Analysis of On Campus

International Students


Central Michigan University

Spring 2012

Office of Institutional Research

March 2012

Office of Institutional Research Page ii of 30


Executive Summary 1

Definitions 2

Demographics of On Campus International Students: Spring 2012 3

Gender 3

Academic Level 3

Top Nationalities of On Campus International Students 4

Number of Credit Hours Enrolled by On Campus International Students Spring 2012 5

Number of Academic Credit Hours Enrolled by Undergraduate Students: Spring 2012 5

Number of Academic Credit Hours Enrolled by Masters Students: Spring 2012 6

Number of Academic Credit Hours Enrolled by Doctoral Students: Spring 2012 7

Number of ESL Credit Hours Enrolled by ELI Students: Spring 2012 8

Cumulative GPA of On Campus International Students: Spring 2012 9

Cumulative GPA of On Campus Undergraduate Students: Spring 2012 10

Cumulative GPA of On Campus Masters Students: Spring 2012 11

Cumulative GPA of On Campus Doctoral Students: Spring 2012 12

Major by Academic Level of On Campus International Students 13

International On Campus Doctoral Students Programs: Spring 2012 13

International On Campus Masters Students Programs: Spring 2012 15

International Undergraduate Students Majors: Spring 2012 16

International Students Majors by Nationalities 17

Chinese Students 17

Saudi Students 19

Indian Students 21

International Undergraduate and Graduate Students Retention 22

International Students Three-Year Trend: 23

On Campus and Global Campus 23

Top 5 Nationalities of International Students: On Campus 24

Top 5 Nationalities of International Students: Global Campus 24

Top 5 Nationalities of International Undergraduate Students: On Campus 25

Top 5 Nationalities of International Masters Students: On Campus 26

Top 5 Nationalities of International Masters Students: Global Campus 26

Number of Attending International Students by Academic Level: On Campus and Global Campus 27

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Executive Summary

The purpose of this analytical study is to better understand international student population at Central Michigan University. This report presents the demographic, cumulative GPA, and top nationalities of international students by academic level and by majors who are attending CMU spring 2012. In addition, second and third year retention is conducted for on campus international students. At the end of the report, on campus and Global Campus international students are compared to highlight the niche market for each campus. Below are the findings concluded from the analysis:

On Campus International Students Spring 2012

o  More male international students (53% male vs. 47% female) than female international students which is opposite of overall student population (45% male vs. 54% female).

o  International students who are working on their doctoral degree represent 8% of international student population, and the rest are divided nearly equally between masters and undergraduate.

o  On campus international students represent 3% of total student population at CMU for the spring 2012 in which nearly one-fifth are masters’ students and 18% are doctoral students.

o  More than 65% of On Campus international students are from China, Saudi Arabia, and India.

o  More than half of international student population is taking 6 and 12 credit hours.

o  On average, cumulative GPA of international undergraduate students is slightly higher than U.S. citizen/ permanent resident students (3.10 vs. 2.98) and average GPA for international masters’ students is lower than U.S. citizen/ permanent resident students GPA (3.52 vs. 3.73). Doctoral students had same average GPA of 3.72.

o  Top majors by academic level taken by CMU international students:

o  Doctoral: Mathematics Teaching College Math and Science of Advanced Materials

o  Masters: MSIS, MBA, and MSA.

o  Undergraduate: Finance, Accounting, and Electrical Engineering.

o  Top majors by nationalities:

o  Chinese students are enrolled mostly in MBA, MSIS, and MSA for masters and Finance, Accounting, and Electrical Engineering for undergraduate.

o  Saudi students are enrolled mostly in MSIS and MSA for masters and Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Information System for undergraduate.

o  Indian students are mostly enrolled in MSIS and MBA.

o  The retention rate of On Campus new transfers and FTIAC international undergraduate students have increased significantly since fall 2008 despite the decline in the enrollment.

Three years trend including On Campus and Global Campus

o  The enrollment number of international students on campus in fall, spring, and summer has been increasing slightly since 2008, while declining at Global Campus.

o  Top two nationalities of on campus international students are Chinese and Saudi Arabian.

o  Top two nationalities of Global Campus international students are Canadian and Mexican


CMU: Central Michigan University

GPA: Grade Point Average on a 4.0 scale

ELI: English Language Institute

ELI Student: A student who as an undergraduate is in the Bridge Program or as a graduate student is conditionally admitted to the College of Graduate Studies.

Second year retention: percent of on campus new transfer and FTIAC students in a fall semester that continue to be enrolled in the following fall semester.

