APES Review 9 Pollution
Air Pollution / Primary Air Pollutants / Secondary Air PollutantsNitrogen Dioxide / Ozone / Sulfur Dioxide
Carbon Monoxide / Peroxyacyl Nitrates / Suspended Particulate Matter
Volatile Organic Compounds / Formation of Industrial Smog / Photochemical Smog
Formation of Photochemical Smog / Health Effects of Smog / Acid Deposition
Heat Islands / Heat Islands Causes – Mitigation / Temperature Inversions
Indoor Air Pollution / Reduction Strategies for Indoor Air Pollution / Reduction Strategies for Air Pollution
Great London “Fog” (1952) / Donora, Pennsylvania (1948) / Air Pollution
Air Pollution Control Act (1955) / Clean Air Act (1963) / Clean Air Act (1970)
Clean Air Act (1990) / Kyoto Protocol (1997) / Noise Pollution
Noise Control Act (1972) / Water Pollution / Sources of Water Pollution
Cultural Eutrophication / Groundwater Pollution / Drinking Water Treatment Methods
Sewage Treatment / EPA / Bioaccumulation of a Pollutant
Bfiomagnification of a Pollutant / Bioaccumulation vs. Biomagnification / Safe Drinking Water Act (1974)
Refuse Act of the Federal Rivers and Harbors Act (1899) / Federal Water Pollution Control Act (1948) / Water Quality Act (1965)
Clean Water Act (1972) / Ocean Dumping Ban Act (1988) / Oil Spill Prevention and Liability Act (1990)
Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP) (1996) / Source Water Protection Program (SWPP) (1996) / Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR) (1996)
Varioius Forms of Solid Waste / Hazardous Wastes / Categories of Hazardous Wastes
Household Hazardous Wastes / Cleanup of Contaminated Sites / Perpetual Containment
Municipal Sold Waste (MSW) / Amounts of Types of Solid Municipal Wastes / Incineration Pros and Cons
Composting Pros and Cons / Remanufacturing Pros and Cons / Detoxifying Pros and Cons
Exporting Pro and Cons / Sanitary Landfills Pros and Cons / Open Dumping Pros and Cons
Recycling Pros and Cons / Reuse Pros and Cons / Minamata Disease
Exxon Valdez / Federal Hazardous Substances Act (1960) / National Environmental Policy Act (1969)
Federal Environmental Pesticides Control Act (1972) / Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (HAZMAT) (1975) / Toxic Substances Control Act (1976)
Low-Level Radioactive Policy Act (1980) / Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability (CERCLA or SUPERFUND) (1980) / Nuclear Waste Policy ACT (1982)
Pollution Prevention Act (1990)