megawatt / Dirk Leyden
331. Menace / Lily Hollister
332. Meteor Man / Norton G. Fester
333. Mindblast / Danielle Forte
334. Mindworm / William Turner
335. Mirage / Desmond Charne
336. Miss Arrow / Ero
337. Mister Negative / Martin Li
338. Molten Man / Mark Raxton
339. Monster of the Moors aka The Madman of Mansion Slade
340. Montana (I) / Jackson W. Brice
341. Montana (II) / Montana Bale
342. Morbius the Living Vampire / Dr. Michael Morbius
343. Morlun
344. Morris “The Snake” Diamond
345. Morris Forelli
346. Morty Phillips
347. Mouth
348. Mr. Brownstone / Garrison Klum
349. Mr. Nacht
350. Mr. Nobody
351. Mr. P. & Mr. Q
352. Mr. Zodiac / Astro; sometimes in persona as Jane Virgo
353. Ms. Fortune / Laura
354. Mud-Thing / Sandman (Flint Marko/William Baker) and Hydro-Man (Morris Bench) fused together
355. Murder[er] By Spider
356. Muse / Shannon Fitzpatrick
357. Mutilation Killer, The
358. Mysterio (I) / Quentin Beck, sometimes posing in character under aliases like Dr. Ludwig Rinehart
359. Mysterio (II) / Daniel “Dan” Berkhart
360. Mysterio (III) / Francis Klum
361. Myth Monster, The
362. Nails Hogan
363. Nardi
364. Nautilus
365. Nightwatch / Dr. Kevin Barry Trench
366. Nichols (first appearing in Morbius #2)
367. Nocturne / Angela Cairn
368. Ogre
369. Oliver (Sister Saint’s servant)
370. Operator, The / Lenny Flynn
371. Orbit (member of the Spacemen)
372. Other, The / otherwordly being with Spider-Man’s powers
373. Overdrive
374. Override / Dr. Gregory “Greg” Herd
375. Ox, The (I) / Raymond Bloch
376. Ox, The (II) / Ronald Bloch
377. Ox, The (III) / Bruno Sanchez
378. Pale Rider
379. Parasite
380. Patch (I) / Frederick Foswell
381. Patch (II)
382. Paul Tannen
383. Persuader, The / Roland Rayburn
384. Phage / Carl Mach
385. Phelps (boss of the Jagged Club)
386. Phillip Cussler, Sr.
387. Phineas T. Coroner
388. Phreak / Steve Petty
389. Pigeon
390. Piranis
391. Pity
392. Poison / Cecelia Cardinale and the other-dimensional entity named Ylandris
393. Poison / MacDonald “Mac” Gargan
394. Poison-Lark
395. Polestar
396. Primal Lizard
397. Pro
398. Prodigy (I) / Peter Parker
399. Prodigy (II) / Richie Gilmore
400. Prodigy, The
401. Proto-Goblin / Nels Van Adder
402. Prowler, The (I) / Hobie Brown
403. Prowler, The (II) / “The Cat”
404. Prowler, The (III) / Rick Lawson
405. Pulse-2
406. Pulse-3
407. Pulse-4
408. Puma, The / Thomas Fireheart
409. Purty larry
410. Pyromania
411. Quorum
412. Rabbi Krause
413. Ramshot / Samuel Caulkin
414. Ranger, The (first appearing in Peter Parker: Spider-Man #1)
415. Rapier / Dominic Tyrone
416. Raptar
417. Rasheed ven Garmchee
418. Rattler / Henry Bingham
419. Raul Quentino
420. Ravage
421. Rayessa
422. Razorback / Buford Hollis
423. Razorwire (I)
424. Razorwire (II)
425. Reaper (first appearing in Vampire Tales #7)
426. Reapers / street gang
427. Red Nine / Wallace Jackson