Chairperson Clare Christian 812152 Vice-Chairperson Lara Barnes 816325

Secretary Pam Kerruish 815933 Treasurer Carol Wilson 812572

Maughold Parish Social Club Newsletter.


There was certainly a consensus that Parish Day was one of the very best ever! THANK YOU all the organisers, competitors and supporters who came along and made this a really good day.

Our midsummer event will be the

Outdoor Car Boot Sale Sunday 14thAugust12-3pm

This will be held on Maughold Parish Field and Refreshments will be available in the Church Hall nearby. To book a pitch contact Lara on 374633. £8 /pitch – bring your own table. Proceeds in aid of Victim Support. Please come and help support this worthwhile cause – AND catch yourself a bargain!

Butchery Prep Night and Meal. Thursday 15th September 6.30-7pm followed by dinner at Attraversiamo

Come and learn how to prepare meat the professional way.Teare’s the Butchers offer a short course in meat preparation and will demonstrate lamb, pork, sausages and beef cuts for us. We then have the option of going next door to Attravisiamo and eating the food we’ve seen prepared -tho you can choose something else entirely if you want to.

Demonstration free.Meal approx £15/20 for two courses with wine. Numbers please to Kate 815211-remember to specify if you are going to carry on to the meal after the demonstration.

Day Trip to Calf Saturday 24th September 2016

Let’s hope we have a September like last year as it will be glorious on the Calf if it is.

Boats will leave Port St Mary midmorning and land at Cow Harbour. They will return from South Harbour late afternoon.

Please disregard any previous booking you may have made and get in touch with me if you would like to go. Pam 815933. An ansaphone message is fine. £15 members £20 non-members (Children £10)

“A Night in Nepal” with Chrissie Callaghan.13th October Dhoon Church Hall 7.30pm.

Chrissie will tell us of her visits to Nepal and of her work with the Pahar Trust -an Educational and

School Building Charity.Light Refreshments .

Members £2.50 Child 50p. Non-members Adult £3.50

Dates for your Diary

29th October Turnip Carving in a traditional Manx way. Workshop at Dhoon Church Hall.

31st October Hop Tu Naa. Maughold Church Hall

Maughold Parish Social Club Limited

Incorporated in the Isle of Man Company Number 129597C

Registered Office: Cheu yn Chrink, Port Lewaigue Close, Maughold, Isle of Man IM7 1AH

Directors: C M Christian M J Cleator C Wilson