NAME ______


Monday, May 15, 2000

For all the following questions, indicate the letter that corresponds to the SINGLE MOST APPROPRIATE ANSWER.

1.Corticospinal fibers can be injured in a lesion of the

A.tegmentum of the pons.

B.reticular formation of the medulla.

*C.lateral column (funiculus) of the spinal cord.

D.roof of the midbrain.

E.dorsal column (funiculus) of the spinal cord.

2.In an examination for resting muscle tone, a physician slowly moves the limb of a patient in order to detect resistance to passive movement resulting from

A.corticospinal tract excitation.

*B.excitatory signals from output neurons in the vestibular and pontine

reticular nuclei.

C.increased firing of afferents from the Golgi tendon organ.

D.excitation of vestibular afferents.

3.Two-year-old children should be able to copy a






4.Symptoms of unilateral cerebellar lesions include ipsilateral

A.loss of position sense.



*D.intention tremor.


5.As a medical student who has just arrived on the pediatric neurology service, you review head

scans of patients on your ward. You conclude that the patient whose image is shown in "P" on

your Image Collection Page MOST LIKELY has symptoms that include

A.visual field defects.

*B.weakness of the upper limbs.

C.decreased pain sensation in the face.

D.abnormal pupillary light reflexes.

E.fasciculations of the deltoid muscles.

6.Fibers in the internal capsule include axons that descend from the cerebral cortex to synapse

directly on all of the following structures EXCEPT

A.neurons in the facial motor nucleus.

B.gamma motor neurons in the spinal cord.

C.anterior horn cells in the spinal cord.

*D.neurons in the vestibular nuclei.

E.interneurons in the spinal cord.

7.An 18-year-old male was brought to the emergency department following a motor vehicle

accident. He was comatose on entrance into the facility. On clinical examination, he had an

extension of both the left lower limb and left upper limb on painful stimulation of the nail beds

of the left hand. This finding could be caused by a lesion at the level of the

A.internal capsule.


C.cerebral cortex.


*E.rostral pons.

8.After a viral infection, a 24-month-old girl is hospitalized with idiopathic thrombocytopenia

purpura (autoimmune disorder whereby antibodies destroy platelets, placing the person at risk

for uncontrolled bleeding and death). What is the most likely concern of this hospitalized

24-month-old girl?

A.Gender identity

B.Separation from friends

C.Loss of identity

D.Death and dying

*E.Intactness of the body

9.A lesion of the entire right inferior colliculus will MOST LIKELY result in

A.a right sided sensory deafness.

B.tinnitus and a sense of fullness in the right ear.

C.vertigo and nausea.

*D.difficulty in locating the source of a sound.

E.conduction deafness on the right side.

10.Which of the following develops first in the infant?

A.Stranger anxiety

*B.Social smile

C.Gender identity

D.Social referencing

E.Separation anxiety

11.An ischemic infarct limited to the right inferior cerebellar peduncle would lead to central

chromatolysis in all of the following structures EXCEPT the

*A.right interposed nuclei.

B.left inferior olivary nucleus.

C.right Clarke's nucleus.

D.right fastigial nucleus.

E.right vestibular ganglion.

  1. All the following statements about sound transduction in the cochlea are correct EXCEPT that
  1. once per cycle of the sound wave, the basilar membrane deflects upward (toward the scala vestibuli).
  2. when a stereocilium is deflected in the outer direction, the channels open more and allow an influx of K+ from the endolymph.
  3. deflecting the stereocilium in the inner direction hyperpolarizes the hair cell.
  4. hair cells are electrically resonant and designed to support voltage oscillations at a certain frequency.

*Ebecause Type II fibers of the auditory nerve are not convergent, the inner hair

cells provide the best information about frequency.

13.The figure above shows the circuitry of the DIRECT and INDIRECT pathways of the motor

(skeletomotor) loop through the basal ganglia. The projections of the pathways are labeled with a

number. Which inhibitory pathway would show INCREASED activity and produce the

hypokinesia characteristic of Parkinson's disease?






14.Cooperative play begins at age (in years) of






15.A stroke (lacunar or small infarct) in the left posterior limb of the internal capsule would result in

the greatest disability of which of the following activities?

