Lowe’s National Eagle Scout Project Impact Grants

Council Lowe’s Project Follow-Up Volunteer Responsibilities

·  Learn about the Lowe’s Foundation project, your responsibilities, and the obligations of the Scout recipients. Study “Your Questions Answered” found at www.scouting.org/trailtoeagle, and also review the sample Scout recipient grant application, which you may customize for your council.

·  According to the approach determined by your council, give leadership to or otherwise support the promotion of the project and the process of selecting/approving your council’s Lowe's foundation grant recipients.

·  Secure from each Scout grant recipient the following: his parent’s or guardian’s permission if he is 13 years old or younger, his contact information, and his agreement to the obligations that come with being a grant recipient.

·  Set up a method of keeping track of each Scout's progress: his Eagle Scout service project proposal status, the type of project he is planning with the start date, and his status in meeting his obligations.

·  Enter Scout grant recipients into the submission website. This may be done as often as weekly as Scouts are identified. Council follow-up volunteers will receive a unique link to the submission site once your council has sent its participation notification to .

·  Approximately three weeks after you have entered Scouts in the submission site, contact each of them to confirm their cards were received and will be used on the projects. Return any cards that will not be used.

·  Receive receipts from each Scout reflecting the usage his card. If expenditures for a Scout are less than $100, also obtain the card.

·  Place each Scout's receipts, photos, and card (if it has a balance) in an envelope with the Scout's name and council. Then, no later than May 31, 2014, send these envelopes a few at a time as you get them in packages addressed to: Program Impact Department; S209 Lowe’s Project; BSA National Council; P.O. Box 152079; Irving, TX, 75015-2079.

·  Continually follow up with all your Scouts until their obligations have been completely fulfilled.

·  Keep the national Lowe's project volunteer(s), who are assigned to your council, apprised of your progress.