Credit Hours
Course No.
Year (semester)
/ Lab. Credit
Medicinal chemistry (2) lab /
Medicinal I
2010 second
/ 1
Coordinator Name
Room No.
Office Hours
Dr. Adel Ardakani / Dr. Adel Ardakani / 207 / / Sun-Wed (1-2) & Thu (10-11)

Course Objectives:

-Introduction to multi-step synthetic pathways.

-basic assay principles for the synthetic compounds and for manufactured dosage forms or powders.

-Introduction to computer aided chemical drawing, nomencalture and simple physico-chemical properties.

Course Description:

This laboratory will evolve the basic knowledge obtained by the student in organic and analytical chemistry of simple organic molecules into active drugs as simple synthesis or multistep. Focus will be made on the assay and purification techniques with regard to the biologically active ingredients. In the molecular modelling part the student will be able to draw and name simple organic moleclules on free darwing software as well as carry out simple properties calculations and darw full reactions.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Successful completion of this course should lead to the following learning outcomes:

-Good practice in synthesis skills with chemical reagents including hazardous compounds.

-Some appliction about the assay of different drugsas active ingredients.

-Basic knowlegde on diffenet chemical based softwares as aids for drug design process.

Course Contents:


/ Date / Topic Details / Reference (page) / Assessment
1. / 20-02-2011 / Introduction Synthesis of Acetanilide.
2. / 27-02-2011 / Synthesis of P-Acetamidobenzensulfonyl chloride.
3. / 06-03-2011 / Synthesis of P-Amino benzensulfonamide.
4. / 13-03-2011 / Assay of Cetrimide. / Quiz
5. / 20-03-2011 / Molecular modeling (I). “In pharmacy computer lab”
6. / 27-03-2011 / Molecular modeling (II). “In pharmacy computer lab” / HW
7. / 03-04-2011 / Assay of Trimoxazol Tablet / assay of Trimethoprim.
8. / 10-04-2011 / Assay of Trimoxazol Tablet / assay of Sulfamethoxazole.
9. / 17-04-2011 / Assay of Benzyl penicillin. / Quiz
10. / 24-04-2011 / Assay of Ascorbic Acid. / HW
11. / 01-05-2011 / Assay of Nalidixic Acid.
12. / 08-05-2011 / Assay of Streptomycin Sulfate Powder.
13. / 15-05-2011 / F I N A L E X A M I N A T I O N W E E K

Course quality improvement : includes

Introduction of new software's will train & introduce students to computational chemistry and drug design concept by drug-receptor interaction analysis(training on discovery studio software).

The introduction of a double beam UV spectrophotometer will enhance the knowledge of the students with higher precision instrument than the single beam.

Grade Distribution:

Assessment / Grade / Date
-Evaluation: / 20 / TBA
- Reports: (Modelling) / 15 (10) / TBA
- Assignments (quizzes, homeworks): / 15 / TBA
- Final Examination: / 40 / TBA


Reading List:

Text Book / Prepared Laboratory Manual
References / Other medicinal chemistry text books selected for the theoretical course.
General organic chemistry text book
Official pharmacopeias available in the library.

Last updated on 20 / 2/2010 by : Dr. Adel Ardakani