Western Union Financial Services

Functional Specification for EUROGIRO Interconnect

Doc-To-Help Standard Manual

Functional Specification WUIS172

Updated: July 18, 2005

Version 6.6

This document is proprietary and confidential property of Western Union Financial Services.

It is intended solely for use by employees and authorized Agents of Western Union and shall not be reproduced or disclosed to non-Western Union Employees or Agents without the express written consent of Western Union.

The use, disclosure, reproduction, modification, transfer, or transmittal of this work for any purpose in any form or by any means without the written permission of Western Union Financial Services is strictly prohibited.


© Western Union Financial Services 2000 All Rights Reserved

Document Revision History

Date / Version / Modification / Author
1.00 / Initial Release
18 January, 2000 / 5.1 / Update and reformat into template / Bill Alnor
03 March 2000 / 5.2 / Update with additional Information / Bill Alnor
30July 2001 / 5.3 / Update F2 Zoom and WU Card / Jose Diaz
30 November 2001 / 5.4 / Update with WU Card Multiple Receivers / Bala Somasundaram
16 September 2002 / 5.5 / Remove ‘Spare’ fields and updated to current functionality / Agnes Mundal
30 May 2003 / 5.6 / Update for Compliance. F. Fincken defines new Field ID’s. / Agnes Mundal
17 July 2003 / 5.7 / Add functionality to support promotions and privacy. / Agnes Mundal
6 November 2003 / 5.8 / Add functionality to support WU Card EMEA / Agnes Mundal
1 January, 2004 / 5.9 / Add functionality to support multi-currency payouts / Agnes Mundal
10 February, 2004 / 6.0 / Add functionality to support new WU Card features / Agnes Mundal
5 April, 2004 / 6.1 / Add functionality to support new country requirements / Agnes Mundal
31 August 2004 / 6.2 / Add functionality to enroll with a transaction using the Loyalty Card Update Indicator. Modify all date formats to YYYYMMDD. / Agnes Mundal
23 September 2004 / 6.3 / Modify several request and response listings to include additional Tag ID’s in support of discount redemption and enrollment to Western Union Card.
Add new Delivery Services Codes. / Agnes Mundal
23 November 2004 / 6.4 / Modify WU Card Look Up Reply and WU Card Receiver Selection to accommodate selection of one receiver from a list returned in the Look Up Reply.
Add Delivery Services specific error messages. / Agnes Mundal
15 February 2005 / 6.5 / Modify Enrollment to WU Card Request to support enrollment without a monetary transaction
Add Pay Status Inquiry Request and Reply
Add Message Fee to Fee Inquiry Reply / Agnes Mundal