Explanatory Notes:

Global Campus students are students admitted to and enrolled in programs offered by the Global Campus. They are not included in the on campus numbers, nor are any on campus students included in the Global Campus numbers even if the student may take courses offered at Global Campus sites.

Data for Global Campus for spring 2012 were not available at the time of this report. Therefore Global Campus numbers are included only in trend data.

Trend data used in this report were captured from Data Warehouse (live database) on March 2012 and may be slightly different from Institutional Research SD10 or EOS databases that were captured at the beginning or end of semester.

Demographics of On Campus International Students: Spring 2012


Gender Spring 2012 / Frequency / % of 540
Female / 255 / 47.2
Male / 285 / 52.8

Academic Level

Academic Level Spring 2012 / Frequency / % of 540
Doctorate / 45 / 8.3
Masters / 251 / 46.5
Undergraduate / 244 / 45.2

Top Nationalities of On Campus International Students

Country of Residence
Spring 2012 / Frequency / % of 540 / Cumulative Percent
China / 229 / 42.4
Saudi Arabia / 69 / 12.8 / 55.2
India / 54 / 10.0 / 65.2
Nigeria / 22 / 4.1 / 69.3
Canada / 20 / 3.7 / 73.0
Korea / 17 / 3.1 / 76.1
Jordan / 14 / 2.6 / 78.7
Nepal / 10 / 1.9 / 80.6

Number of Credit Hours Enrolled by On Campus International Students Spring 2012

Number of Academic Credit Hours[1] Enrolled by Undergraduate Students: Spring 2012

Number of Credit Hours Enrolled by International Undergraduate Students / Frequency / % of 127
1 to 3 / 3 / 2
4 to 6 / 2 / 2
7 to 9 / 2 / 2
10 to 12 / 38 / 30
13 to 15 / 49 / 39
16 + / 33 / 26

Number of Academic Credit Hours Enrolled by Masters Students: Spring 2012

Number of Credit Hours Enrolled by International Masters Students / Frequency / % of 251
1 to 3 / 33 / 13
4 to 6 / 43 / 17
7 to 9 / 127 / 51
10 to 12 / 41 / 16
13 to 15 / 7 / 3

Number of Academic Credit Hours Enrolled by Doctoral Students: Spring 2012

Number of Credit Hours Enrolled By International Doctoral Students / Frequency / % of 45
1 to 3 / 6 / 13
4 to 6 / 11 / 24
7 to 9 / 20 / 44
10 to 12 / 7 / 16
13 to 15 / 1 / 2

Number of ESL Credit Hours Enrolled by ELI Students: Spring 2012

Number of ESL Credit Hours Enrolled By International ELI Students: Spring 2012 / Frequency / % of 31
7 / 1 / 3.2
10 / 1 / 3.2
12 / 21 / 67.7
13 / 8 / 25.8

Cumulative GPA of On Campus International Students: Spring 2012

On Campus International Students / U.S. Citizen/Permanent Residents
Average GPA / Frequency / Average GPA / Frequency
Undergraduate / 3.10 / 164 / 2.98 / 17,135
Masters / 3.52 / 229 / 3.73 / 1,046
Doctoral / 3.72 / 45 / 3.72 / 343

Cumulative GPA of On Campus Undergraduate Students: Spring 2012

Spring 2012 / On Campus International Undergraduate Students / U.S. Citizen/Permanent Resident Students
GPA / Frequency / % of 159 / Frequency / % of 16,208
4.0 - 3.5 / 49 / 31% / 3,840 / 24%
3.4 - 3.0 / 58 / 36% / 5,175 / 32%
2.9 - 2.5 / 26 / 16% / 3,748 / 23%
<2.5 / 26 / 16% / 3,445 / 21%

Cumulative GPA of On Campus Masters Students: Spring 2012

On Campus International Masters Students / U.S. Citizen/Permanent Resident Students
GPA / Frequency / % of 226 / Frequency / % of 1,044
4.0 - 3.5 / 133 / 59% / 875 / 84%
3.4 - 3.0 / 82 / 36% / 143 / 14%
2.9 - 2.5 / 9 / 4% / 16 / 2%
<2.5 / 2 / 1% / 10 / 1%

Cumulative GPA of On Campus Doctoral Students: Spring 2012

Spring 2012 / International Doctoral Students / U.S. Citizen/Permanent Resident Students
GPA / Frequency / % of 45 / Frequency / % of 341
4.0 – 3.5 / 39 / 87% / 290 / 85%
3.4 - 3.0 / 5 / 11% / 50 / 15%
2.9 - 2.5 / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0%
<2.5 / 1 / 2% / 1 / 0%

