Accounts and records

·  The administration of supplier records relating to goods, orders, services and accounts provided to the University.



Students and pupils

Staff including volunteers, agents, temporary and casual workers

Advisors, consultants and other professional experts


Employment details

Financial details

Goods or services provided

Personal details


Data subjects themselves


Business associates and other professional advisers


Employees and agents of the data controller

Financial organisations and advisors

Persons making an enquiry or complaint

Suppliers, providers of goods or services



Advertising, marketing, public relations, general advice services.

·  The identification of recipients for University services and administration of promotional campaigns;

·  The advertising and promotion of the University and its services including by direct marketing means;

·  The advertisement and provision of general advice to members of the public about University services;

·  The advertisement and promotion of the University through third party products and services e.g. financial sponsorship Fundraising for the University and other organisations (excluding fundraising through alumni)


Customers and clients

Complainants, correspondents and enquirers

Relatives, guardians and associates of the data subject

Staff including volunteers, agents, temporary and casual workers

Students and pupils

Donors and friends of the university

Persons who may be the subject of enquiry/press

Release/promotional exercise

Advisers, consultants and other professional experts


Supplier details (including goods, services provided)

Family, lifestyle and social circumstances

Employment details

Education and training details

Physical or mental health or condition

Personal details

Customer, client details (including goods, services received)


Data subjects themselves

Employees and agents of the data controller

Persons making an enquiry of complaint

Recipients of university services

Relatives, guardians or other persons associated with the data subject

Student Union

The media

Trade unions and staff associations

Current, past or prospective employers of the data subject

Suppliers, providers of goods or services

Trade, employer associations and Professional bodies



Crime prevention and prosecution of offenders (including CCTV)

·  Security, including CCTV (the use of closed-circuit television for the monitoring and collection of sound and/or visual images for the purpose of maintaining the security of premises, for preventing crime and for investigating crime)


Those inside, entering or in the immediate vicinity of the area under surveillance

Members of the public


Personal appearance and behaviour

Offences (including alleged offences)

Criminal proceedings, outcomes and sentences

Sound and/or visual images


Business associates and other professional advisers

Suppliers, providers of goods or services

Data subjects themselves

Employees and agents of the data controller

Police forces

Security organisations



Alumni relations

·  The promotion of the relationship between the University and it’s Alumni

·  University related fundraising initiatives involving Alumni

·  Advertising and promotion of Alumni events and reunions

·  Distribution of University mailings (e.g. Alumni magazines, newsletters, annual reports)

·  Message forwarding (without disclosure of data)

·  The promotion of benefits and services available to Alumni from third parties

·  Eliciting non-financial support (e.g. Careers advice to students, help with student recruitment).



Students and pupils

Staff including volunteers, agents, temporary and casual workers

Relatives, guardians and associates of the data subject

Donors and lenders

Customers, clients of the university

Associates, friends of the university


Education and training details

Employment details

Family, lifestyle and social circumstances

Financial details

Goods or services provided

Personal details

Racial or ethnic origin

Student records


Data subject themselves

Employees and agents of the data controller

Financial organisations and advisers

Recipients of university services

Relatives, guardians or other persons associated with the data subject

University-affiliated/associated groups

Student Union

Suppliers, providers of goods or services




·  Administration of education and training (e.g. registration and monitoring, calculation and publication of exam results, provision of references)

·  provision of education and training (e.g. Planning and control of curricula and exams, commissioning, validating and producing educational materials, sandwich placements)

·  administration of applications (e.g. Receipt and processing of UCAS forms, compilation of statistics, assessments including preliminary and confirmed offers, liaison with UCAS

·  preparation of DFEE returns.

·  Administration of students awards and fees.


