Verification Report 3

School Age Students by Disability and Race/Ethnicity

(Receiving Special Education Services as of October 7, 2009)

Description of Report

Below are two reports of school age students with disabilities for whom the school district has Committee on Special Education (CSE) responsibility by disability and race/ethnicity. The first report is for school age students ages 4-5 and the second report is for school age students ages 6-21. Students with the following records are included in this report:

·  Enrollment record with reason for beginning enrollment code “0011”, “5905” , “5544”, “5644”, “7000”, “7011”; and

·  Enrollment record with enrollment beginning date on or before snapshot date and no ending date or an ending date after the snapshot date; and

·  Building of Enrollment code is a valid code in SEDREF ; and

·  Student’s date of birth is between 09/01/1988 and 12/31/2004; and

·  A disability Programs Fact record with a valid code for a school-age student with a disability from 2009-10 SIRS Manual (codes 0352, 0363, 0385, 0396, 0407, 0418, 0429, 0440, 0451, 0462, 0473, 0484, 0495); and

·  A Special Education Snapshot record with all of the following data elements:

o  Snapshot Date of October 7, 2009

o  Primary Placement Type

o  Least Restrictive Environment Code for school age setting (from 2009-10 SIRS Manual).

Also included with this verification report is a listing of students who are excluded from the report below. These students’ records should be reviewed by school districts for accuracy to verify that they indeed do not meet all the criteria listed above to be included in the reports below. The criteria for excluding students from the reports below are as follows:

·  Students are school age students between the ages of 4 and 21; and

There is an active enrollment record on snapshot date; and

There is an active disability Programs Fact record with a disability code for school age students on snapshot date; and

There is no Special Education Snapshot record.


·  Students are school age students between the ages of 4 and 21; and

There is an active enrollment record on snapshot date; and

There is no active disability Programs Fact record with a disability code for school age students on snapshot date; and

There is a Special Education Snapshot record.

The reasonability checks described below will be conducted based on the data in this report and the data included in the 2008-09, VR 3 report. School districts with the discrepancy described below will be asked to provide an explanation for the discrepancy.

·  The total reported in Row 14 Total for Ages 4-5 and Ages 6-21 in the reports below will be compared with the Row 14 Total for Ages 4-5 and Ages 6-21 of the 2008-09 VR 3 report.

·  Any increase or decrease of 10 students and 10 percent in the above comparison will require an explanation.

Verification Report 3

School Age Students by Disability and Race/Ethnicity

(Receiving Special Education Services as of October 7, 2009)

Ages 4-5

Directions: Please review the data below to verify that students’ disability and race/ethnicity are displayed accurately for all school age students with disabilities (aged 4-5) for whom your district has CSE responsibility and who were receiving special education services on the snapshot date. The links below the numbers in each cell provide a list of students that meet the criteria to be included in the report. Also, please review your school district’s report of students excluded from this report. If corrections are needed to this report, please resubmit your district files with the necessary corrections to the Regional Information Center (or the data warehouse for large cities) during the verification time period.

Number / Disability
(As of Snapshot Date / A / B / C / D / E / F / G
American Indian or Alaska Native / Asian
Pacific Islander / Black
(Not of Hispanic Origin) / Hispanic
or Latino / White
(Not of Hispanic Origin) / Multi-Racial (Not of Hispanic Origin / Total
01 / Autism
02 / Emotional Disturbance
03 / Learning Disability
04 / Mental Retardation
05 / Deafness
06 / Hearing Impairment
07 / Speech or Language Impairment
08 / Visual Impairment (includes Blindness)
09 / Orthopedic Impairment
10 / Other Health Impairment
11 / Multiple Disabilities
12 / Deaf-Blindness
13 / Traumatic Brain Injury
14 / Total (Lines 1-13)
15 / Reasonability Check*

* Discrepancies of plus or minus 10 students and 10 percent between October 7, 2009 and October 1, 2008 data are identified with an asterisk in the Reasonability Check row. Each identified discrepancy in the Reasonability Check row will require an explanation after data are certified.

Verification Report 3

School Age Students by Disability and Race/Ethnicity

(Receiving Special Education Services as of October 7, 2009)

Ages 6-21

Directions: Please review the data below to verify that students’ disability and race/ethnicity are displayed accurately for all school age students with disabilities (aged 6-21) for whom your district has CSE responsibility and who were receiving special education services on the snapshot date. The links below the numbers in each cell provide a list of students that meet the criteria to be included in the report. Also, please review your school district’s report of students excluded from this report. If corrections are needed to this report, please resubmit your district files with the necessary corrections to the Regional Information Center (or the data warehouse for large cities) during the verification time period.

Number / Disability / A / B / C / D / E / F / G
American Indian or Alaska Native / Asian
Pacific Islander / Black
(Not of Hispanic Origin) / Hispanic
or Latino / White
(Not of Hispanic Origin) / Multi-Racial (Not of Hispanic Origin / Total
01 / Autism
02 / Emotional Disturbance
03 / Learning Disability
04 / Mental Retardation
05 / Deafness
06 / Hearing Impairment
07 / Speech or Language Impairment
08 / Visual Impairment (includes Blindness)
09 / Orthopedic Impairment
10 / Other Health Impairment
11 / Multiple Disabilities
12 / Deaf-Blindness
13 / Traumatic Brain Injury
14 / Total (Lines 1-13)
15 / Reasonability Check*

* Discrepancies of plus or minus 10 students and 10 percent between October 7, 2009 and October 1, 2008 data are identified with an asterisk in the Reasonability Check row. Each identified discrepancy in the Reasonability Check row will require an explanation after data are certified.