Keynsham Community Focus Group

Friday 21st February 2014, Riverside Offices, Keynsham

Item for discussion: New One Stop shop and library including tour of site.


Attendees: Cllr Brian Simmons, Cllr Alan Hale (B&NES Councillors), Cllr Clive Fricker, Cllr Roy Staddon, (Keynsham Town Councillors), Jo Swift, Clerk, Keynsham Town Council, Roger Bushy, Keynsham Civic Society, Councillor Lisa O’Brian (Keynsham Arts Advisory Group),Adrian Inker, KOPS, Derek Quilter, (B&NES Divisional Director), Stephanie Myler and June Brassington, (B&NES Customer Services), Sara Dixon and Joyce Pickard(B&NES Stronger Communities),

Apologies:Cllr Charles Garrett (B&NES Councillor), Rae Tabram, Primary Schools representative (Castle Primary School), Dave Burston, Keynsham and Saltford Sports Network,Rev Andrew Judge, Phoebe Bidgood, Chair of Task Force, Timeout, Lyn Young, Keynsham Chamber of Commerce, C

1.0 / Welcome & Introductions
1.1 / Sara Dixon welcomed everybody to the Focus Group and round table introductions were made.
2.0 / Presentation by Stephanie Myler and June Brassington – Proposals for new One Stop Shop and Library for Keynsham
2.3 / Stephanie Myler and June Brassington gave a presentation on the new One Stop Shop and Library.
There were a number of questions and comments made by the group, these were:
  • How will the new library adapt in an open plan style facility, will mobile phones be prohibited, how will the quiet and study areas be managed?
The facility is open plan, no area is separate, it will be a lively and vibrant space. This works quite well in Bath. The triage units will deal with quick enquiries, and the more complex / detailed discussions will be managed in the pods at the rear of the building or a meeting room. There will not be traditional referencing/study areas, however the area on the first floor will be quieter. The library currently has a policy on mobile phone use (to be put on silent). The resources available in the library will be used more effectively for example the ‘Books on Prescription’ can be utilised by health providers when operating from the One stop Shop.
  • Have the Police expressed an interest in the new space?
They have expressed an interested and are looking at how they can use the detailed enquiry area, although this has not yet been finalised.
  • Are there any provide space or places for people who maybe unwell?
There are six confidential rooms, three on each level. All will have panic buttons.
  • How will providers use the space?
Some providers will work on an appointment basis. It will be down to those organisations to decide how they will use the space.
  • Adrian Inker commented that Community @ 67 could use the space to promote their facilities. This could also be an opportunity for a number of community groups to promote their facilities, services and events. Adrian agreed to come back to June.
  • Where will the defibrillator be located?
This will be located outside the new building.
  • Brian Simmons said that Dial a Ride would be using the facility one day a month. This date would change each month to try and get new customers signed up.
  • There will be three glass sections to display various artefacts and local artists will be able to exhibit work. This will be located on the ground floor.
  • There was concern regarding the location of the children’s area at the front of the building.
Children are always the responsibility of the parents. The triage desk will be manned. Those children participating in activities will be booked in and parents will be required to stay with them.
  • Is there a possibility fora tourism desk or leaflets to be available?
Yes this could be discussed further.
Building Name proposals
June and Stephanie presented a three shortlist of three names for the Civic Building, they were:-
  • The Aurum Centre – Latin meaning for Gold
  • The Mosaic
  • The Decker Building
The proposed name for the community room is The Bailey (named after the comedian Bill Bailey). As the room can be divided into two the proposed names for the smaller rooms would be:-
  • The Libourne Room
  • The Keyne or Keyna Room
The group were asked to select a preferred name from the list above for the Civic building. The group was asked to feedback views to Sara Dixon as soon as possible.
The group was split into two groups for a site visit of the new One Stop Shop and Library.
The meeting ended at 3.00pm.