Syllabus: Sociology


At the end of this course, you will:

• Have a working knowledge of Sociology... (see course schedule)

• Be able to use Social Studies Skills: critical thinking to organize and use information, communicate in written, oral, and visual forms, use geographic tools to collect, analyze, and interpret data, and use problem solving and decision making skills.

Required Materials

To successfully complete this course, you will need to utilize your classroom textbook, notebook, handouts, online programs, and various sources for research including appropriate websites, maps, books, libraries, slides, and people (experts, historians, firsthand experience, interviews).

COURSE SCHEDULE (Based on a 9 week semester)

We will have a TEST or QUIZ each Friday—you will know in advance

Unit 1 Foundations of Sociology:
Understand theoretical perspectives of the historical interpretations of human social development
Understand how society evolves and causes/effects of social and institutional change
1 week

Unit 2 Culture and Social Structure:
Examine world cultures
Understand types of groups and their functions
Differentiate and recognize examples of subculture and counterculture
1 week

Unit 3 Individual and Society:
Understand the process of socialization
Understand the concept of adolescence and its characteristics
Understand the life stage of adulthood and its characteristics
Will be able to explain the nature and social function of deviance
2 weeks

Unit 4 Social Inequality:
Understand the nature of social stratification in society
Understand the impact of race and ethnicity on society
Understand the changing societal views on gender, age, and health
2 weeks

Unit 5 Social Institutions:
Identify the basic social institution of the family and explain its influences on society
Identify the basic social institutions of economics and politics and explain their influences on society
Identify the basic social institutions of education and religion and explain their influences on society
Identity the basic social institutions of science and the mass media and explain their influence on society
2 weeks

Unit 6 Changing World:
Understand how population and urbanization contribute to a changing social world
Understand how collective behavior, social movements, and modernization contribute to a changing social world
1 week



General Rules:

1. Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Ready to Learn! 2. Be on time 3. Work Hard 4. NO foul language—automatic write up 5. Follow all Houston School and Plainview District Rules (dress code, language, tardies, no phones, follow your schedule, no food in classroom, etc…)

Grading Policies:

Based on Plainview District Policy – Daily grades make up 60% Test grades make up 40% Projects may count as a test grade. Daily grades include: bell ringers, attendance, participation, regular homework/class work, and quizzes.

--Mrs. Nicole Abell

Houston School
Social Studies