Bristol Township School District 2014 – 2015 District Professional Development Schedule

Date / Time / Location / Title / Presenter / Who Attends / Description
8:30-10:30 / Truman Auditorium / Opening Remarks / Dr. Samuel Lee / All District Staff
Education Foundation / Joseph Marlow
9/2 / CREATE / Laurie Gallagher
Kades-Margolis 403(b) / Kades Margolis
BTEA / Association
9/2 / Elementary
9/2 / 10:00-3:30 / Building Assignment / Building Meetings / Principal / Elementary Staff / To be determined by the building principal. Please sign-in at your building
9/2 / FDR/Armstrong Middle Schools
9/2 / 1:00-3:30 / Armstrong MS / Digital Promise / Krista Morada
Bernadette Barone
Dawn Martesi / FDR and Armstrong
9/2 / Truman High School
9/2 / 1:00-3:30 / Truman HS / Preparing for 2014-2015 / Principal / Truman Staff / Please see the principal’s agenda for specific meeting attendance.
9/3 / 8:30-11:30 / Ben Franklin Executive Board Room / SLOs for Low Incidence Populations / Lou deFonteny
Shannon McMahon
JoAnn Allison / Elementary Life Skills and Autistic Support Teachers
9/3 / 8:30-11:30 / Ben Franklin Auditorium / Understanding the Causes of Behavior / Jennifer Inchausti and Mary Agnes DeCecco Bucks IU / Paraprofessionals
9/3 / 1:00-3:30 / Ben Franklin Auditorium / Being Proactive in Prevention of Behavior / Jennifer Inchausti and Mary Agnes DeCecco Bucks IU / Paraprofessionals
9/3 / 1:00–3:30 / BFFA Café / Refresher NVCPI Training / Beth Teitelman / General Ed, Special Ed. Staff, and Administrators
Please contact Annie Bulla x231 to RSVP for this training. / Refresher of skills learnedin how to de-escalate behaviors and how to use restraints safely as a last resort. Create a trained school crisis team.
9/3 / Elementary
9/3 / 8:30-11:30 / Emerson / Math Workshop / George Ciarrocchi
Chris Schoettle
Sadlier Rep / Math teachers Grades 3-6 / Math Content for First 6 Weeks
PA Core Math
6th Grade Math Program
9/3 / 8:30-11:30 / Barton / Using Word Walls / Evy Clark
Ruth Geisel / Classroom and Support teachers Grades 1 and 2 / Teachers will learn to use Word Walls during Word Study
9/3 / 8:30-11:30 / Lincoln / Kindergarten Curriculum / Marybeth Newberry / Classroom and Support teachers in Kindergarten / Teachers will learn how to implement a standardized curriculum
9/3 / 8:30-11:30 / Lafayette / The 4 Modes of Writing / TBD / Classroom and Support Teachers in ELA Grades 3-6 / Teachers will learn strategies for teaching the 4 modes of writing
9/3 / 8:30-11:30 / Admin
A-29 / Writing SLO’s / Karen Snedeker / Elementary Art, Music, Library, PE teachers / Teachers will work together to develop an SLO for their subject matter
9/3 / 1:00-3:30 / Various Elementary Buildings / Supporting the Building Improvement Plan / Building Principal / All Staff / Building principals will meet with all staff to present the School Improvement Plan with regard to district and school based initiatives
9/3 / FDR/Armstrong Middle Schools
9/3 / 9:00-10:00 / FDR or Armstrong / 7th Grade Orientation / FDR/Armstrong Staff / FDR/Armstrong Staff @ Respective Building
9/3 / 1:00-3:30 / Armstrong MS / Digital Promise / Krista Morada
Bernadette Barone
Dawn Martesi / FDR and Armstrong Staff
9/3 / Truman High School
9/3 / 1:00-3:30 / Truman HS / Preparing for 2014-2015 / Principal / Truman Staff / Please see the principal’s agenda for specific meeting attendance.
9/3 / 1:00-3:00 / Truman / Freshman Orientation / James Moore / All Truman Staff & Freshman Students
Secondary Buildings
9/16 / ALL DAY / BCIU / PIIC COACHES MEETING / Carol Adams / PIIC Teachers

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DRAFT August 22, 2014