7th Grade Action Plan & Final Project - 2017

Think about what you have learned regarding under-represented groups at Buckley, in Southern California, and more globally. You will continue researching how language barriers, access to education, securing work and housing, accessing health care services and transportation, and general cultural hurdles affect issues surrounding girls across the globe. You will create mini research projects surrounding these ideas as they relate to equal access for girls and women, and even developed public service announcements and protest posters to highlight your concerns. You will participate in conversations with local experts in empowering women. You may have participated in a Women’s Day march and celebrated the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women you know. The life and death of Benazir Bhutto was explored and written about. You considered whether you were a feminist as you were introduced to Emma Watson’s He for She campaign. You have viewed a film that chronicled one young Ugandan girl’s journey toward success in a world that did not favor it. You will view documentaries that chronicle what underrepresented people on the planet, and research how other nations on different continents are handling the issue. And then you read A Long Walk to Water, which looked at the many problems people in Africa face when it comes to gender issues, and created play lists, movie posters, comic strips, or even your own alternative story endings to strengthen your understanding of them. Then, you read about the struggles Malala Yousafzai encountered when she tried to access education in her home town. The pros and cons of girl empowerment programs will soon be debated within your classes. Be impressed with your efforts thus far. You have to tools to make great change!

All year you have learned about how people – young, old, male, female, rich, poor, gay, straight, black, white and every other color in-between, under democracies or communism or monarchies or dictatorships, religious, secular, in America and abroad – have thought about ways to improve their lives and those around them. Their ideas may have been small or grandiose. They all started somewhere. Now it’s your turn.

Let’s put all of this knowledge to use!

You will be developing a plan to initiate and bring about positive change in your community. This change can be small and seen simply within another grade. It can be larger and influence the broader Buckley community. Your idea can be grand and reach the wider SoCal community. It might be nationwide…or even global! You can develop this individually or include other members of your specific class period to join in your efforts.

Your final grade will surround the digital portfolio you create, highlighting your efforts. Your grade will be based on the effort you demonstrate in coming up with, organizing, executing, and analyzing the change you aim to make.

Take a look at how this project is organized. A clearly defined timeline of events is offered to help you set goals, organize, achieve, and reflect.

Part I – ProposalDue April 18 (Blocks A, B, C) and April 19 (Blocks E, G)

Develop an idea on how to initiate positive change immigration or refugee issues near or far. You must obtain Mr. Neddermeyer’s approval before moving forward.

Think about creating an app, starting a campaign for change, raising awareness in the younger grades, influencing others in your neighborhood, campaigning for a politician, organizing a peaceful protest, creating a photography exhibit, hosting a community water fair, developing a website…the options are endless. Think about your talents and strengths and use those as a starting off point. See me and we can brainstorm. Talk to your family members and friends and generate ideas.

Your proposal should be written and thoroughly explain what you want to do and why you want to do it.

Part II – Action PlanDue April 20 (Blocks A, B, C) and April 21 (Blocks E, G)

You must create a plan with three clear and actionable goals to achieve by the end of the project. These goals must be approved by Mr. Neddermeyer. Consider who you plan to work with, if anyone. Work alone. Work with a partner. Involve a few members of your block. Be cautious, though, should you choose to work with others and consider your past experiences with previous partnered projects.

As part of this plan, you must:

(1) consider how you aim to achieve the three goals

(2) determine what materials you will need to reach these goals

(3) explore what prior knowledge you have

(4) anticipate any additional information you might need to move forward and what PREDICTIONS you have

(5) identify the specific area you will influence – ie. grade, neighborhood, state, country, planet, etc.

(6) solidify a timeline of completion – in other words, write out the “baby steps” or scaffolding you aim to take to achieve your goals. Mr. Neddermeyer will help you in these efforts.

Part III – ActionDue May 16 (Blocks A, B, C) and May 17 (Blocks E, G)

By this point, you must be able to demonstrate movement toward (or actual) goal achievement. Be ready to show results of your action. You can demonstrate movement forward by collecting data, gathering opinions, conducting interviews, documenting change, showing video of your progress – there are endless ways to illustrate forward motion.

Part IV – Digital PortfolioDue May 18 (Blocks A, B, C) and May 19 (Blocks E, G)

Demonstrating the arc of your community involvement is key here. Find a source (many will use PPT or Prezi, but other resources may be explored) to visually represent your entire 7th Grade Action Plan & Final Project.

This digital portfolio will include:

(1)  Proposal Description & why you chose this project

(2)  Action Plan Development outlining the following:

a.  Goals

b.  Materials used

c.  Prior knowledge used (and new info incorporated)

d.  Area you focused on

e.  Quick timeline of your action

(3)  Action evidence outlining the following:

a.  Overall approach to your project

b.  Any data/interview/video/material/etc. you collected to highlight your action

c.  Hurdles or obstacles you encountered

(4)  Reflection addressing your honest impressions about whether your action project turned out to be a good idea. Was it worthwhile? Will your project continue bringing change? Is there opportunity for expansion? Did your predictions come to true?

(5)  Connect your project to some other component of the course this year

Part V – PresentationDue May 23 and 25 (Blocks A, B, C) or May 24 and 26 (Blocks E, G)

You will present your action project and your portfolio to the larger class. Be prepared to offer visuals to support your presentation, including photos, storyboards, PPTs, or actual resources as options. Your digital portfolio can be the main resource used during this presentation.

Now…get out there, be creative,

have fun, and make change!