Third parties participating in course work e.g. volunteers, patients,

survey respondents


Students and pupils

Staff including volunteers, agents, temporary and casual workers

Relatives, guardians and associates of the data subject

Advisers, consultants and other professional experts

Authors, publishers, editors, artists, and other creators

Complainants, correspondents and enquirers


Education and training details

Employment details

Family, lifestyle and social circumstances

Financial details

Offences (including alleged offences)

Personal details

Student records

Supplier details (including goods, services provided)

Physical or mental health or condition

Racial or ethnic origin

Religious or other beliefs of a similar nature


Higher education statistics agency

Healthcare, social and welfare advisers or practitioners

Suppliers, providers of goods or services

Financial organisations and advisers

Employees and agents of the data controller

Education, training establishments and examining bodies

Data subjects themselves

Current, past or prospective employers of the data subject


The media


Voluntary and charitable organisations

Local government

Police forces

Relatives, guardians or other persons associated with the data subject

Student Union

Funding councils

Department for Education and Employment

Survey and research organisations



Other commercial services

·  The provision of consultancy and advisory services;

·  Provisions of conference facilities (e.g. lecture halls, accommodation, catering etc)

·  Other chargeable services (excluding tuition fees)


Complainants, correspondents and enquirers

Customers and clients

Relatives, guardians and associates of the data subject

Staff including volunteers, agents, temporary and casual workers

Advisers, consultants and other professional experts

Students and pupils



Personal details

Goods or services provided

Physical or mental health or condition

Financial details

Family, lifestyle and social circumstances

Employment details



Customers and clients data controller for goods and services

The media

Persons making an enquiry or complaint

Financial organisations and advisers

Debt collection and tracing agencies

Suppliers, providers of goods or services

Data subjects themselves

Publication of the university magazine –



Publication of the University magazine


Staff including volunteers, agents, temporary and casual workers

Student and pupils


Personal details

Text of magazine articles

Photographic images


Data subjects themselves

Students and pupils

The media




·  Academic research or statistical analysis in all fields, including scientific, technical, health, social, economic or market research

·  Identification of subjects for survey or analysis

·  Collection or extraction of data

·  Analysis, interpretation and evaluation of data

·  Output/presentation of results or findings

·  Administration of research funding



Staff including volunteers, agents, temporary and casual workers

Subjects of research

Relatives, guardians and associates of the data subject

Customers and clients

Correspondents and enquirers

Complainants, correspondents and enquirers

Advisers, consultants and other professional experts

Financial sponsors

Students and pupils


Education and training details

Family, lifestyle and social circumstances

Financial details

Goods or services provided

Personal details

Physical or mental health or condition

Racial or ethnic origin

Religious or other beliefs of a similar nature

Trade union membership

Employment details

Offences (including alleged offences)


Education, training establishments and examining bodies

Data subjects themselves

Customers and clients of the data controller for goods and services

Employees and agents of the data controller

Financial organisations and advisers

Financial sponsors

Survey and research organisations

Persons making an enquiry or complaint

Providers of publicly available information

Suppliers, providers of goods or services



Staff, agent and contract administration

·  the administration of prospective, current and past employees including self-employed, contract personnel, temporary staff or voluntary workers

·  administration of non-university staff contracted to provide services on behalf of the university

·  planning and management of data controllers workload or business activity

·  occupational health service

·  administration of agents or other intermediaries

·  pension administration

·  disciplinary matters, industrial tribunals etc

·  staff training vetting checks


Advisers, consultants and other professional experts

Relatives, guardians and associates of the data subject

Agents and contractors

Customers and clients

Previous and prospective employers of the data subject, and other referees

Staff including volunteers, agents, temporary and casual workers



Customer, client details (including goods, services received)

Education and training details

Employment details

Financial details

Goods or services provided

Offences (including alleged offences)

Personal details

Racial or ethnic origin

Supplier details (including goods, services provided)

Trade union membership

Physical or mental health or condition

Family, lifestyle and social circumstances


Local government

Legal representatives

Higher education statistics agency

Healthcare, social and welfare advisers or practitioners

Financial organisations and advisers

Employees and agents of the data controller

Current, past or prospective employers of the data subject


Central government

Careers service

Police forces

Recipients of university services

Relatives, guardians or other persons associated with the data subject

Data subjects themselves

Education, training establishments and examining bodies

Student Union

Trade unions and staff associations

Survey and research organisations

Suppliers, providers of goods or services



Student and staff support services

·  Administration and management of University and privately owned property (including accommodation services)

