UUCA Board of Trustees Meeting

December 19, 2017


Board Members Present: Carol Ann Arvan (President-Elect), Erin Stanfill (President), Jon Johnson, Jane Mengel (Recording), Dave Spierman, Mike Kuhar, Christian Harden, Bill Kramer (Financial Trustee)

Board Members Absent: Kevin Stephenson

Staff: Jane Price, Taryn Strauss, Rev. Anthony Makar

Guests: John Guyton, Eric Pohl, Endowment Fund

Spirit and Community

Chalice Lighting: Christian lit the chalice with words by David Breeden.

Announcements: Erin announced a request that we participate in a fund raiser for BLUU

Thank you messages: Thank you notes will be sent to Lyn Conley, Mary Ann Oakley, Kevin Stephenson, and Mary Sherman.

Circle of Connection: Board members were asked to respond to the question “What is your #1 issue that remains unaddressed by the Board?”

Executive Report

Rev. Makar reported that Rev. John Dale has been installed as the new minister at our partner church in Transylvania. He suggested that the Board pass a resolution in the new year congratulating the church and the new minister.


#1 Phoenix Project – We will need an archivist to work with the Celebrations Team. Still looking for a volunteer to fill this position. Karen Jefferson has been recommended.

#2 ARAOMC – The ARAOMC Strategy Team held a a productive first meeting. They will be working on revamping the Congregational Covenant. Rev. Makar suggests that the Strategy Team nominate 3 people and the Board nominate 2 to serve on a Healthy Relations Team. The Strategy Team will have a progress report in May at the Congregational Meeting.

#3 Community – Jessica Seales is putting together a Membership and Hospitality Team. Congregants are needed for the team. There is a search underway for moderators for The City. Work will proceed on a job description.

Fundraiser – A search is underway for a new Development Director. There are four candidates now with interviews scheduled to start Jan. 4th.

Stewardship Campaign – Jason Delaney and his team are working well together. The goal is a 5% increase in pledges.

Religious Education – Rev. Makar reported a need to evaluate RE staffing to insure RE

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strength (with the resignation of Rev. Rogers). No full time person will be hired right away. Immediate action to be taken – staffing assessment and analysis. Stop gap plan – Taryn Strauss will serve in a contract minister position (2/18-8/18) and will increase her preaching duties, oversee pastoral care and oversee the RE program. Rev. Rogers has provided a Transition Plan. Taryn is an experienced DRE and will continue her intern minister duties.

Board Education

John Guyton and Eric Pohl reported on the Endowment Fund and a new initiative.

The fund is doing well right now, valued at over $800,000.

The initiative is Wake Now Our Vision, a UUA program through the Development Office. It is designed to help five UU Institutions and to support bequests to congregations. Gifts between 1/2017 and 6/2020 will be matched by the Shelter Rock congregation. The Endowment Fund wishes to be a part of this program and will take the lead in marketing it to congregants. John will check with local congregations to see it others are involved.

Decisive Action

Minutes of the November meeting were approved via email.

Motion: Motions were made to pass the Corporate Resolutions necessary to change persons authorized to act on behalf of the congregation in establishing and maintaining financial accounts.

#1The board of directors of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta hereby authorizes the change to persons authorized to act on behalf of the congregation in establishing and maintaining one or more accounts with Raymond James and Associates. We authorize on this date to add Bill Kramer and delete Carolyn Conley as authorized representatives. The other representatives already authorized at a previous meeting will remain the same. The motion passed.

#2 The board of directors of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta hereby authorizes the change in persons authorized to act on behalf of the congregation in establishing and maintaining one or more accounts with Charles Schwab. We authorize on this date to add Bill Kramer and delete Carolyn Conley as authorized representatives. The other representatives already authorized at a previous meeting will remain the same. The motion passed.

#3 The board of directors of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta hereby authorizes the change in persons authorized to act on behalf of the congregation in establishing and maintaining one or more accounts with Iberia Bank. Iberia Account #2902847 Operating Account: Add Bill D. Kramer, Carol Ann Arvan, Delete Carolyn R. Conley, Jonathan M. Rogers. Iberia Account #3590832 Benevolence Fund: Add Carol

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Ann Arvan, Delete Carolyn R. Conley, Jonathan M. Rogers. The motion passed.

Motion: A motion was made to approve Ministerial Housing Allowances. The motion states: The Board of Directors of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta hereby approves the following 2018 ministerial housing allowances: Anthony Makar - $31,620, Jonathan Rogers - $37,845. The motion passed.

Work Plan

Erin reminded members that the Senior Minister's evaluation is due in April. A board member is needed to chair a committee to proceed with the evaluation. Jon Johnson volunteered to chair the committee. They will review the process from last year and proceed.

Whitney Young Jr. Society

Christian reported on the organization of African American UUCA members. They meet every month with goals to be part of a solution to problems at UUCA and/or support ARAOMC goals. Members will propose programming and are strongly connected to UUCA. They plan to help with educating the congregation about the new 8th Principle proposal.

Project Phoenix

Dave Spierman reported on the Project Phoenix progress. The Board discussed the

Still Waters property. A time line was discussed for next steps.

Motion: A motion was made to approve the Letter of Intent as revised by the seller provided that the negotiating team will attempt to get better terms on the congregational vote timeline and insure the zoning requirement timeline meets our requirements. The motion passed. Information will be going out to the congregation on Friday.


Bill Kramer discussed unmet pledges and the possibility of personal appeals by committee members. Right now pledge revenues are up. Pledges are coming in.

Executive Session

The Board moved into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters.


Dave shared process observations.

Christian extinguished the chalice with words by David Breeden.

The meeting was adjourned.

Next Meeting: January 23, 2018

Host: Bill

Observer: Jon

Opening and Closing Words: Jane