7th Grade Action Plan & Final Project – Rubric (100 pts)

Category / 19-20
(Exceeds) / 16-18
(Meets) / 14-15
(Approaches) / 0-13
(Needs Work)
Part I
Proposal / -Completed proposal on time
-Developed clear proposal
-Written and thoroughly explained idea
-Demonstrates eagerness to work / -Completed proposal on time
-Developed clear proposal
-Written and thoroughly explained idea / -Completed proposal late
-Developed mostly clear proposal
-Written and mostly explained idea
-Demonstrates uninvolved attitude / -Completed proposal late
-Unclear proposal
-Written proposal is unclear
-Demonstrates poor attitude
Part II
Plan of Action / -Includes 3 clear goals
-Identifies materials
-Offers prior knowledge
-Determines sphere of influence
-Creates timeline
-Demonstrates eagerness to get started
-Completes plan on time / -Includes 3 clear goals
-Identifies materials
-Offers prior knowledge
-Determines sphere of influence
-Creates timeline
-Completes plan on time / -Includes 3 goals
-Identifies materials
-Offers prior knowledge
-Determines sphere of influence
-Creates timeline
-Demonstrates uninvolved attitude
-Completes plan late
. / -Cannot develop goals
-Poorly identifies materials
-Offers minimal prior knowledge
-Determines sphere of influence
-Creates timeline
-Demonstrates uninvolved attitude
-Completes plan late
Part III
Action / -Demonstrates significant movement toward goal
OR offers goal achievement
-Offers clear and engaging data
-Demonstrates eagerness throughout action
-Completes action on time / -Demonstrates movement toward goal
OR is near goal achievement
-Offers clear data
-Completes action on time / -Demonstrates minimal movement toward goal
-Offers unclear data
-Demonstrates uninvolved attitude
-Completes action late / -Does not show effort in reaching goal
-Offers minimal data
-Demonstrates uninvolved attitude
-Completes action late
Part IV
Digital Portfolio / -Includes proposal, action plan, & evidence
-Offers clear reflection
-Connects to other component of course
-Demonstrates eagerness
-Completes portfolio on time / -Includes proposal, action plan, & evidence
-Offers clear reflection
-Connects to other component of course
-Completes portfolio on time / -Includes proposal, action plan, & evidence
-Offers unclear reflection
-Hardly connects to other component of course
-Demonstrates uninvolved attitude
-Completes portfolio late / -Includes weak proposal, action plan, & evidence
-Offers unclear reflection
-Does not connect to other component of course
-Demonstrates uninvolved attitude
-Completes portfolio late
Part V Presentation / -Presentation is mature, engaging, informative
-Offers eye contact
-Under 4 minutes / -Presentation is mature, engaging, informative
-Offers eye contact
-Under 4 minutes / -Presentation is mostly informative
-Offers minimal eye contact
-Under 4 minutes / -Presentation is uninformative
-Offers minimal eye contact
-No regard for timing

7th Grade Action Plan & Final Project - Proposal

You must present this to Mr. Neddermeyer by April 18 (Blocks A, B, C) and April 19 (Blocks E, G)

What is your plan to initiate positive change regarding gender equity issues near or far? Write your proposal here.

What are your three goals you aim to achieve by the end of this project?

Why do you want to engage in this particular project?

7th Grade Action Plan & Final Project – Action Plan

You must present this to Mr. Neddermeyer by April 20 (Blocks A, B, C) & April 21 (Blocks E, G)

(1)  What are your main goals and how do you aim to achieve them?

a.  Goal 1

b.  Goal 2

c.  Goal 3

(2)  What materials you will need to reach these goals?

(3)  What prior knowledge do you have surrounding your topic?

(4)  What additional information you might need to move forward? Where will you gather this information?

(5)  What PREDICTIONS do you have for this project?

(6)  What is the specific area you will influence – ie. grade, neighborhood, state, country, planet, etc?

(7)  Develop a timeline of completion – in other words, write out the “baby steps” or scaffolding you aim to take to achieve your goals.

The timeline should be considered a rough outline of the work ahead of you. You will add to the timeline as you begin planning and work on your project. Planning is everything!

April 11/12 – Final Project Assigned

-  Begin planning for project

-  Decide partner(s), if necessary

-  Write proposal

-  (Be working on Tippy Taps for extra credit)

-  Thoroughly review rubric

April 13/17 – Show Proposal ideas to Mr. Neddermeyer

-  Begin working on Plan of Action

-  Determine materials needed

-  Explore prior knowledge

-  Find additional information, as needed

-  Consider predictions and record

-  Solidify field of influence

-  Thoroughly review rubric

April 18/19 – Final Proposals due to Mr. Neddermeyer

-  Solidify Plans of Action

-  Thoroughly review rubric

April 20/21 – Final Plans of Action due to Mr. Neddermeyer

-  Implement action plans

-  Thoroughly review rubric

April 24-May 16 – Work on Action Plans

-  Prepare to demonstrate work toward or completion of goals (ACTION!) by next class

-  Thoroughly review rubric

-  Your new events

May 16/17 – Demonstration of Action

-  Continue working on action component

-  Some students may consider starting to work on their reflections

-  Some students may also be starting to work on digital portfolios

-  Thoroughly review rubric

May 18/19 – Solidly begin working on Digital Portfolios

-  Determine digital format and theme

-  Organize pages/slides with each requirement

-  Practice oral presentations 8-10 minutes)

-  Thoroughly review rubric

May 23-26 – Student Presentations

-  Present and view peer presentations

-  Practice your presentation to be between 8-10 minutes in length

Breathe a sigh of relief as your Global Studies work is DONE J

7th Grade Action Plan & Final Project – Action

Due May 16 (Blocks A, B, C) and May 17 (Blocks E, G)

How are you demonstrating ACTION in your project?

In what way(s) do you plan to demonstrate your action? Are you collecting data? Gathering opinions? Creating something? Documenting change? Chronicling progress in a video? There are lots of ways to show you are moving forward.