A.Closing the left eye

B.Sitting up in bed

*C.Screwing the top on a catsup bottle with the right hand

D.Chewing an apple

E.Closing the right eye

16.During testing for the biceps jerk reflex, your goal is to cause an increase in the

A.firing rate of gamma motor neurons.

B.firing rate of afferent fibers from Golgi tendon organ receptors.

C.firing rate of GABAergic interneurons that terminate on motor neurons to the biceps


D.contraction of intrafusal muscle fibers.

*E.opening of ion channels in dynamic nuclear bag receptors in the biceps muscle.

17.A stroke that resulted in right-sided weakness (hemiparesis) which is more marked (greater) in the arm than in the leg suggests that the site of the occlusion is MOST LIKELY in the

*A.middle cerebral artery.

B.basilar artery.


D.posterior cerebral artery.

  1. anterior cerebral artery.

18.A 48-year-old male was examined by you, his physician, with generalized complaints about

"feeling funny." After taking his history, you suspect a lesion of the nervous system. In the

sensory part of the neurologic exam, you find a loss of pain and temperature on the right upper

and lower limbs and on the left side of his face. You suspect a lesion of the left side of the

tegmentum of the medulla and expect to see an abnormal

*A.gag reflex.

B.pupillary light reflex.

C.knee jerk reflex on the right side.

D.knee jerk reflex on the left side.

E.corneal reflex.

19.The stereocilia on a hair cell near the base of the cochlea

A.are embedded in or just beneath the basilar membrane.

*B.respond best to sound of a particular high frequency.

C.transduce sound stimuli using a second-messenger mechanism.

D.are bathed in perilymph, a normal extracellular fluid.

E.are longer than stereocilia near the apex of the cochlea.

20.A patient presents with a wide-based, ataxic gait during his attempts at walking. He also is

unsteady and sways when standing and displays a tendency to fall backward or to either side in a

drunken manner. A lesion is MOST LIKELY located in the

A.hemispheres of the posterior cerebellar lobe.

B.anterior limb of the internal capsule.

C.dentate nucleus.

D.anterior lobe of the cerebellum.

*E.flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum.

21.An 8-year-old boy was admitted to the Children's Hospital Psychiatric unit because of threatening to run away and kill himself. His mother reported changes in his behavior over the

last month including poor eating, sleeplessness, and dropping grades. Based on Erickson's theory of development, the boy is MOST LIKELY to experience his hospitalization as a

*A.sign of his inferiority.

B.punishment for misbehavior.

C.traumatic separation from his mother.

D.threat to his identity.

E.decrease in generativity.

22.The above patient, while in the hospital, uncharacteristically defecated in his pants. He also

repeatedly attempted to sit on the nurse's lap for comfort. He had a temper tantrum after he was

asked to share a toy. Which of the following best describes this behavior?

A.It is a normal response to psychiatric hospitalization.

B.It is a passive-aggressive expression of his anger.

*C.It is developmental regression.

D.It is an example of bargaining.

E.It is reaction formation.

23.The initial sign of puberty in females is

A.a growth spurt.


*C.breast bud development.

D.pubic hair.

E.axillary hair.

24.After an injury to the inferior temporal area, a patient would MOST LIKELY have a(an)

A.Broca's aphasia.

B.Wernicke's aphasia.

C.motor apraxia.



25.An eight-year-old boy's normal development is MOST LIKELY to be characterized by

A.ability to understand abstract ideas.

B.lack of sexual exploration.

C.difficulty grasping game rules.

*D.preference for single-sex groups.

E.presence of a growth spurt.

(Questions # 26 and 27):

For each of the definitions listed below, select the defense mechanism being described.



C.Reaction Formation



26.Distortion of external reality.


27.An idea or feeling is kept out of consciousness.


28.A 56-year-old mechanic joined your HMO. He has a history of a stroke of the left internal

capsule, which occurred six years previously. On physical examination, you expect that he is

most likely to exhibit which of the following clinical signs?

