NEWSLETTER No 2 – May 2015

Welcome everyone to our second newsletter! Thank you for your positive feedback from the first one.


What's new from me for this month?

Ashdown Forest Health Centre

I am sure a lot of people are registered at The Health Centrehere in the village and that several of those people will have met Dr Naineni one of the GP's. I have heard reports from many patients how kind and understanding Dr Naineni is and I know first hand his clinics are very popular. As some of you know I also work part time at the surgery and have had the opportunity of talking not only to Dr Naineni but to Sally Payne, the Patient Services Manager about our project. They are both keen to support the well-being of residents and carers in the community and Dr Naineni has asked if he can come along and talk with us at one of our coffee mornings.

We are planning to arrange this for possibly June/July and would like to hear from you as to what you would like to ask Dr Naineni and Sally. They will have a limited time to talk with us so it would be useful to have in advance if possible your questions. Please let one of us know. Thank you.

Volunteers and Members

I am always juggling trying to help members and potential members with the availability of volunteers. It’s a tricky wicket. There is usually a deficit of one and a surplus of the other. However, do let me know if you know of any potential volunteers who might be able to give an hour or so a month, driving, shopping, chatting or similar and please let us know if you think someone could use our help. We can transport people to clubs or outings or visit and hopefully be able to help them out with other things. But do let one of us know.

Exercise Classes and Table Top Gardening

A few of us met Emma Newman of “AIRS” (Action in Rural Sussex), when she came along to the Thursday Club flower arranging afternoon and talked a little about an Exercise Class and Table Top Gardening Course. The proposal is for a dedicated Exercise Class of 45 minutes, which would begin on Wednesday 9th September at 1.45 pm and run for 10 consecutive Wednesdays. The Table Top Course of 5 weeks could possibly also be held in the autumn on a Thursday.

Both would be run by qualified teachers from “ACRES” (Adult College in Rural East Sussex) and be partly funded by AIRS, a small charge per person, per session however, would also be needed. We can let you know more about these proposed classes over the next few weeks and please do let us know if you would be interested in taking part. Please speak to Sally Cox.

Bridging Ages

Charlotte Harvey has given me the following information about a project they have set up locally which brings together younger people and older people....

Bridging Ages is a new community interest company set up by three local individuals to bring elderly and young people together in social situations for their mutual advantage. Our first initiative, The Biography Project, started in January 2015 with 8 students from Michael Hall who were paired up with local residents.

After a series of training sessions, the students interviewed the elderly person about their lives creating mini biographies that are written up by the young people. These will be professionally published and presented to the elderly people at a celebratory tea in June.

So far, the project has been very successful: the students are meeting the programme goals (developing their listening, writing and time management sills and taking civic responsibility – along with building a personal connection with an elderly person). The elderly participants are taking pleasure in the weekly conversations and (as one man said) the contact is ‘nourishing’.

We would like to explore ways in bringing this programme to more students in Forest Row and surrounding schools and are actively seeking funding from grant giving bodies. For further information do look at our website

Lastly ….Due to time constraints I am handing over the co-ordination of the project to Christine Edney. Her contact details are below. Please do send her any contributions for the next newsletter and contact her in the future for any issues.

I will be continuing to support the project as much as I can and being an active volunteer, so you'll still see me about. Wendy


Since the last outing to the Llama Park the Wednesday club have been busy, as Joan reports ...

Fourteen of us met on Wed 25th in the Community Centre and shared an Italian lunch – Vegetarian Lasagne with Tiramisu. Around 1pm we went through to the Rose Room for a cuppa and a chat. Melody Grove who was due to lead us in a 40’s sing along was unable to attend – she has had big success with her acting career recently (playing alongside Mark Rylance at The Globe no less!) so she was understandably in demand elsewhere. We had a good try at singing along with the Andrews Sister’s recording of ‘Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy’ but they were a bit fast for us. However, we did find out that Betty is quite a singer!

The lyrics put us in a nostalgic mood and we shared stories of first love and how we met our partners. Patsy told us how she never looked at a boy’s face just his feet, because she couldn’t have dated anyone who wasn’t a dancer. The conversation turned to reflect on how much the world had changed since then and whether the role of a woman had changed for the better. There were split opinions on this and a lively discussion ensued.

After a while, we decided to have another go at a song and we had more luck singing a slower – ‘Oh, Johnny! Oh, Johnny! How you can love’. We rounded up around 2.45pm and will meet again in April to go walking amongst some bluebells, hopefully!

Thursday 30th April – Bluebell Outing

After another tasty lunch in our community cafe, we took five car loads down to Frances and Robert Ludman's cottage for our bluebell outing. We arrived in sunshine and took a short walk around their garden and into the woods behind. The ground was just covered, with glorious bluebells. We picked our way along the narrow paths, trying to avoid crushing any of the delicate flowers.

Tea and cakes awaited us on the patio, where we got a good view of their lovely garden. A brief shower sent us inside for still more tea and cake where Frances told us about her fundraising adventures as a trustee for the 'Blooming arts' - "they work regularly with over 70 adults with learning disabilities. Their participation in music, dance, singing, drama and art sessions is inspirational and their performances amazing and life affirming". Frances has been involved with fundraising for the blooming arts and remarkably, completed a triathlon when she was 65. She plans to repeat that extraordinary feat, on 10th May this year, during her 70th year. She kindly asked anyone who would like to contribute a pound or so to pop money into her collection tin, which many of us were pleased to do.

