Allison Joy Brager

Phone: 1-404-621-4691

Email: or

Professional Website:

- Homeostatic and Neuroendocrine blog of the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting (2009-present)

- over 600 blog posts and 150 peer-reviewed posts on

- syndicated by Newstex


Doctorate in Physiology, Department of Biological Sciences, Kent State University (2007-2011)

Dissertation: “Roles of the circadian and reward systems in alcoholism”

** University Award for Best Dissertation of the 2010-2011 Academic Year

Bachelors of Science in Psychology Brown University, 2003- 2007

Independent Investigation: “Circadian-dependent changes in REM propensity in healthy, young adults”

Academic Appointments

2011-present Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Neuroscience Institute, Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia

Mentor: Ketema N. Paul, PhD

2007-2011 Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant, Circadian Physiology Laboratory, Department of Biological Sciences, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

Mentor: John David Glass, Ph.D.

Co-Mentor: Rebecca A. Prosser, Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Department of Cellular, Molecular, and Biochemistry

2005-2007  Undergraduate Research Assistant, Bradley Sleep and Chronobiology Laboratory, Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island

Mentor: Mary A. Carskadon, Ph.D.

National Institutes of Health Fellowships and Grants

F32HL116077-01A1: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards for Individual Postdoctoral Fellowships

IC: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Project: “Bmal1 as a Central and Peripheral Regulator of Sleep Homeostasis”

Status: Current ($161,802/3 years; 09/2013-09/2016)

Loan Repayment Program for Health Disparities Research

IC: National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities

Project: “Genetic and Hormonal Sex Differences in Adaptation to Sleep Loss”

Status: Current ($21,444/2 years; 08/2013-07/2015)

F31AA019821-01A1: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards for Individual Predoctoral Fellowships

IC: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Project: “Environmental and Genetic Circadian Influences on Alcoholism”

Status: Completed ($26,420/1 year)

Merit-Based Awards supported by National Institutes of Health

Spring 2012 International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society Travel Award ($500; NIAAA)

Spring 2012 NIGMS/FASEB Postdoctoral Workshop Diversity Award ($1,250; NIGMS and FASEB)

Fall 2011 Sleep Research Network Diversity Award ($1,000;NCRR)

Summer 2011 Research Society on Alcoholism Merit Award ($280; NIAAA)

Winter 2011 11th Annual Guze Symposium on Alcoholism Presentation Award ($500; NIAAA)

Fall 2010 International Biomedical Research Society on Alcoholism

World Congress Presentation Award ($1,000; NIAAA)

Winter 2010 10th Annual Guze Symposium on Alcoholism Presentation Award ($500; NIAAA)

Other Extramural Merit-Based Awards

Spring 2013 Center for Behavioral Neuroscience Travel Award ($400)

Spring 2012 Society for Research on Biological Rhythms Excellence Award ($300)

Winter 2012 Curtis L. Parker Research Symposium Presentation Award ($125)

Fall 2011 Society for Neuroscience Travel Award ($1,000)

Spring 2010 Society for Research on Biological Rhythms Excellence

Award ($600)

Intramural Fellowships

Fall 2010 Lillian H. Freidman Fellowship in Mental Health, Kent State

University ($1,100)

Summer 2006 William C. Dement Summer Behavioral Apprenticeship, Brown University ($3,300 plus travel to Associate Professional Sleep Societies in Salt Lake City, Utah)

Intramural Grant Support

2009-2010 Graduate Student Senate International Research Grant, Kent State University ($1,000)

2009-2011 Graduate Student Senate University Research Grants, Kent State University ($2,000/2 yrs)

Professional Society Service

Communications and Trainee Day Committees (present)

Society for Research on Biological Rhythms

Board of Directors, Trainee Member-At-Large (2011-2012)

Sleep Research Society

Responsibilities: 1) oversee the organization of the Trainee Symposia Series held at the annual Associated Professional Sleep Societies Meeting; 2) review and select recipients for merit-based travel awards and foundation grants; 3) discuss, review, and implement educational and training programs in sleep and circadian rhythms basic research; and 4) discuss, review, and vote on other educational-, financial, and government-related issues brought to the Board of Directors

