SUBJECTHistory / TOPIC: 1066- who should be King- Year 7 History Topic 4
Key Concept: Significance / YEAR GROUP /
Prior learning (check earlier Key Stages) / The period around 1066 was very significant locally, and therefore some students may know about this topic from previous interest/school trips etc. They also may have covered the topic in primary school, although most have not. Often this story is televised (Horrible Histories etc) so there may be some good prior knowledge from this. They key here is building the skill of historical significance. / 7 /
Lesson number and title / LEARNING OUTCOMES – What will your learners be able to do by the end of the lesson (how will you know?). Use Bloom’s Taxonomy / Timing / Specific resources /
1 / Who invaded England before 1066? / - To explain who and when invaded Britain up until 1066
- Describe the impact of invasion
2 / What was England like in 1066? / - Describe the British landscape in 1066
- Consider how the landscape has changed with invasion
3 / Who had the greatest claim in 1066? / Describe the qualities required for kingship
-Weigh up the claims of the different contenders for the throne
- Construct an argument as to which should be king and why / 100 minutes
4 / Who should be King and why?- Presentations / -Construct a criteria for judging significance
-Weigh up the different contenders and their relative significance
-Structure an argument about their significance, applying evidence to every idea / 100 minutes
5 / Harold Godwinson Simulation / -Define the situation Harold faced on becoming King
-Evaluate the options available to him at each stage of his year in power
-Analyse how effectively he dealt with those situations
-Assess the significance of Harold as an English King / 100 minutes
Why did William win the Battle of Hastings? / Assess the situation for both sides at the start of the battle
-Narrate the story of the battle
-Weigh up the different factors behind William’s victory
-Construct and argument as to why William won / 100 mins
ASSESSMENT: Who was the most significant contender to the throne / - Describe the claim of all four contenders
- Assess the validity of each claim
- Compare the significance of each contender / 100 mins
‘Je suis le roi!’- how did rebellions change England? / -Define the situation in England after the Battle of Hastings
-Assess the level of challenge faced by William
-Act out the manner with which William took over England
-Analyse how effectively he dealt with rebellions / 100 mins
How did religion change England? / -Illustrate the religious situation in England before the Norman conquest
-Assess the changes brought in by the Normans
-Analyse the level of change that came in under William / 100 mins
What was the impact of changes William made to the structure of society? (Feudal system and Domesday) / -Explain how modern society functions and is controlled
-Analyse the feudal system and its impact
-Construct a Domesday book for the class
-Explore the impact of these changes on England / 100 mins
Assessment / -
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