Please see Guidelines before completing form

I wish to be considered for a bursary for the North West Annual Conference 2016 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Chester on 2 & 3November 2016.

This year the bursaries have been kindly sponsored by TPP Recruitment (

Contact Address
(inc postcode)
Are you a member of the IOF / Yes / No Membership No:

Please give us some information about yourself (all information will be treated in the strictest confidence):

  1. How long have you been working in fundraising?


  1. What areas of fundraising do you currently cover?


  1. What are your main tasks within your job role?


  1. How would you like to see your fundraising career develop and what other charitable work interests you?


  1. Have you applied to any other sources for financial assistance in respect of this course?


  1. Tell us why you should be given a bursarytoattend the conference? (no more than 500 words)


  1. What benefits do you feel you and your organisation will gain from attending?


  1. Do you currently volunteer for any organisations?


Successful Applicants

Should my application be successful, I will ensure that a report detailing the benefits to myself and my organisation is submitted to the Committee of the Institute of Fundraising NW by Friday, 16 December 2016– there is no specific format. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that this report is submitted by the due date.

Unsuccessful Applicants

If you are unsuccessful in your application for a bursary but still wish to attend conference we will extend the Early Bird Offer for you until Friday, 7October 2016.

Signed …………………………………………………..Date………………….

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: Friday, 26 August2016 – please note all applications will be acknowledged by email if you do not receive a response within a few days please get in touch.

Please return forms to:

Irene Chambers

IOF North West, C/o 9 Niton Close, Haslingden, Rossendale, BB4 6SX

or by email: (type your name in signature section)

We will advise all applicants by Monday, 5 September 2016of the outcome of their application either by email or post if you do not receive a response by this date please get in touch by email: or Tel: 0161 276 6671

Institute of Fundraising - North West - c/o Irene Chambers, 9 Niton Close, Haslingden, Rossendale BB4 6SX

Registered Charity No. 1079573 (EnglandWales) by Guarantee No. 3870883. VAT Registration No. 547 8930 96.