·  Administration of grants and loans (e.g. Student loans, loans from the Student loans company, Access loans)

·  Administration and provision of health care services

·  Administration and provision of library services (including membership records, loan/hire records, information and databank administration)

·  Ticket issue/reservation services

·  Administration and provision of a student card

·  Administration and provision of welfare and pastoral services

·  Administration and provision of computing facilities

·  Careers guidance

·  Provision of Creche faclities



Students and pupils

Health professionals

Welfare and pastoral professionals and advisors



Financial sponsors

Business or other contacts

Authors, publishers, editors, artists and other creators

Advisers, consultants and other professional experts

Relatives, guardians and associates of the data subject

Subjects of research

Staff including volunteers, agents, temporary and casual workers


Financial details

Family, lifestyle and social circumstances

Employment details

Education and training details

Physical or mental health or condition

Personal details

Racial or ethnic origin

Religious or other beliefs of a similar nature

Sexual life

Trade union membership

Goods or services provided


The media

Student Loans Company Ltd

Student Union

Public utilities

Probation service

Prison service

Trade unions and staff associations


Financial organisations and advisers

Department of Social Security

Data subjects themselves

Current, pas or prospective employers of the data subject


Careers services

Business associates and other professional advisers

Employees and agents of the data controller

Local government

Education, training establishments and examining bodies



This is the purpose or purposes of which the data is being processed.

Below is a list of standard purposes and purpose descriptions for use on register entries. Wherever possible these purposes must be used. If none of these apply you may use your own words to describe your purpose. However it is not possible to use purpose titles from the 1984 registration system.

Standard business purposes

Staff administration

Appointments or removals, pay discipline, superannuation work management or other personnel matters in relation to the staff of the data controller.

Advertising, marketing and public relations

Advertising or marketing the data controller’s own business, activity, goods or services and promoting public relations in connection with that business or activity or those goods or services.

Accounts and records

Keeping accounts relating to any business or other activity carried on by the data controller, or deciding whether to accept any person as a customer or supplier, or keeping records of purchases, sales or other transactions for the purpose of ensuring that the requisite payments and deliveries are made or services provided by him or to him in respect of those transactions, or for the purpose of making financial or management forecasts to assist him in the conduct of any such business or activity.

Other purposes

Accounting and auditing

The provision of accounting and related services; the provision of an audit where such an audit is required by statute.

Administration of justice

Internal administration and management of courts of law or tribunals and discharge of court business.

Administration of membership records

The administration of membership records.

Advertising marketing and public relations of others

Public relations work, advertising and marketing, including host mailings for other organisations and list broking.

Assessment and collection of taxes and other revenue

Assessment and collection of taxes, duties, levies and other revenue. You will be asked to indicate the type of tax or other revenue concerned.

Benefits, grants and loans administration

The administration of welfare and other benefits. You will be asked to indicate the type(s) of benefit you are administering.

Canvassing political support amongst the electorate

The seeking and maintenance of support amongst the electorate by the data controller.

Constituency casework

The carrying out of casework on behalf of individual constituents by elected representatives.

Consultancy and advisory services

Giving advice or rendering professional services. The provision of services of an advisory consultancy or intermediary nature. You will be asked to indicate the nature of the services which you provide.

Credit referencing

The provision of information relating to the financial status of individuals or organisations on behalf of other organisations. This purpose is for use by credit reference agencies, not for organisations who merely contact or use credit reference agencies.

Crime prevention and prosecution of offenders

Crime prevention and detection and the apprehension and prosecution of offenders. This includes the use of most CCTV systems which are used for this purpose.

Debt administration and factoring

The tracing of consumer and commercial debtors and the collection on behalf of creditors. The purchasing of consumer or trade debts, including rentals and instalment credit payments, from business.


The provision of education or training as a primary function or as a business activity.


Fundraising in support of the objectives of the data controller.

Health administration and services

The provision and administration of patient care.

Information and databank administration

Maintenance of information or databanks as a reference tool or general resource. This includes catalogues, lists directories and bibliographic databases.