Diorama Book Report – Due November 6th


You will be constructing a diorama (a three dimensional scene which includes models of people, buildings, plants and animals) of one of the main events of the book. The diorama will be constructed inside a shoebox.

Instructions to complete the diorama correctly

·  The inside of the box should be lined with colored construction paper, or painted.

·  Use pebbles, twigs, Popsicle sticks, old jewelry, pom-poms, cotton, magazine cut outs, hand drawn cut outs, foil, tissue paper, pipe cleaners, etc. to add detail to your diorama.

·  Cover the outside of the box with construction paper or wrapping paper.

·  Write the title, and author on a different piece of paper. Cut it out in a creative shape and glue it onto the top of the box

·  Draw and label the characters on another piece of paper. Cut them out so they will fit on one end of the box. Glue them on. Make sure they are colored nicely.

·  On the other end of the box write your name and number.

·  HAVE FUN!!! Get creative! J

Oral Presentation

You will present your diorama and oral summary to the class. You will need to explain the scene from your diorama and give details.

Written Report
On a separate piece of paper, you will need to write about the scene in your diorama. Be sure to include details about the scene.

You will be graded on the following:

Following Directions

Inside box painted or lined with construction paper

Outside of box covered with paper

Title and Author on top of box

Characters on the side

Name and number

Construction of Diorama (3-D with details)

Written Report Use of complete sentences with main event and details from the story.


Neatness of final draft

Oral Report


Eye contact

Knowledge of book

Loud and clear voice

Name ______# ______

Diorama Book Report

Diorama (8 pts.)

Title and Author on the top of Diorama printed on white paper ____

Character displayed in colorful manner and labeled on side of box. ____

Name and number on side of box ____

Construction of Diorama (3-D with details) ____

Total ______

Written report (3 pts)

Followed written report format ____

Complete sentences and correct spelling/grammar ____

Content contains the main ideas of the story ____

Total ______

Penmanship (1 pt)
Neat and legible ____

Total ______

Oral Presentation (3 pts)

Voice level and Expression_____

Knowledge of book ____

Eye contact ____

Total ______

Overall Grade ______