We are Professional

We take pride in applying our knowledge, skills, creativity and judgement to deliver innovative, effective, efficient services and solutions of excellent quality.

Examples include…. / As professional services staff at Swansea University we will:
·  Take pride in accepting and demonstrating personal responsibility for getting things done on time and to the required standard
·  Provide, seek and value regular constructive feedback, using it to identify personal development and improve our delivery of excellence
·  Be open minded to new ideas and proposals to deliver and create innovative solutions
·  Be accountable for failure as well as success, making informed decisions and taking responsibility for them / As professional services staff at Swansea University we will not:
·  Fail to see the importance of continuous professional development in learning new skills, developing understanding and keeping up to date; either by avoiding development opportunities or by failing to put new learning into practice
·  Miss deadlines, using time pressures as an excuse for not thinking about things differently or for seeing things through
·  Avoid making decisions and fail to take responsibility for prioritising our work, resulting in work of poor quality
·  Fail to ask for clarity when we are unsure of what is expected of us, or avoid taking feedback on board

We Work Together

We take pride in working in a proactive, collaborative environment of equality, trust, respect, co-operation and challenge to deliver services that strive to exceed the needs and expectations of customers.

Examples include…. / As professional services staff at Swansea University we will:
·  Work respectfully with others, building trust by communicating and sharing information and keeping them informed
·  Listen to and understand the views of others to enable the best solutions to be found
·  Be aware of how our actions impact on others and challenge where inappropriate actions undermine equality, trust, respect and cooperation
·  Be accountable for working with others in a proactive way that strives to exceed the needs and expectations of customers / As professional services staff at Swansea University we will not:
·  Be disrespectful and critical towards colleagues, act selfishly, and fail to see the bigger picture
·  Avoid contributing to team discussions or discount others without listening
·  Be unapproachable, allowing our mood or circumstances to impact on our relationships with others
·  Put our own priorities ahead of the customer’s, by not cooperating with colleagues, or challenging ourselves and others to improve service delivery

We Care

We take responsibility for listening, understanding and responding flexibly to our students, colleagues, external partners and the public so that every contact they have with us is a personalised and positive experience.

Examples include.. / As professional services staff at Swansea University we will:
·  Take personal responsibility for genuinely listening and fully understanding who our customer is and their needs
·  Respond in a caring and flexible manner to ensure these needs are met, seeking support if unable to find a solution, and keeping the customer updated of progress
·  Understand the importance of keeping promises, acknowledging when things go wrong and working hard to put them right
·  Provide clear, helpful and timely support and information, personalised to meet the needs of each individual customer / As professional services staff at Swansea University we will not:
·  Be unaware of who our customers are and their individual needs
·  Fail to listen to customers, understand, or respect their views
·  Be inflexible; blaming policies, processes or lack of resources for not delivering good service
·  Be rude, condescending, unhelpful, unfriendly or disrespectful towards our customers; failing to communicate in advance if deadlines are not likely to be met

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