Taking an evidence-based approach to reducing alcohol-related harm –Thursday 21st November 2013

Title / Speaker
8.30-9.00: Registration and refreshments
Opening comments from the Chair
Opening comments from Balance / Cllr Paul Watson, Chair of ANEC
Colin Shevills, Balance
Tackling alcohol in our communities / Cllr Bill Dixon, Leader, Darlington Borough Council
Anna Lynch, Director of Public Health, Durham County Council
PHE: Priorities for alcohol / Rosanna O’Connor, Director – Alcohol & Drugs, PHE
Health First: an alternative alcohol strategy for the UK / Prof Linda Bauld, University of Stirling
Table discussions reflecting on latest positions
12.20-13.20: Lunch
Minimum alcohol pricing policies in action: a report from Canada / Prof Tim Stockwell, Director - Centre for Addictions Research of British Columbia
MUP – The Scottish experience / Dr Evelyn Gillan, Chief Executive, Alcohol Focus Scotland
MUP – What next for England? / Emily Robinson, Director of Campaigns, Alcohol Concern
15.10-15.30: Break
The Alcohol playbook and its web of influence / Prof David Miller, University of Bath
Reflections on Day 1 / Colin Shevills, Balance
16.45: Close

Taking an evidence-based approach to reducing alcohol-related harm –Friday 22nd November 2013

Title / Speaker
9.00-9.30: Registration and refreshments
Opening comments from the Chair / Cllr Paul Watson
The burden of health harm and the evidence on how to tackle it / Prof Sir Ian Gilmore, University of Liverpool
Delivering Locally and Influencing Nationally / Adrian Lee, Chief Constable, Northamptonshire Police
Next steps in alcohol research / James Nicholls, Alcohol Research UK
11.10-11.20: Break
11.20-12.00: Workshops: First Choice
  • An insight into Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Dr Shonag McKenzie
  • 'It's the Drink Talking' project: Giving young people a voice on alcohol
    – Alcohol Concern
  • Engaging Communities in addressing alcohol-related harm - Peter Bryant, Head of Community Engagement, Our Life
  • Institute of Alcohol Studies – highlights from the Global Alcohol Policy Conference 2013 - Dr Evelyn Gillian/ Katherine Brown
  • Licensing/ availability – telling the story - James Nicholls/Sue Robinson
  • Emergency Department Data-Sharing: An Innovative Approach - Sue Taylor / Behnam Khazaeli
/ Please book your place via the Balance website:

12.05-12.45: Workshops: Second Choice
  • An insight into Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Dr Shonag McKenzie
  • Alcohol and Young People: “Drinking to Get Drunk” – Alcohol Concern
  • Engaging Communities in addressing alcohol-related harm - Peter Bryant, Head of Community Engagement, Our Life
  • A Users Guide to Advocating for Effective Alcohol Control Policies’ – Dr Evelyn Gillian/Katherine Brown
  • Licensing/ availability – telling the story - James Nicholls/Sue Robinson
  • Alcohol Research Projects: Neil Martin / Andy Lloyd, / Gill O’Neill
/ Please book your place via the Balance website:

Alcohol – the new battleground / Prof Gerard Hastings, University of Stirling
13.15: Lunch
14.30: Close