Major by Academic Level of On Campus International Students

International On Campus Doctoral Students Programs: Spring 2012

Spring 2012 / International Students
Doctoral Major / Frequency / %[2] / N[3]
Mathematics: Teaching College Mathematics / 19 / 56% / 34
Science of Advanced Materials / 7 / 54% / 13
Industrial Organization Psychology / 5 / 16% / 31
History / 3 / 14% / 22
School Psychology / 2 / 11% / 19
Applied Experimental Psychology / 2 / 18% / 11
Clinical Psychology / 2 / 7% / 30
Educational Leadership / 2 / 5% / 40
Neuroscience / 1 / 17% / 6
Health Administration / 1 / 11% / 9
Audiology, Post Bac / 1 / 3% / 37

International On Campus Masters Students Programs: Spring 2012

International Students
Masters Major / Frequency / %[4] / N[5]
MSIS / 55 / 82% / 67
MBA / 35 / 32% / 108
MSA:HRA / 19 / 49% / 39
Economics / 18 / 53% / 34
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language / 17 / 59% / 29
Chemistry / 12 / 39% / 31
MSA:HSA / 9 / 29% / 31
Physics / 8 / 62% / 13
MSA:IA / 7 / 88% / 8
Computer Science / 7 / 70% / 10

International Undergraduate Students Majors: Spring 2012

International Students
Undergraduate Major / Frequency / %[6] / N[7]
Finance / 30 / 13% / 230
Accounting / 17 / 4% / 430
Electrical Engineering / 17 / 21% / 82
Mechanical Engineering / 11 / 9% / 118
Marketing / 7 / 2% / 409
Business / 7 / 2% / 410
Information System / 6 / 6% / 93
International Business / 4 / 7% / 55
Dietetics / 4 / 3% / 128
Undecided / 13 / 2.4 / 1,387

International Students Majors by Nationalities

Chinese Students

42.4% of on campus Chinese students are enrolled in masters programs.

Top 10 Masters Enrolled by Chinese Students / Frequency / % of 229
MBA / 18 / 7.9
MSA:HRA / 14 / 6.1
MSIS / 14 / 6.1
Economics / 6 / 2.6
Chemistry / 6 / 2.6
MSA:GA / 5 / 2.2
Computer Science / 5 / 2.2
MSA:IA / 4 / 1.7
Geographic Information Sciences / 3 / 1.3
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language / 3 / 1.3

47.6% of Chinese students are enrolled in undergraduate programs.

Top 10 Undergraduate Majors Enrolled by Chinese Students / Frequency / % of 229
Finance / 25 / 10.9
Accounting / 15 / 6.6
Electrical Engineering / 12 / 5.2
International Business / 4 / 1.7
Dietetics / 4 / 1.7
Biology/ Biomedical Sciences / 4 / 1.7
Business (in) / 4 / 1.7
Human Resources Management / 3 / 1.3
Psychology / 2 / 0.9
Undecided / 8 / 3.5

Saudi Students

21.7% of Saudi Arabian students are enrolled in Masters Programs.

Masters Enrolled by Saudi Arabian Students / Frequency / % of 69
MSIS / 6 / 8.7
MSA:HSA / 2 / 2.9
MSA:HRA / 2 / 2.9
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language / 2 / 2.9
MSA:IA / 1 / 1.4
MSA:GA / 1 / 1.4
BCA Electronic Media Studies / 1 / 1.4

78.3% of Saudi Arabian students are enrolled in undergraduate programs.

Top 10 Undergraduate Majors Enrolled by Saudi Students / Frequency / % of 69
Mechanical Engineering / 8 / 11.6
Electrical Engineering / 5 / 7.2
Information System / 4 / 5.8
Information Technology / 3 / 4.3
Computer Science / 3 / 4.3
Human Resources / 2 / 2.9
Finance / 2 / 2.9
Marketing / 1 / 1.4
Pre-Pharmacy / 1 / 1.4
Undecided / 16 / 23.2

Indian Students

100% of Indian students are enrolled in Masters Programs

Masters Programs Enrolled by Indian Students / Frequency / % of 54
MSIS / 24 / 44.4
MBA / 13 / 24.1
MSA:HSA / 6 / 11.1
Physics / 4 / 7.4
Industrial/ Organization Psychology / 2 / 3.7
Speech Pathology / 1 / 1.9
Neuroscience / 1 / 1.9
Chemistry / 1 / 1.9
Computer Science / 1 / 1.9
Apparel Product Development & Merchandising Technology / 1 / 1.9

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