With the words, God of eternal love and resourcefulness, you are invited to respond Hear our prayer.
As people supported by love to become fully human, we pray for our church, for those in need, and for all creation.
a brief silence
God of faithfulness and familiarity, make your church a place of safety, welcome, and renewal. Make eternal love visible in our communion with our partner Anglican Church of Canada, Bishop Logan, Bishop Greg and the congregations of our synod. We pray especially today for Chetwynd Shared Ministry in Chetwynd and Christ Lutheran in Chilliwack and Pastor Dean Anderson.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer
God of earthly delight, draw our eyes to the beauty around us--bees and butterflies, ocean surf and fresh water lakes, mountains and majestic rivers, blooming deserts and dry lands. Open our ears to music, our skin to the kiss of sun and summer, our noses to fragrant flowers and filling food.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer
God of power and might, right the thinking the faulty thinking of governments and leaders that they work toward peace, toward a world where all have a chance for security and satisfaction.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer
God of trial and tribulation, enable us to recognize hospitality and generosity in unexpected places. Help us see the humanity of those in prison, the faith and persistence of those who weep. Make us sometimes find strength in weakness. We pray especially for those we name aloud or in the depths of our being. Bless those who have requested your care and strength (name those on the prayer list)
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer
God of new life and second chances, open us to the richness offered by immigrants and refugees who join us in the Canadian life of safety, security, and wealth. Let us welcome summer visitors who travel to beautiful places we sometimes take for granted. Expand our horizons by travel--whether the destination is near or far.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer
God of all our todays and tomorrows, cause us to remember the saints whose example has moved our faith forward, given us courage when we are afraid, goaded us to choose love when our hearts are twisted by hate. Hold us in the vessel of your spirit that we may first discern the right when things are murky and act even when it exhausts us.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer
You are God, fount of parental love; brother and sister to our souls; spirit of lavish love. In your name we pray