Meeting name: Communications Steering Committee


Date: April 18, 2017

Join WebEx Meeting number: 805 894 706

Join by phone Toll free number: 1-877-953-0411 Passcode: 9206148

1.  Welcome – Laura

2.  Roll Call – Laura

Present / Excused
Laura Ruppert, Indiana State Cancer Registry / Annette Hurlbut, Elekta
Lori Swain, NCRA, primary Liaison to NAACCR Board / Mignon Dryden, Cancer Registry of Greater California
Becky Cassady, LLUCC / Robin Malicki, Population Registries of Wisconsin
Carol DeSantis, ACS / Charlie Blackburn, NAACCR staff
Winny Roshala, Cancer Registry of Greater California. Secondary Liaison to NAACCR Board / Chandrika Rao, North Carolina Cancer Registry
Dan Curran, C/Net Solutions
Susan Gershman, Massachusetts Cancer Registry
Dustin Dennison, NAACCR staff

3.  Minutes/Outstanding action items – Laura/Charlie

·  Any changes to the March minutes – No changes, APPROVED

4.  NAACCR Brochure 2013 update (due 7/2017) – Charlie

·  Moved to next meeting in Charlie’s absence

·  There was debate on listing dates of conferences since the brochures would become outdated and need to be updated frequently.

5.  Communications Working Groups

·  Social Media WG lead, update – Robin/Dan/Dustin

o  Dustin discussed the social media campaigns for the ARN, Registrars week and the How Did you get my Name? pre conference

·  NAACCReview Blog Site Status – Becky

o  Becky reported that there have been two posts since the last CSC meeting. She also discussed the new online form for submitting content for inclusion in NAACCReview. Dustin will share the form with the group.

·  NAACCR Narrative update due date and article needs – Spring issue Chandrika/Dustin

o  Status: Dustin reported that there are three outstanding articles.

6.  Forum for concerns/update/etc-Dustin

Action Item: ePoll to be designed for Narrative issue to solicit input on the Forum

·  The ePoll was shared with the group. Positive feedback was given by the group.

·  NAACCR Website Contest: Dustin introduced an idea for a website contest to get people to search through the new website to find two hidden items. Goal of contest is to get people using the website and forums as well as receive feedback from the users. Additional details will be provided on Causeway.

7.  Job Postings

·  Winny brought up that the Job Postings board on the NAACCR website was difficult to find. She mentioned that NCRA charges for job postings and proposed that it be discussed. Not advocating just wanted to throw the idea out there. The group will discuss ways of how to better promote Job postings to the NAACCR membership. Proposed ideas included the Narrative and social media.

8.  New Meeting Time

·  Robin will be the new Co-Chair of CSC following the NAACCR conference. Since she has a recurring meeting during our normal meeting time Laura has asked the group to consider the idea of changing the meeting time/day. Robin will provide Laura with availability and will send to the group. Would like consensus by the May meeting.

9.  Annual Conference Communications-ALL

Action Items: Prepare/Approval of Survey tool for membership feedback; continuous feed on monitor of how to get the word out to NAACCR membership (example of something from either the narrative, blog, etc.)

·  Possibly pattern after a booth at NCRA. Visitors filled out survey and won a turn at spinning the wheel for a prize. We could provide a short survey on knowledge of platforms for information sharing (such as blog, narrative, etc.) at NAACCR. Could have a looped example of a submission and how to choose.

10.  Causeway Tutorial-Charlie

·  Moved to next meeting in Charlie’s absence

11.  Closing remarks / Adjournment

12.  Next Call – 5/16/2017