Welcome to Walter Evans C of E Primary and Nursery School.

Good Behaviour Guide and Behaviour Escalation System

Please take time to read and share this booklet with your child.

At Walter Evans we want to make sure that our pupils are happy. They are happy when they are learning how to do things like how to read and write, play together, how to investigate and discover, how to make things and last but by no means least how to behave towards each other , their teachers and parents.

At Walter Evans we like to work alongside parents to encourage pupils to develop as fully as possible. We want to help our pupils to

  • grow socially
  • grow personally and
  • grow academically
  • grow creatively

We are particularly concerned with



We believe that good behaviour needs to be carefully developed. It is too important to be left to chance. We believe that young pupils learn best when they are clear about what they are supposed to doand when they are continually and consistently encouraged to do so. At school we have worked together to produce this booklet for your use.

This booklet sets out:-

  • what we think are the benefits of good behaviour
  • what we mean by good behaviour
  • how we encourage good behaviour in school
  • how we discourage inappropriate behaviour.

The benefits of good social behaviour.

We will teach the rules of social interaction. Through it we hope that our pupils will feel good about themselves and others. By encouraging them to feel good about one another and their teachers we hope to:-

  • encourage the ethos of our school, one that is a community based on Christian values.
  • show pupils that more can be achieved if we work together
  • develop self-confidence and esteem
  • encourage everyone to do their best.

together Everyone Achieves More

Good behaviour means that everyone in school is:-

  1. careful and kind
  2. polite and friendly
  3. helpful to each other
  4. calm and hardworking
  5. well-mannered and respectful.

How do we encourage good social behaviour?

By firstly recognising and praising good behaviour as it occurs, especially for behaving well. All criticism is constructive; we explain what has gone wrong and what we wish to see in the future by demonstrating the behaviour we wish to see. All pupils are encouraged to be responsible for their own behaviour. We set achievable goals and encourage positive action towards them; rewards may be given for individuals or groups behaving well.

Rewards we may use:-

  • Stickers
  • Clapping
  • Showing others
  • Time and attention
  • Smiles
  • Acknowledgement in class or worship
  • Fun-time
  • Golden Time
  • Certificates
  • Special mention boards
  • Class rewards
  • Class charts
  • Team points.

No name calling, teasing or swearing.
Do not touch other peoples’ property without permission.
Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
Listen when adults and pupils are speaking.
Follow instructions.

On arrival at school we need to remember to:-

  1. Always walk quietly inside the building
  2. Come into and leave school through the playground and around a path.
  3. Do not enter school before the bell rings at 8.45am
  4. Go straight to your teaching area
  5. Hang up your coat and put your belongings away
  6. Take all medicines and inhalers to the office.
  7. Be ready for registration at 8.55am.

Health, Safety and Security

  • Do not bring valuable possessions into school without permission from home and school.
  • No jewellery, if studs have to be worn they will be taped for PE.
  • No toys except for showing on birthdays.
  • Sweets are not allowed in school.
  • Wear the correct uniform at all times.
  • Tie long hair back, no beads in hair braids please.


  1. No football without permission
  2. Stay off the grass and kerbs unless you have permission from an adult.
  3. Ask for permission to go to the toilet or to have a drink.
  4. Keep the playground tidy.

Wet Playtimes

  • Pupils stay in their own teaching area
  • Older pupils will act as monitors in the younger classes.
  • Use the wet playtime equipment provided
  • Pack and tidy away when you are asked to do so.

At the beginning of each school year each class will have the opportunity to interpret and

Discuss these rules.

Stopping inappropriate behaviour.

Pupils sometimes forget our aims for good behaviour and how to be considerate to others. Sometimes a reminder is enough, but in order to correct persistent misbehaviour we:-

  1. Give a verbal warning.
  2. Pupil’s name is written on the board
  3. Miss 5 mins Golden Time/break time
  4. Miss 10 Mins Golden time/break time
  5. Miss a whole break time
  6. Go to speak to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher
  7. Contact a parent/carer
  8. Use a Behaviour Report Card
  9. HomeSchool record book

Severe cases are reported straight to the Headteacher or Deputy Head, a record of the incident is made and parents are informed.

We have a further system for rare cases when behaviour escalates, such as swearing, racist/homophobic insults, fighting, persistent defiance, physical assault, serious destruction of property or running out of school. Should we feel this is warranted we will always contact you to discuss our actions further.


A bully is never right

Bullying is nasty

A bully may be a person who hurts others feelings, who may smack, may slap, kick or punch, tease or shout. To identify if the behaviour is bullying we always ask………..

……………………..is the behaviour pre-meditated and/or persistent?

At Walter Evans we want everyone to feel happy and safe, if you feel you are being bullied tell someone, get help!!

What can you do?

If you are being bullied or threatened:-

  • Tell a member of staff. It is important that you do this straight away.
  • If you cannot do this, tell a friend, or your parent or carer as soon as possible.
  • Report bullying – straight away!

You can help make our school a happy place if you always report bullying of yourself or others. NEVER join in with bullying or just watch it happening to someone else without reporting it.


  • The incident will be written down, stating what you have done and what actions are to be taken.
  • A copy of this report will be kept in the Incident Log with the Head teacher.
  • You will be required to make a full and proper apology to the person you have hurt.
  • Your parent/carer will be contacted to discuss your behaviour.
  • You may have your break-times restricted.

Behaviour Escalation Policy

This is an additional system employed in KS2 for more serious and ongoing behaviour concerns. Staff will talk to parents if this step should become needed for a particular child.

Behaviour Escalation System

Dear Parents / Carers

In Years 1 – 6 we have a behaviour system which rewards good behaviour each week. This happens in “Golden Time” on a Friday afternoon from 3 – 3.25pm. If a child breaks a class/school rule they lose some of this time as a consequence. They have the opportunity to earn time back during the week if they change their behaviour.

We have introduced an additional system to be used for more serious incidents, such as swearing, fighting, bullying; this is the “card” system; it is rarely used. Only the Head, or Deputy in her absence, can give a card. They do so after investigating the incident; they are never given out on the spot.

The cards last for a half-term – If they are given a 6th card within a half-term then they will receive a fixed-term exclusion. Every child begins each half term with a clean slate.

The table below outlines the punishment that is given for each “card”. A lunchtime detention lasts for 15 minutes; these are held in the meeting room.

A fixed-term exclusion is usually one day, but can be longer depending on the severity or frequency that it is issued for a child.

1st Card / Two consecutive break time detentions
2nd Card / Three consecutive break time detentions
3rd Card / Four consecutive break time detentions
4th Card / Seclusion in school for the day. (Pre exclusion form sent to LA: Pre exclusion letter sent to parents; LA; and Chair of Governors)
5th Card / Seclusion in school for the day
6th Card / Fixed-term exclusion (Exclusion form sent to Parents; LA; and Chair of Governors)

If your son / daughter is given a card then you will receive a letter informing you and the reason for it being given. Please come and talk to the Head or Deputy if this happens and you want any further information.

Yours Faithfully,

Mrs H Simmons