1.0 Functional Specification for EUROGIRO Interconnect 1

1.1 Overview 1

1.1.1 Purpose 1

1.1.2 Applicable Documentation 1

1.1.3 Revisions 1

1.1.4 Background Information 2

1.1.5 Eurogiro Process 2

1.1.6 ELS Functions 2

1.1.7 EIS 3

1.1.8 Proposal 3

1.1.9 Business Opportunity 4

2.0 Transaction Flow 6

2.1 Overview 6

2.1.1 Send Money Process 6

2.1.2 Transaction Flow 7

2.1.3 Message Format 9

2.1.4 Message Format Modifications 12

2.2 Ancillary Functions 20

2.2.2 User Interface Power Tools 21

2.3 Multi-Currency 22

2.3.1 ELS Changes 22

2.3.2 Tandem Changes 23

2.3.3 Unisys Changes 23

2.3.4 Transaction Flow 23

3.0 Process Flow 24

3.1 Send Money Process 24

3.1.1 Fee Inquiry Request 24

3.1.2 Fee Inquiry Response 25

3.1.3 Validation Request 25

3.1.4 Money Transfer Validation Response 27

3.1.5 Money Transfer Store Request 28

3.1.6 Money Transfer Store Response 30

3.1.7 Hidden Transactions 30

3.1.8 Sample Send Money Message 31

3.1.9 Basic Header Block 31

3.1.10 Application Header Block 32

3.1.11 User Header Block 32

3.1.12 Text Block for Validation Request 32

3.1.13 Text Block For Validation Response 33

3.1.14 Text Block For Store Request 34

3.1.15 Text Block for Western Union Store Response 35

3.2 Quick Pay 36

3.2.1 Quick Pay Database Information Retrieval 36

3.2.2 Information Retrieval 36

3.2.3 Information Request Format 36

3.2.4 Information Response Format 37

3.2.5 Transaction Flow 38

3.2.6 Tandem Modifications 38

3.2.7 New field Definitions 38

3.2.8 MTHost Modifications 38

3.2.9 Quick Pay Validation 39

3.2.10 Quick Pay Validation Response 40

3.2.11 Quick Pay Store 41

3.2.12 Quick Pay Store Response 42

3.2.13 Sample Quick Pay 43

3.2.14 Text Block for Quick Pay Validation 43

3.2.15 Text Block for Quick Pay Validation Response 45

3.2.16 Text Block for Quick Pay Store 45

3.3 Pay Money Process 46

3.3.1 Search For Money To Pay 46

3.3.2 Basic Header Block 47

3.4 Search For Money To Pay 47

3.4.1 Basic Header Block 48

3.4.2 Application Header Block 48

3.4.3 User Header Block 48

3.4.4 Search Request Text Block 49

3.5 Western Union Search Response 49

3.5.1 Multi Find Response 49

3.5.2 Multi Find Response Text Block 50

3.5.3 Too Many Results Response 51

3.5.4 Too Many Results Text Block 51

3.5.5 No Find 51

3.5.6 No Find Text Block 52

3.5.7 Select Request 52

3.5.8 Select Request Text Block 52

3.5.9 Select Request or Single Find Response 53

3.5.10 Select Request or Single Find Response Text Block 54

3.5.11 Pay/Do Not Pay Request 55

3.5.12 Western Union Response 56

3.5.13 Pay Status Inquiry 57

3.6 Western Union Card Requests – Enrollment 60

3.6.1 Enrollment Request without a Transaction 60

3.6.2 Enrollment Response 61

3.6.3 Western Union Card inquiry 62

3.6.4 Western Union Card Inquiry Response 62

3.6.5 Transaction Flow 64

3.6.6 WU Card Receiver Select Request 65

3.6.7 WU Card Receiver Select Response 65

3.7 Information Retrieval 67

3.7.1 Information Request Format 67

3.7.2 Information Response Format 68

3.7.3 Transaction Flow 69

3.8 Tandem Modifications 69

3.9 Error Codes 69

3.9.1 Overview 69

3.10 Additional Errors in English 71

4.0 Tandem Modifications 77

4.1 Overview 77

4.2 MTHost Modifications 77

5.0 Project Plan 79

5.1 Project Estimates 79

i · Company Confidential Functional Specification for EUROGIRO Interconnect Version 5.2

1.0   Functional Specification for EUROGIRO Interconnect

1.1  Overview

1.1.1  Purpose

The purpose of this document is to describe an interconnect to the Eurogiro System

1.1.2  Applicable Documentation

Refer to the following documents for additional detail as required:

·  WUIS166, White Paper for Eurogiro Interconnect.

·  Eurogiro Specification on MT100 Customer transfers.

·  Minutes of meetings held 23 July 1998 to 28 July 1998 with the Eurogiro technology officer.

·  WUIS186, A Host – Based Money Transfer Server.

1.1.3  Revisions

The following revisions have been made since the initial release of this specification:

·  The connection between EIS and Western Union has been changed to transaction based rather than message-switched. The data transmitted will be in SWIFT-like format.

·  Key Words have been replaced by Tag Ids.

·  Additional Money Transfer functionality has been included.

1.1.4  Background Information

Eurogiro is an organization providing network services for financial transfers between member institutions. The members are Post and Giro organizations, as well as banks throughout the world.

The Eurogiro system (ELS – Eurogiro Local System) is a message based money transfer system, which runs in the back office of the members in twenty-two countries throughout Europe, Asia and Africa. It is a product owned by Eurogiro Network, based in Denmark, which consists of board members from seventeen of the European post offices in which it is in place.

Eurogiro allows a member to transfer a pre-defined payment type or statement to other members. All money transfers are directed using the S.W.I.F.T. format.

Approximately 70,000 transactions per month are sent through the system. Transfers are based on bilateral agreements between the members. Settlement is point to point through liaison accounts.

1.1.5  Eurogiro Process

The back office is connected to the Eurogiro network through an interface, ELS. Data can be manually or electronically entered into the ELS. The ELS sends the message to the destination country’s ELS, which may or may not be connected to the destination country’s back office processor. The payment is either deposited to an account or printed out as a check or out-payment form and delivered by ordinary mail to the recipient. Refer to Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Eurogiro System – Send Money Country A to Country B

1.1.6  ELS Functions

The ELS is a store and forward system, which performs the following functions:

·  Authenticates the message.

·  Sends/receives the message.

·  Maintains configuration such as authorized users, security, product codes and parameters.

·  Allows input of payments, queries and answers.

·  Reports (envelopes received from host with sequence numbers, rejects, outstanding transactions, message reconciliation.

