P.O.BOX 52- ZICHRON YA'AKOV -30900- TEL:+972-54-7863986
TO: All ITF Country Members.
Subject:First Harmony Course, 2016 Israel.
Dear Madam/Sir,
The Israel Taekwon-do Traditional Association ITF is the first Harmony course, conducted byht eh President of the ITF, Grand Master Pablo Trajtenberg, and we are delighted to invite you.
The course will be held in the city of Zichron Yakov, Israel .
Date: January 28- 31, 2016
Venue: Zichron Ya'akov, Israel
The seminar will be conducted by the President of the ITF:
G.Master Pablo Trajtenberg (9th degree – Argentina).
Thursday, January 28, 2015 Arrive to Ben Gurion Airport
Transport free of charge to the Hotel
17:00 – 18:00 (course fee, registration, and banquet).
Friday, January 29, 2015 10:00 - 12:00 Seminar
12:00 – 13:00 lunch
13:00 – 15:00 Seminar
15:00 – 15:30 Photos
19:00 Banquet
Saturday, January 30, 2015 08:00 - Trip to Jerusalem
Sunday, January 31, 2015 Departure Or stay for Holidays
Day trip to Jerusalem: The Israel Taekwon-do Association invite all the participants from the world to visit the beautifull and holy city of Jerusalem - free of charge.
Course fees: 4 kup up to VI degree: $75 course fees +$25 registration.
VII degree and above: $25 course fees +$25 registration.
Registration:at or Fax: +972-77-8100532 before January10th 2015.
Please indicate if you will be present at the banquet and the trip when applying for the course.
Accreditation and payment of the course fees: On 28.01.2016 at Beit Maimon Hotel 17:00 – 18:00 (course fee, registration, and banquet).
Please make sure that for de identification of the participant the following information is provided with the payment:
- Name of participant.
- Name of the ITF Club.
- Country.
- Harmony-2016.
Please note Registration deadline-05.01.2016
Hotel Beit Maimon , 4 ZahalStreet, Zichron Ya'akov. It offers a natural setting and panoramic views of the valley and the Mediterranean Sea. Tel Aviv is a 1-hour drive away..
Hotel Beit Maimon -
Beit Maimon / Single room / Double room2 night / 285 usd / 305 usd
3 night / 450 / 480
4 night / 570 / 610
* included breakfast
Zichron Ya'akov:
Arrival at BenGurionAirport:
A pickup service for the participants from the airport to the hotel will be provided by courtesy of ITF Israel. Please let us know your arrival times and flight no, by January 15th 2015.
By Train:
Ben Gurion Airport line from Terminal 3 to Binyamina train station.
from there you will be picked up and arrive after a 10 minutes drive.
Sports Hall – Zichron Ya'akov
For those interested, a light meal will be served at the lunch break - for a fee.
A pickup service for the participants from the hotel to the sports hall will be provided by courtesy of ITF Israel.
Banquet Dinner.
We are excited to invite you to aspecial banquet dinner with the President of ITFG.Master Pablo Trajtenberg.
Getting together, jointly enjoying the atmosphere of a pleasant, enchanting and special Shabbat eve.
The Banquet will take place at Casa Baronna Restaurant
u$d50.00 (per person)drinks included
Don't miss this unique and special event.
Come and enjoy the spirit of the holy land with the spirit of Taekwon-Do.
Yours in Taekwon-Do,
Danny Roth Leonardo Oros Duek
President I.T.A Secretary I.T.A