The Misadventures of Peter Paul Pappenfuss

The Day the School Blew Up

Author: Seth J. Pierce

© 2009 by Pacific Press®

Readability Level 5.5 / Points 15

Word Count: 60,272

192 pages

1. The main event in this story was _____.

a. a Bible Bowl
b. the day the school blew up
c. a Pathfinder Retreat
d. aChristian Academic Jeopardy

2. Peter’s sister Mary was always _____.

a. telling his parents about his mistakes / b. good at school
c. neither of these / d. botha and b

3. In the end, Peter _____.

a. began enjoying homework
b. and his sister became close friends
c. talked his friend into breaking the rules
d. none of these

4. Peter won the contest because _____.

a. the other contestants answered wrong
  1. he spent 4 weeks being tutored

  1. an old woman had given him a text

  1. all of these

5. _____ suggested that Peter and Lucas have a contest in front of the school.

a. his father / b. his friends / c. Ms. Witherspoon / d. Principal Purvis

6. It was _____ fault that the boiler of the school blew up.

a. Lucas’ / b. Mary’s / c. Peter’s / d. none of these

7. Peter didn’t like _____.

a. the youth pastor / b. the principal
c. the school secretary / d. any of these

8. Principal Purvis repeatedly accused Peter of a fire incident at the _____.

a. Camporee / b. Dairy Queen School gym
c. Radisson Hotel / d. school gym

9. _____ kissed Peter.

a. Allison / b. Mary / c. Mom / d. Ms. Witherspoon

10. In the story Peter never got along with_____.

a. Ms. Witherspoon / b. Mary / c. Mr. Purvis / d. none of these answers