The messages are encrypted by the network. The company expects all locations to be running the ELS interface by year end 1998.

1.1.7  EIS

EIS or Eurogiro Intermediate System, is a central system used as an interface to members not connected to an ELS. EIS is a store and forward message system.

1.1.8  Proposal

Eurogiro has approached Western Union with the concept of linking the Eurogiro software with the Money Transfer database. The approach would be to route all ELS messages through the EIS. An ELS would interface with the Money Transfer system. The interface would entail transaction based delivery of money transfers, queries and pay requests. Refer to Figure 2.

Figure 2 – Proposed Interface to ELS

1.1.9  Business Opportunity  Eurogiro

The opportunity for Eurogiro is an improvement of their current service by offering:

·  Will Call money transfers in addition to the current directed ones.

·  Simpler settlement capability.

·  Central database for transactions.

·  Additional payout locations available without using S.W.I.F.T. network.  Western Union

The opportunity for Western Union is as follows:

·  - 20,000 current POS locations in France and Italy and Germany ready for “turn on”.

·  - Additional location potential in 19 countries, expected to grow.

·  - Eurogiro currently has country limit logic in transaction acceptance.

·  - Eurogiro has 1999 Euro directive capability which requires that fees, f/x and original principle amounts be communicated to the receiver.  Assumptions

The following assumptions are made:

·  Western Union will “look” like an ELS.

·  Western Union Network Processors (Tandems) will be connected to the Eurogiro network.

·  All transactions are initiated and terminated by an ELS. Eurogiro will open a session to the Network Processor for each transaction. The session will remain open until Eurogiro receives a reply from Western Union. For Pay Money Transfer or Information Retrievals, multiple transactions may occur to complete the conversation.

·  ELS will provide load sharing between the Network Processors.

·  The BIC address is the address of an individual ELS.

·  Western Union will associate each BIC address with a Western Union Term ID.

·  Western Union will maintain tables to convert Eurogiro Country and Currency Codes to those “known” by the Money Transfer System.

·  Security access to the system will be controlled by Eurogiro.

·  Network security will be maintained by the use of encryption devices currently used and maintained by Eurogiro.

·  A new Network Processor process will be developed, which will formulate a Money Transfer transaction based on data sent from Eurogiro. This includes data obtained from table look-ups, Eurogiro specific fields (to be stored in MTHost Miscellaneous Record), and any other data “filled-in” by this process.

·  The Network Processor will translate to and from S.W.I.F.T.-like format.

·  ELS will support a point and shoot menu for Quick Pay Clients and Code Cities. Each ELS will request and receive periodic Quick Pay files from the Western Union Host in a flat ASCII format. The full file will be returned. The schedule of the file transfers is TBD.

1 · Company Confidential Functional Specification for EUROGIRO Interconnect Version 5.2

2.0   Transaction Flow

2.1  Overview

Eurogiro transactions are currently formatted to look like a SWIFT message. The Eurogiro input screens will be modified to accept additional information as required, to form a more robust transaction set, which closely imitates Western Union’s MoneyLink functionality. The SWIFT-like format will be expanded to include Tag Ids for this data.

Western Union will build an interface, which will accept data in this format, perform the necessary table look-ups and convert the data to a Money Transfer format. The interface will code the reply back to the Eurogiro system in SWIFT-like format.

2.1.1  Send Money Process

Send transactions are implemented as two stage transactions. The first stage will be used to validate and rate the transaction. The second stage is the actual store request. There may be multiple occurrences of the first stage.

In the first stage, the Western Union Host performs the following

·  the transaction data is validated and authenticated

·  the transaction is enriched with foreign exchange, rating and/or other information

In the second stage, the Western Union Host

·  verifies data integrity

·  stores the transaction

Each Send transaction may be implemented separately. This allows the remote host to stage the development and deployment of services as best fits the business model.

A Validation Flag will be used as part of the data transfer. Western Union processing, Stage 1 or 2, will differ based on the value of this flag. The ELS will assume responsibility for the setting of this value.

Note: The Western Union system will assign an MTCN when a transaction is submitted for validation. This will be communicated to ELS and will be part of the data set for a Money Transfer store request. The MTCN will not be displayed to the POS clerk until a successful Money Transfer has been confirmed.

2.1.2  Transaction Flow

The Send Money process will flow as follows:

·  The customer fills out the “To Send Money” form and presents it to a clerk at POS.

·  The clerk phones and/or faxes the information to the back office.

·  Data will be entered into a Eurogiro ELS terminal. ELS will format the data in S.W.I.F.T.-like format.

·  ELS will transmit the data for validation (at this point, a Money Transfer is not yet stored in the Western Union database).