To: ASCLS House of Delegates

From: ASCLS Product Development Committee For: ASCLS AnnualBoard Meeting

By: Lynda Britton Chairman

Date: July 1, 2016

Following are the actions accomplished during 2015-2016:

I. MediaLab courses produced, in the process of being produced, and marketed by ASCLS in the online store, coordinated by the Director of Professional Development and Project Management are as follows:

A.Two Medialab courses were published and are available in the ASCLS CE online store:

1.Reproductive Hormones

2.Patient Safety for Educators: Methods for Teaching Future Medical Laboratory Professionals

B.These courses are in the process of being completed:

1.Lamellar Body Counts: Is This the Future—almost completed but some small changes needed.

2.Molecular Testing in Blood Bank: content has been reviewed; awaiting minor revisions.

3.Emerging Pathogens: Contract was signed and it is in the process of being written.

4.Customer Service Skills in Phlebotomy: Author identified and proposed for fall 2016.

C.One course was updated:Sexually Transmitted Bacterial Infections

II. Educational products in the ASCLSsOnline Store were evaluated for timeliness and utility.

The following products were reviewed and found to be outdated. It was the consensus of the committee that they not be placed in the new store.


B.Clinical Chemistry—Completed

C.Laboratory Medicine—completed

D.Two reviews are yet to be completed but are outdated: Urinalysis and Clinical Chemistry in Spanish.

III. A mobile application was proposed at the Annual ASCLS Board meeting and was not approved. Following that, the steering committee for the mobile application met in Atlanta and agreed upon a new concept. This application will promote new developments from research studies in the laboratory field and highlight new concepts and products from our laboratory industry partners. At the Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference, the Education Scientific Assembly voted to provide $800 in startup costs and to fund the app for 2016-2017. Development of the mobile application was approved at the Interim Board Meeting in March. The ESA is now a co-sponsor of the app. Since the board meeting the steering committee has met regularly. The development license (funded by ESA) has been purchased and first phase of app development is nearing completion.​The steering committee is developing a questionnaire torecruit more ASCLS professionals to be part of a team of authors to investigate / review the news leads and write the snippets.

IV. An article was published in the April 2016ASCLS Today newsletter describing new products and requesting authors and ideas for future products.

V.Conference calls occurred on September 21, 2015 at 8 am CDT,11/19/2015, 2/2/2016, and 2/4/2016, and April 18, 2016 at 12 PM CDT and April 20, 2016 at 7:00 PM CDT. Rosters with members’ photographs were distributed. Duel meetings were held in February and April to increase participation in the conference calls.

VI.Lynda Britton, outgoing chairman, Lindsey Davenport-Landry, incoming chairman, and Karrie Hovis, Director of Professional Development and Project Management, met by conference call on June 22, 2016 to ensure continuation of product development.