Assistant Editor and Columnist (2011-2012)

Sleep Research Society Quarterly Bulletin

Trainee Education and Advisory Subcommittee (2008-2011)

Sleep Research Society

Educational Advocate (2007-2009)

National Sleep Foundation

University Service

Morehouse School of Medicine

Blog and Social Media Administrator for the Specialized Neuroscience Research Program at the Neuroscience Institute (funded by a U54 from the National Institute on Neurological Disorders and Stroke)

Kent State University

President (2009-2010) and Vice President (2008-2009) of Biology Graduate Student Council

Co-sponsored and organized: Brain Awareness Week (2010), Darwin Week (2009), Graduate Student Travel Grants, Annual Departmental Symposium, and Departmental Socials

Graduate Studies Committee (2009-2010)

Department of Biological Sciences

Responsibilities: 1) review and select applicants for admission to the department’s master’s and doctoral programs; 2) review and select recipients for intramural fellowships and grants; and 3) discuss budgets and student concerns of each program

Co-Founder (2008)

Kent State Freethinkers

Teaching and Coaching Experience

For teaching evaluations, 1-exceptional; 5- poor

Co-Instructor for Neural Systems and Behavior (Spring 2012 and 2013)

- Morehouse College

- Upper-level course

- 3-credit (no lab) course on the principles and practices of basic and systems neuroscience

Vertebrate Embryology Laboratory Assistant (Spring 2010 and 2011 [eval: 1.2+0.2])

-Kent State University

-Upper-level, Pre-Medicine Course

-re-designed the laboratory course and manual to have more clinical applications

Vertebrate Anatomy Laboratory Assistant (Fall 2010; [eval: 1.3+0.2])

-  Kent State University

-  Upper-level, Pre-Medicine Course

-  dissection and structure identifications in lamprey, dogfish, mudpuppy, cat, and sheep (brain and heart)

NCAA Divisions I and II Pole Vault Coach (present)

- men’s and women’s

- Morehouse College (GA; present)

- Youngstown State University (OH; 2010-2011)

Assistant High School Track and Field Coach (2007-2011)

- member of the Ohio Association of Track and Cross Country Coaches

- coached 1 national qualifier and 3 state medalists; these athletes have also received athletic scholarships to compete at the NCAA Division I level

Guest Lecturer

Neuroendocrinology (Kent State University, Fall 2010)- Circadian Physiology

Career Pathways in Biology (Kent State University, Spring 2011)

Research Mentoring.

Morehouse School of Medicine

Patrick Delisser, M.D. candidate at Howard University

Divya Natarajan ,sophomore at Georgia Tech

**both of these individuals are authors on Brager et al. (2013) PLoS**

Alexandra Hightower, sophomore at Johns Hopkins University

Jeroson Williams, senior at Morehouse College

Makeda Agonafer, psychiatry resident in California

Kent State University

Katherine L. Miller, M.D candidate

Michael Miller, M.D candidate

Sara Yin, M.D candidate

Sahanna Nagabhusan, research technician at UNC-Chapel Hill

Omar Ali, M.D candidate

Guarav Awasty, M.D. candidate

Joseph Leone, M.D. candidate

Hazel Halgren, M.D candidate

Publications (chronological order): h-index score-6; number of citations-86

Original Research Articles.

1.  Ruby, CL, Brager AJ, DePaul, MA, Prosser, RA, Glass, JD (2009). Chronic ethanol attenuates circadian photic phase-resetting and alters nocturnal activity patterns in the hamster. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparative Physiology 297:R729-R737. Citations: 21

2.  Brager AJ, Ruby CL, Prosser RA, and Glass JD (2010). Chronic ethanol disrupts circadian photic entrainment and daily activity patterns in the mouse. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 34(7): 1266-1273. Citations: 16

3.  Hammer SB, Ruby CL, Brager AJ, Prosser RA, and Glass JD (2010). Environment modulation of alcohol intake in hamsters: effects of wheel running and constant light exposure. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 34(9): 1651-1658. **EDITOR’S CHOICE*** Citations: 7

4.  Brager AJ, Ruby CL, Prosser RA, and Glass JD (2011a). Acute ethanol disrupts photic and serotonergic signaling of the mouse circadian clock. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 35(8):1467-1474. Citations: 9

