Palm Sunday: April 9, 2017

Speaker: Bo Flores

Below are some questions that will help you and your Life Group dig deeper into this weekend’s sermon. We’ve included plenty of questions, but feel free to use just a few or to choose whichever questions best fit your group.

Bible Questions:

1.  Key Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11

a.  Read out loud these verses and ask group members to simply listen for the parts that stick out to them. Read the verses a second time. Ask the group: What can we learn from these verses? What stands out to you?

Application Questions:

2.  Bo shared that the crowd in the verses we read above missed the point of who Jesus is. He said: “I think it’s because they were expecting a powerful, politically and militarily driven king, and what they got was a sacrificial lamb. They were expecting to be liberated from their Roman oppressors. But Jesus came, not as a political liberator, but as the suffering servant, riding in on a humble donkey, preaching a message about the Kingdom of God.”

--What’s your response to that statement?

--Have you ever missed the point of who Jesus is? How?

3.  Bo shared that if you miss Jesus’ sacrificial love, you’ve missed the point. What does Jesus’ sacrificial love mean to you? Is there any way you might be missing the point of Jesus’ sacrificial love?

4.  Jesus came to sacrifice Himself and He calls us to do the same. What is an area(s) in your life where you might be being called to sacrifice and what could your next step be? (ie your dreams, marriage, finances, Fusion, etc.)

5.  What stood out to you from Bo’s sermon?

Closing & Prayer: [set aside 10-20 minutes for prayer]

Break into prayer partners and pray for whatever was shared in question 4 above. Pray that we would follow Jesus’ example and love others sacrificially.