A.Hypotonia of the left upper limb

B.Hyporeflexia of the right lower limb

C.Hyporeflexia of the right upper limb

*D.A right Babinski sign

E.Fibrillations of the left gastrocnemius muscle

29.In an unconscious patient in the emergency department, you lightly touch the cornea of one

eyeball with a Q-tip. This is done to test a reflex whose afferent limb includes a branch of the

A.facial nerve.

B.abducens nerve.

C.oculomotor nerve.

D.optic nerve.

*E.trigeminal nerve.

30.The central pattern generator that sends signals to lower motor neurons for stepping (walking)

are located in the


*B.lumbosacral area of the spinal cord.

C.paracentral lobule of the cerebral cortex.

D.cervical area of the spinal cord.

E.vestibular nuclei.

31.The dorsal root ganglia are to the cuneate nuclei as the spiral ganglia are to the

A.vestibular nuclei.

B.vestibular (Scarpa's) ganglia.

C.abducens nuclei.

D.superior olivary complex.

*E.cochlear nuclei.

32.You perform the Rinne test on a 35-year-old male and determine that the patient hears better

with the tuning fork applied to the mastoid process than when you hold it in the air beside his

ear. You conclude that

A.the patient's hearing is normal.

B.the patient has a cochlear nerve lesion.

C.the auditory nerve has been damaged.

*D.the patient has a conduction lesion.

E.there is a central auditory processing disorder.

33.All of the following statements concerning the cerebellum are correct EXCEPT that

A.the deep cerebellar nuclei receive both sensory information and information about

motor commands. makes use of lateral inhibition.

C.parallel fiber input can affect groups of muscles that are arranged sequentially along an


*D.LTD results from a strengthening of the AMPA-mediated current at the parallel fiber-

Purkinje cell synapse.

E.Purkinje cells in the flocculus can directly inhibit the firing rate of neurons in the vestibular nuclei during the vestibulo-ocular reflex.

34.A 62-year-old male had a hypertensive stroke. Three days later, when asked where he lived, he

said to the examiner, "I liffe in Hitherg, Hensylhania." Which of the following is LEAST

LIKELY to be the site of the stroke?

A.Internal capsule

B.Primary motor cortex

C.Cerebral peduncle (basis pedunculi)

*D.Broca's motor speech area.

35.Among adolescents which of the following is true?

A.The leading cause of death is suicide.

*B.Cognitive development is characterized by formal operational thinking.

C.Boys tend to mature earlier than girls.

D.The most common substance abuse problem involves cocaine.

E.Serious emotional problems are common.

(Questions #36-37):

A patient suffered a stroke in the area shown by the hatching below. The patient died three months after the stroke.

36.Symptoms from the above lesion include

A.flaccid paralysis of the muscles of the right hand.

*B.spastic paralysis of the muscles of the left foot.

C.decreased muscle tone of the right lateral rectus muscle of the eyeball.

D.inability to localize stimuli presented to the left hand.


37.Following the death of this patient, sections taken from the CNS and stained for myelin would

show demyelination in the

A.tegmentum of the midbrain.

B.left dorsal column of the spinal cord.

C.right inferior cerebellar peduncle.

*D.right cerebral peduncle.

E.left posterior limb of the internal capsule.

38.A patient presents with involuntary rapid, flick-like movements of the limbs. Family history

reveals that the patient's father and grandfather both exhibited the same symptoms.

Neuroimaging for this patient is shown above (B) compared to a similar scan from a normal

individual (A). The MOST LIKELY cause of his pathology is due to loss of

A.dopaminergic cells in the substantia nigra.

B.neurons in the primary motor cortex.

C.neurons of the subthalamic nucleus.

*D.medium spiny neurons in the striatum.

E.glutamatergic neurons in the VL nucleus of the thalamus.

39. The imaging technique used to produce the image labeled "A" above

* T1-weighted. T2-weighted.

C.uses ionizing radiation.

D.detects single photon radiation.

E.readily detects calcification

40.During manual muscle testing you determine that your patient has weakness of the triceps

muscle and a reduced triceps reflex. All other muscle groups in the upper extremity are normal.