5.  Brager AJ, Prosser, RA, Glass, JD (2011b). Circadian and acamprosate modulation of elevated ethanol intake in the mPer2 clock gene mutant mouse. Chronobiology International 28(8): 664-672. Citations: 10

6. Brager A, Prosser, RA, Glass, JD (2011c). Acamprosate-responsive brain sites for suppression of ethanol intake and preference. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparative Physiology 301: R1032-1043. Citations: 4

7. Glass, JD, Brager AJ, Stowie, AC, Prosser, RA (2012). Acute cocaine disrupts circadian timing of photic and nonphotic regulatory pathways of the SCN circadian clock. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparative Physiology 302: R740-750. Citations: 3

8. Brager AJ, Hammer SB (2012). Impact of exercise on chronic ethanol intake in aged Syrian hamsters. Physiology and Behavior 107: 418-423. Citations: 1

9. Luyster FS, Strollo PJ, Zee PC, Walsh JK on behalf of the Board of Directors

the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society

(2012). Sleep: a health imperative. Sleep 35(6): 727-734. Citations: 14

10. Brager AJ, Stowie AC, Prosser RA, Glass JD (2013). The mPer2 clock gene

modulates cocaine actions in the mouse circadian system. Behavioural Brain

Research 243: 255-60.

11. Brager AJ, Ehlen JC, Castanon-Cervantes O, Natarajan D, Delisser P, Davidson

AJ, Paul KN (2013). Sleep loss and the inflammatory response in mice under

chronic environmental circadian disruption. PLoS One: e63752. Citations: 1

12. Ehlen JC, Jefferson F, Brager AJ, Beneviste M, Paul KN (2013). Wake incidence in the waking EEG as a potential real-time indicator of sleep need in the mouse. Sleep 36(11): 1723-1735.


Brager AJ. NextGen Voice Results. Science 338(6103): 40-43, 2013.

Reference Works.

Brager AJ. Talnetant. In: xPharm: The Comprehensive Pharmacology Reference; Eds. David B. Bylund and S.J. Enna; Elsevier Science, Inc., New York, 2008.

Brager AJ. SB-222200. In: xPharm: The Comprehensive Pharmacology Reference; Eds. David B. Bylund and S.J. Enna; Elsevier Science, Inc., New York, 2008.

Brager AJ. NK3 Tachykinin Receptor. In: xPharm: The Comprehensive Pharmacology Reference; Eds. David B. Bylund and S.J. Enna; Elsevier Science, Inc., New York, 2008.

Professional Society Research Bulletins.

Brager Allison. APSS 2011 Recap: SRS Trainee Symposia Series. Sleep Research Society Bulletin 17(2): 2011.

Brager Allison. Trainee Corner. Sleep Research Society Bulletin 17(3): 2012.

Brager, Allison. Trainee Corner. Sleep Research Society Bulletin 17(4): 2012.

Books in Print.

Brager Allison Joy. Off-Colored Rainbows. PublishAmerica, Frederick, MD, 2005.

Manuscript Referee

European Journal of Neuroscience

PLoS One

Neuropsychopharmacology-part of Nature Publishing Group


Behavioural Brain Research

Journal of Sleep Research

Drug and Alcohol Dependence


United States Weightlifting Association, London 2012 Summer Olympic Team

United States Soccer Federation, Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Team

United States Track and Field Association, Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Team

Oral Presentations at Professional Society Meetings

1. Brager AJ, Hesse S, Ehlen JC, Paul KN. Sex differences in sleep regulatory processes in the mid-active phase siesta in sleeping mice. Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 11th, 2013.

2. Brager AJ, Aganofer M, Ehlen JC, Esser KA, Paul KN. Genetic and tissue-

specific regulation of skeletal muscle structure and function. 13th Annual Animal Behavior Conference, Bloomington, Indiana, March 29th, 2013 **Center for

Behavioral Neuroscience Travel Award**

3. Brager AJ, Ehlen JC, Paul KN. Elevated cfos-immunoreactivity in sleep-wake

areas in mice with amplified peripheral Bmal1 expression. Annual Society for

Neuroscience Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 13th, 2012.