The rain had passed, so we returned to the patio and the sunshine for a little longer. We left around 3pm, thanking Frances and Robert for their hospitality and warmth.


Sat 4 April – We helped to host a stall at the Forest Row Village Market in the Community Car Park alongside the Parish Council. A rota of volunteers covered the day including Gwen, Wendy, Sally Cox, Cheryl. We spoke with people who came by to find out about us and handed out our leaflet and our last newsletter to both potential volunteers and potential members. Thank you to all who helped man the stall.


Sat 16th May - We are planning to run another Tombola stall during the Fun Day planned on Foresters Green. If anyone has any donations, any unwanted gifts, bottles, or would like to make a cake or similar please let us know.

If anyone would like to assist in the running of the stall during the day they would be most welcome.

Any donations could be dropped in to Seasons fruit and veg shop – ask to give to Dan.

Tuesday 19 May – Our AGM

Will be held on Tuesday 19 May at 3pm in the Main Hall at the Community Centre. Please do come along, it will be a good opportunity to meet people who you have not met before, both volunteers and members. It will be an informal affair, there will be plenty of tea and scones, not too much boring stuff, just an indication of how we have developed and grown in the last year. Formal invites have been sent out, please let us know if you haven't received one or would like one. Oh, and Simon Casciano (former Dorchester pianist) is going to be accompanying your tea with his classical piano playing!


We are very grateful for the grant giving bodies who will be supporting us in the forthcoming year: Forest Row Parish Council, Wealden Council, and the Co-operative Bank Community Fund. We have very recently received a grant for the coming financial year from Wealden Council Small Grants.


Coffee morning for Volunteers and Members – Mon 23 February 2015

Thank you to everyone who came along to the coffee morning. We had guest speakers – Jo Keel from a peer support group in Forest Row for disabled adults, Nonie Harris from Age UK and Julie Karimi from The Dementia Engagement Service.

Here are details for people of services that were outlined to us:

Age UK – Information and Advice Service (for over 50's, their family and carers) regarding welfare benefits, social care, housing, local information. Hastings Office 01424 426162 Mon-Fri 10am – 1pm, Lewes Office 01273 476704 Tues 9.30am – 4.30pm, Thurs 9.30am – 12.30pm

Age UK – Home from Hospital Service. Short term voluntary help and support to people over 55 who have recently left hospital. For people living alone, with a carer or with someone who is physically unable to help. Visits for up to 6 weeks, housekeeping, shopping, collecting prescriptions, preparing snacks, take to medical appointments etc.

You can make a self referral to Age UK East Sussex 01273 476704 x225 Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm or contact ward nurse, social worker, GP to make the referral.

Foot Care Service – Nonie Harris 01273 476 704 x101

Visiting podiatrists and chiropodists can arrange to visit you.

We could pre-book the Rose Room in the Community Centre if enough people are interested in the service. Nonie could not stress enough how important it is to keep you feet healthy. She has information about mobility tools to help reach your feet, put socks on etc. Prevention is better than cure!

Email Nonie at

Healthwatch – is a project Nonie is involved in. Healthwatch want to hear about your experiences concerning any aspects of your social or health care. She is currently helping someone secure a Blue Badge and would be keen to hear from you if you have comments to make or are in need of help of any kind. You can contact Healthwatch on 0800 101 4007 so please, get in touch and HAVE YOUR SAY!

Dementia Engagement Service – Julie Karimi is available to come out to you to carry out a Carers Assessment if you are caring for someone with dementia. It is a free service. The office number is 0345 60 80 191 however Julie gave us her personal office number if we need to contact her 01323 432340. She will come out and do an in depth assessment and refer onwards if the person needs care to a Community Support Worker to work with the person with dementia for up to 6-8 weeks exploring appropriate activities. If this is successful then long term funding and a handover to a Personal Assistant is secured. There are financial payments available for the carers to help them towards a holiday etc. which are discussed in the Carers Assessment.

Jo Keel outlined DAWNS which is a project supporting disabled adults in the Weald. She gave us details of her curling afternoons if any of you are feeling sporty! These are held fortnightly on a Tuesday between 2-4pm at Ashurstwood. Next dates are 17th, 31st March. First 3 are free otherwise it is £2.50 per session. Ring Jo on 07759 948788. More details on


Christine would welcome any contributions from anyone for the Newsletter. Please email them to her at or ring her on the FRVSN number 07581 131822

We always welcome your comments and feedback - what you would like to see in it etc. What you might like us to do for you as well.

And lastly … (to keep you reading until the bitter end)

I thought you would like to know that my dog Charlie that I mentioned in the last newsletter who is semi-resident at Oakwood Park and also a recent ‘Pets as Therapy’ recruit has been invited to Acorn Lodge Care Home in East Grinstead. I am sure he will cheer the residents up! Here is a sneak preview of him. His name was 'Darwin' when I got him from the rescue centre hence the name on his tag. We think Charlie suits him better, he’s a right one!