Committee/Office Name: / PTA Council Membership
Committee Chairperson(s)
or Officer Name(s): / Lauren Bloch
Committee Goal(s) or Job Description: / Act as liaison between PTA Council and the local unit PTA Membership Chairs. Encourage the chairs to spread the word about PTA membership so that people join to show support of the work we do collectively (locally and nationally) to help children, families, and schools.
Significant accomplishments: / Regularly connected with the PTA Membership chairs via email to remind them of pending membership deadlines and encourage the use of the PA PTA website. The website has a general membership overview, suggestions about membership drives, and information about school submissions for the monthly PA PTA incentive awards. Provided an emailed membership update for each PTA Council meeting, even though I was unable to attend due to work. Addressed questions posed by PTA Membership chairs.
Timeline including beginning and ending dates for committee or position: / Responsibilities began in early September with a “welcome” to all Membership chairs and concluded in June with an emailed “thank you.”
Materials/Resources used or needed: / The PA PTA website is an extremely useful tool:
* Use current or past year’s User Name & Password (found on your PTA membership card) to gain access to the “Members Only” section of the website, where the Membership information is located.
Budget: $______0_____ / Actual: $______0______
If actual is over/under budget, explain reason for variance: / N/A
Suggestions for next year: / As the PTA Council Membership chair, it might be nice to have access to the local unit’s membership numbers so that comparison to the previous year can occur and trends can be charted and recognized/addressed.
Other Comments: / N/A
Date: 6/10/14 / Signed: Lauren Bloch