Social Studies (Global Studies) Syllabus 2016-2017

Brad Naile-7th Grade


Content: Seventh grade is the second year of a two year World Area Studies course. Seventh grade students study SW Asia (Middle East), Southern and Eastern Asia, and Africa. The goal of this two year course is to acquaint middle school students with the world in which they live. The geography domain includes both physical and human geography. The intent of the geography domain is for students to begin to grasp the importance geography plays in our everyday lives. The government/civics domain focuses on selected types of government found in the various areas so as to help students begin to understand the variety of governments in the world. The economics domain builds on the K-5 economics, however, the focus shifts from the United States to how other countries answer the basic questions of economics. The history domain focuses on major events in each region during the twentieth and twenty-first centuriesbeginning (with a few exceptions) Post WWII.

Materials: Textbook-World Cultures and Geography- (students will not be issued a textbook)

Supply Needs and Notebook:

Please make sure your student is self-sufficient each day. The only specialized request I have would be a folder or binder that is used exclusively for World Geography assignments. A table of contents will be kept for each unit that asks students to retain the most important forms. Students will need and are expected to organize and review certain items for the purposes of mastering the content and successfully completing the CDA. Students will also need to have their own personal flash-drive type device to submit assignments electronically.

Course Expectations:

  • Keep an organized notebook.
  • Complete all assignments and turn in when due.
  • Review assignments on a daily basis.
  • Be on time for class.
  • Come to class prepared.
  • Do right. Seventh graders are not adults, but they are also not elementary students anymore. Please behave accordingly. This includes but is not limited to the following:
  • The use of electronic devices, such as cell phones or IPODS, will not be allowed unless the instructor gives permission.
  • Do not use the computers or anything that belongs to me without asking.
  • Do not destroy the desks.
  • Do not use profanity, any other form of inappropriate speech, or make any derogatory comments toward another student or staff member.
  • Get your makeup work when absent; check website, email me or see me personally when you return.
  • When finished with your work, please put it in the appropriate box located on the my desk.


  • There is no such thing as NO HOMEWORK! However, homework will not be given each night. Please make sure you check my website frequently, a link can be found on the FMS school website under the School Staff tab, to stay posted on all upcoming events such as quizzes, homework etc.

Grading Weights:

Daily Work (Classwork, Notebook Checks, Quizzes, Homework) 70 %

Assessments/Projects 30%

Anticipated Classroom Format:

Student note taking will occur daily. Students will be expected to have read the material to be covered prior to the start of each class. Cooperative learning activities and assignments will occur on a regular basis. Throughout this course students will find themselves researching, presenting, outlining, writing, and debating among other things. Quizzes may occur randomly and tests will be administered following the completion of our units.

Academic Honesty: Students are expected to complete their own work unless otherwise instructed. Students will have opportunities to complete group assignments. However, if I ask you to complete your own work and you work with someone else or copy someone’s work, you will receive a ZERO. This includes any work done in the computer lab.

Struggles: If at any time you are having trouble with the academic material I am beyond willing to help you; but you have to ask. The school phone number and my email are on the front of the syllabus. Do NOT wait until the end of the semester for help!!! Ask immediately!!!!