Emerg Solutions Project Starter Kit

Thank you for downloading the Emerg Project Starter Kit!

Our website projects start at $5,000 AUD and our application projects start at $10,000 AUD

We encourage prospective customers to fill out as much of this document as possible, so that we’re able to understand your project goals and vision. Once you’re confident that the information communicates a clear representation of your project requirements, please resave the document to “yourcompany.doc” and email to

Please allow 3-7 working days for us to respond to your enquiry.

E | P (03) 9264 8888 | www.emerg.com.au

Let’s get started!

Here are a few general questions about you and your project:


Please supply your company name and info

website/ app/ project name

Type the project name and potential Domain Name or URL (for website projects)

general info

Tell us a little about your company, what you do and what you hope to achieve by completing this project


List the details of the person/s that are in charge of the project (who has final approval?)

time frame

Please indicate when you intend to launch the project.

Are there specific outside deadlines ie. Tradeshow, PR launch, 3rd party stakeholders etc.?


Do you have a specific budget in mind for this project?

(eg. 5-10k, 10-20k, 20-30k, 30-50k, 50k+)

Current Website or App

This section will give us some info about your current situation, and determine where improvements can be made.

(If you don’t currently have a website or app, you can skip this section!)

How do you generally feel about your current website or app?

List the specific areas that you believe are/aren’t successful:

List any specific goals or outcomes that you would like to achieve through the project:

Do you have any reports, findings or customer feedback for your current website or app?

Do you have a company logo and style-guide? If not, how important is visual branding to you?

List the main reasons for why you’re redoing your website or app:

The New Project

This is where we determine the overall scope of the project.


Please list your main objectives with creating a new website or app.

For example, increased brand exposure / awareness, improved customer service, increased sales, system automation and time saving strategies

Describe your current customer base, and desired target audience.

(Age, gender, occupation, how frequently they use computers and the internet, spending habits etc.)

What action would you like your users to take when using your website or app?

(ie. Make a purchase, join a mailing list, become a member)

Make a list of your competitors

Include their website URL or app name, their strengths and their weaknesses.

Make a list of other websites that captivate your interest

List specific features that you find compelling.

the experience

Each project needs to portray a different kind of experience based on your target audience.

Describe how users should feel and what they should perceive when using your website or app.

(ie. Earthy, modern, prestigious, grungy, fun, bargain-bin, cute etc.)


Make a list of the features and functionality that you would like integrated into your project.

(ie. Newsletter signup, site search, mega menu, gallery, slideshow, animations, shopping cart etc.)


Do you have existing content that you would like to carry over to the new website or app?

If not, are you providing the content or do you wish to outsource this task?

Do you have a sitemap or plan for the project?

Describe how you envision the navigation and functionality to operate.

Miscellaneous Notes

Provide any additional information or comments that you think are relevant to the project:

Thank you!

An Emerg representative will get back to you soon.

© Emerg Solutions 2014