A nerve root injury may be present at the spinal cord level of






41.A 72-year-old man with prostate cancer has had increasingly severe back pain for two months

and trouble walking for two days. He makes an appointment to see you for an examination. He

is a private individual and becomes upset with his wife when she volunteers that he lost control of his urine last night. On examination, you find that his mental status, cranial nerve function,

and upper extremity strength are all normal. In both lower extremities he has weakness, abnormally brisk reflexes, and Babinski signs. He cannot feel the sharpness of a safety pin when you drag it anywhere below his umbilicus. Based on these findings, you localize the lesion to the

A.peripheral nervous system (peripheral neuropathy beginning in the legs)

B.spinal cord (lumbar level)

C.peripheral nervous system (multiple lumbosacral radiculopathies)

*D.spinal cord (thoracic level)

E.cerebral hemisphere (bilateral rostral paracentral lobules)

42.A patient was admitted to the Emergency Department of University Hospital with a constellation

of neurologic deficits that included a left hemiplegia, left hemianesthesia, and left homonymous

hemianopsia. All of these neurologic deficits could result from an occlusion of the right

*A. anterior choroidal artery.

B.superior cerebellar artery.

C.recurrent artery of Heubner.

D.lenticulostriate arteries.

E.posteromedial group of penetrating arteries.

43.Fibrillation potentials

  1. are the result of spontaneous action potentials in a degenerating axon stimulating the contraction of a motor unit.
  2. are one of the earliest signs of muscle denervation.
  3. can occur as a result of any disease that produces degeneration or irritation of the upper motor neurons.

*D.result from denervated muscle fibers expressing fetal acetylcholine receptors and voltage-gated Na+ channels.

  1. are the basis for the interference pattern seen during a needle exam as the muscle being tested gradually contracts.

44.During a soccer game a 17-year-old male was knocked to the ground, striking his head. He was

unconscious during the ambulance ride to the Emergency Department. Six hours later he

regained consciousness and a neurological examination was conducted. The following deficits

were noted by the examiner: an inability to recognize the position of both upper limbs and both

lower limbs; an inability to voluntarily move the upper limbs or the lower limbs; and a

loss of vibratory sense over the entire body except for the face. He responded to pin prick testing

in all limbs.

Assuming a single lesion is responsible for these neurologic deficits, which of the following structures have MOST LIKELY been affected by this lesion?

  1. Left thalamus and left posterior limb of the internal capsule
  2. Right precentral and postcentral gyri

*C.Decussation of the internal arcuate fibers and the pyramidal decussation

  1. Fasciculus gracilis bilaterally and fasciculus cuneatus bilaterally
  2. Right cerebral peduncle and right medial lemniscus

45.Output (efferent projections) from the GPi/m and/or SNpr go DIRECTLY to all the following

areas EXCEPT the

*A.spinal cord.


  1. pedunculopontine nucleus.
  2. superior colliculus.

E.habenular nucleus.


May 15, 2000

For the following questions, indicate the letter that corresponds to the SINGLE MOST APPROPRIATE ANSWER

46.Pain associated with an infection limited to the middle ear cavity results from impulses carried

along the

A.chorda tympani nerve.

B.great auricular nerve.

C.vagus nerve.

*D.glossopharyngeal nerve.

E.mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve.

47.All of the following structures are usually supplied by branches of the maxillary artery EXCEPT the

A.masseter muscle.

B.cranial dura mater.

C.temporomandibular joint.

D.lower teeth.


48.An otolaryngologist examined the tympanic membrane of a patient with a middle ear infection. She recalled that the tympanic membrane crossed on its lateral surface by the chorda tympani nerve.

* attached to the malleus. a partition between the external and internal auditory meatuses.

D.forms most of the medial wall of the tympanic cavity.

E.directly transmits vibrations to the round window.

49.While removing a schwannoma of the vagus nerve, as it exits the skull at the jugular foramen, the superior cervical ganglion was inadvertently destroyed. This could result in

A.a dilated pupil in normal light.

*B.moderate drooping of the eyelid. increase in the heart rate.

D.increased sweating of the face.

E.decreased blood flow of the superficial facial arteries.

50.All of the following statements concerning the middle ear cavity are correct EXCEPT that it