4. Brager AJ, Glass JD, Prosser RA. Per2 mutation increases the duration and

frequency of ethanol drinking and enhances cocaine clock-resetting response. 13th Biennial Society for Research on Biological Rhythms Meeting, Sandestin, FL, May 20th, 2012. **SRBR Merit-Based Travel Award**

5. Brager AJ, Glass JD, Prosser RA. A double whammy: Per2 mutation leads to additional diurnal phases on ethanol intake and reduced responsiveness to constant-release acamprosate. 14th International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society Meeting, Boulder, CO, May 18th, 2012. **IBANGS Merit-Based Travel Award**

6. Brager AJ, Glass JD, Prosser RA. Disruption to circadian timing by cocaine action in the mesolimbic reward pathway. Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington, DC, November 14th, 2011. **Society for Neuroscience Merit-Based Travel Award**

Poster Presentations at Professional Society Meetings

1. Brager AJ, Hesse S, Ehlen JC, Paul KN. Sex-chromosome dependent differences in sleep-wake processes. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Atlanta, GA, June 24th, 2013.

2. Brager AJ, Ehlen JC, Castonon-Cervantes O, Davidson AJ, Paul KN. 12

weeks of chronic phase-advances alter sleep-wake dynamics during re-entrainment. 25th Annual Meeting of Associate Professional Sleep Societies, Boston, MA, June 12th, 2012.

3. Brager AJ, Aganofer M, Ehlen JC, Esser KA, Paul KN. Assessment of

glucose utilization in mice with amplified Bmal1 expression specific to the skeletal

muscle. 13th Biennial Society for Research on Biological Rhythms Meeting, Sandestin, FL, May 22th, 2012

4. Brager, AJ, Stowie AC, Prosser, RA, Glass, JD Per2 mutation increases

the duration and frequency of ethanol drinking and enhances cocaine clock-resetting response. 13th Biennial Society for Research on Biological Rhythms Meeting, Sandestin, FL, May 20th, 2012. **SRBR Merit-Based Travel Award**

5. Brager AJ, Glass, JD, Prosser, RA Disruption to circadian timing by cocaine action in the mesolimbic reward pathway. Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington, DC, November 12th, 2011. **Society for Neuroscience Merit-Based Travel Award**

6. Brager AJ, Paul, K.N., Glass, JD Circadian clock gene regulation of sleep, reward, and metabolic homeostasis. 3rd Annual Sleep Research Network Conference, Bethesda, MD, October 5th, 2011. **NCRR-Funded Merit-Based Travel Award**

7. Brager AJ, Prosser, RA, Glass JD Acamprosate-responsive brain sites to the suppression of ethanol intake and preference: modulation by the PER2 clock gene. 34th Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Atlanta, GA, 2011. **NIAAA-Funded Merit-Based Travel Award**

8. Brager AJ, Stowie, AC, Prosser, RA, Glass, JD Disruptive effects of

cocaine and PER2 knockdown on murine nonphotic and photic phase-

resetting responses. 25th Annual Meeting of the Associate Professional Sleep Societies, Minneapolis, MN, June 12th, 2011.

9. Brager AJ, Prosser, RA, Glass, JD Brain sites responsive to acamprosate suppression of ethanol intake and preference. 3rd World Congress of Chronobiology, Puebla, Mexico, May 6th, 2011.

10. Brager AJ, Prosser, RA, Glass JD Brain sites responsive to acamprosate suppression of ethanol intake and preference: modulation by the PER2 clock gene. 11th Annual Guze Symposium, St. Louis, MO, February 17, 2011. **NIAAA-Funded Presentation Award **

11. Brager AJ, Prosser, RA, Glass, JD Extra-SCN brain area responses

to acamprosate suppression of ethanol intake and craving in the mouse. Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 13, 2010.

12. Brager AJ, Prosser, RA, Glass, JD Per2 clock gene knockout affects circadian drinking patterns and brain reward area responses to acamprosate suppression of ethanol intake. Poster presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of the International Biomedical Research Society on Alcoholism, Paris, France, September 11th, 2010. **NIAAA-Funded Merit-Based Travel Award **