University of Vermont Panhellenic Council

2017 Officer Application

This application will be due Friday October 28, 2016 by midnight. All applications and letters of recommendation can be emailed to current the Panhellenic President, Jenna Nash, at . Information and descriptions of each of the executive board positions can be found in the University of Vermont Panhellenic Council Constitution/Bylaws.


Current Class:

Expected Graduation Date:


Cumulative GPA:

Chapter Affiliation:

Date of Initiation:

Campus Mailing Address:

Campus Phone/Cell Phone #:


Permanent Home Address:

Extracurricular Activities (including positions held within your chapter):

Placement Preference

Please indicate which position(s) you are applying for. You may apply for as many or as few positions as you would like. Please rank your choices with 1 being your first choice and 8 being your last. If there is any position(s) you would not be willing to accept, then mark that position with an “X” and number the rest.

_____ President

_____Vice President of Standards

_____Vice President of Recruitment and Membership

_____Vice President of Recruitment and Finance

_____ Vice President of Programming

_____Vice President of Philanthropy and Service

_____Vice President of Scholarship

_____ Vice President of Public Relations and Administration


1. What interests you about the position you listed as your first choice?

2. What skills do you possess that will be important for fulfilling your duties on the Panhellenic Executive Board?

3. What skills do you have using computer programs like Virtual EMS, google docs, Adobe, Photoshop, etc.?

4. Please describe what you believe to be the purpose of the Panhellenic Executive Board.

5. Why do you want to be a member of Panhellenic Executive Board?

6. What challenges do you see facing our Fraternity and Sorority Life community? How do you see yourself being able to assist the Panhellenic community in facing these challenges?

7. Why did you decide to join a sorority chapter? What do you see as the greatest benefit of being a member of Fraternity and Sorority life here at UVM?

8. Please tell us a random fact, piece of trivia, or fun story about yourself.

Recommendation Form for Panhellenic Executive Office

Please submit one letter of recommendation along with your application. Please have a current executive officer from your chapter or a current Panhellenic executive board member answer the following questions honestly and objectively.


Your Name:

Office Held:

Chapter Affiliation:

Applicants Name:

1. How well and in what context do you know this applicant?

2. What qualifications does this applicant possess that would make her a strong member of the Panhellenic Executive Board? What are her weaknesses?

3. If applicable, how would you characterize the applicant’s commitment to her collegiate chapter? Do you consider her to be a good leader within in her chapter?

4. How would you characterize the applicant’s commitment to the Fraternity and Sorority Life community in general?