Congratulations on your decision to become a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant. I truly believe the reason for our success now and in the future can be traced to one common factor: quality people like you! Welcome to our fabulous Unit, the Power Players!
I love this business because you never stop learning, and there are always opportunities to grow. As a new Consultant, I strongly urge you to start scheduling and holding your first appointments as soon as you receive your Starter Kit, because what you lack in experience you can make up for in enthusiasm! Although you’ll have the opportunity to take advantage of continuous education in your Mary Kay business, activity will provide your greatest sense of learning. Mary Kay herself often said, “You can do everything right with the wrong attitude and fail to succeed, but you can do everything wrong with the right attitude and succeed beyond your dreams!” The first few weeks of your Mary Kay business can really set the pace for your future.
I am so excited for you! I care about your future and I am committed to helping you succeed. You’ll want to try all the products and start working on your contact list. As always, I will match my time 100% with your effort! Be patient with yourself and just take it one step at a time. After reading this letter and listening to the Hot Line, please give me a call so we can talk about your next step!
Big Belief in YOU,
Tanya Hanshew
Independent Sales Director
1636 Dryden Way
Crofton, MD 21114
Phone: 301-814-8844
E-mail: or
Important Information for you:
We are a part of the Sapphire Division and Unit #NE41.
Your National Sales Director is Pam Higgs.
The Mary Kay Consultant Website is
12 Steps to Jumpstart Your Business
Check this list off when completed! You can find more valuable info at:
1 / Attend New Consultant TrainingChoose from 2 Options:
In-Studio Training ~ Thursdays at 5:30pm at MK Studio 1610 Professional Blv, Ste J, Crofton.
Please RSVP if you plan to attend.
We also have a pre-recorded hotline if you can’t attend live training! Contact me for more info!
2 / Make your inventory decision
Watch this Getting Started video to learn about the benefits and options of having inventory. Place your 1st qualifying product order in your first week and get the glam Pink Cocktail ring as gift (it’s one of our hostess gifts so it will get you bookings!)
3 / Attend your 1st Success Meeting
Our weekly success meetings are held on Thursday's at 7:00pm at our
Mary Kay Studio
1610 Professional Blvd, Suite J ~ Crofton, MD. 21114
4 / Make a list of everyone you know
These contacts will be the start of your new business!
5 / Set up your Mary Kay Website
Log onto and set up your personal Mark Kay website for just $25.00 for your first full year.
6 / Order your business kit
Order your Business Card Kit by logging onto place cursor over “Ordering”, click on “MK Connections”, then click on “Business Marketing”. The kit includes 250 business cards; information cards, two pocket, black vinyl business card case; self-inking name and address stamp; platinum-tone name tag with stay-put magnet clasp; and 500 black and 500 white product reorder labels. (Be sure to include your web site address on cards). A $73 value for only $39.99.
7 / Register for Consultants First Steps
Log onto and complete your first steps for a FREE mailing to your friends and family.
8 / Set up your ProPay Account
so you are able to process debit and credit cards.
Go to place cursor over “Ordering”, click on “MK Connections”, then click on “ProPay”. It is only $39.95 for the first year or you can split the amount into 3 monthly paments.
9 / Become familiar with the products
Use all of MK products from head to toe! You deserve it!
Study the Look Book and Beauty Book to become familiar with the products.
10 / Complete your training
CD's & DVD's found in your starter kit! It is imperative that you listen to this valuable training.You can also do the Silver Wings training on MK Intouch!
11 / Open a separate bank account
You should keep you business and your personal finances separate.
Most banks will offer you a free checking account!
12 / Stay in touch with me
I work closely with those who are working their business. Don't hesitate to call, email or text me with questions. You can reach me at
301-814-8844 or email me at or .
*Submit your online Weekly Accomplishment Sheet by Monday at 9pm for recognition in our unit email!
13 / Check out our Unit website
When you’ve completed a challenge and earned a prize, please fill out the voucher located under “Promotions and Challenges” and I’ll be sure to get your prize to you!
Have fun and enjoy this business! This is an amazing opportunity and you deserve to reap all of the benefits it has to offer. Remember, that enthusiasm is your best sales tool! Concentrate on helping others and in doing so, you will help yourself!