Tribute Examples

Check out at least 5 of the following samples of real tributes.

Answer the questions for the tributes you view.

  1. Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.

Why did the architect make Lincoln’s memorial look like a Greek temple?

What do the 36 columns symbolize?

Why was the Gettysburg Address chosen to be displayed a the memorial?

What two special qualities of Abraham Lincoln did the sculptor choose to focus on?

How are these two qualities displayed in the statue?

  1. AIDS Memorial Quilt

(Home Page)

Who is being memorialized in this tribute?

Who is responsible for creating the tribute?

(View a quilt block)

List some symbols that are used in the quilt squares to remember the people.

  1. Iraq War Tribute Videos

List all examples of symbolism you find throughout the video.

  1. Stained Glass Window Tribute to Motherhood

Why did the artist choose St. Monica as the focus of this window?

  1. Strawberry Fields in Central Park, New York City

To whom is this park dedicated?

Why is it located in New York?

Why was the name “Strawberry Fields” chosen?

What symbolism is included in the park?

  1. Picotte Memorial Hospital

What was special about Dr. Picotte?

How is the hospital building used today?

Is there symbolism here? What symbolism would you add?

  1. Jewelry Tribute to September 11th

What is the jewelry designer’s piece called?

What is the piece made from?

What is engraved on the base of the piece?

Is there any symbolism here?

  1. Foundation Tribute—Les Turner ALS Foundation

Who is being honored by this foundation?

Why is a foundation an appropriate tribute to this person?

What symbolism can you find in the fundraising events for this foundation?

  1. Interactive Candy Portrait—Art Institute of Chicago

Who is the artist paying tribute to with this “portrait?”

What is the symbolism of 175 pounds of candy?

What do you think is the purpose of having the viewer interact with the artwork?

  1. Service Tribute—Walter Payton Cancer Fund Run

(Run Info)

(Walter’s Biography)

What is the distance of the race?

What is the money used for? Why is this significant?

Click on Walter’s Biography. Why is the number 16,726 significant?

Why is a run an appropriate activity when paying tribute to Walter Payton?