BT Poomsae Judge’s Course

Date: Sunday 14th Aug, 2016 (10.00 am – 5.00 pm )

Venue : Unite Martial Arts Academy

Unit 2, 76 Tulketh Street, Southport, PR8 1BX

Judge course fee: £45.00 each

Judge Course: Open to BT members 16 Years & above age and 4th Kup or Higher grades.

Course for B, C, P class Judge & Refresher for all classes.

Please bring along at the Judge course:

1) Taekwondo Uniform & a valid BT licence

2) A pack of WTF Poomsae Competition Rules

(will be sent you by e-mail after the registration, please bring the book)

3) A pencil or pen/track suit.


Sunday 14th Aug, 2016 ( Start 10.00 am – 5.00 pm )

09.40 – 10.00 am Registration

10.00 am Welcome

10.00 – 12.00 pm WTF Poomsae competition Rules & Scoring

Key points for Poomsae Taegeuk 1 – 8 Jang, Koryo..


Free style Poomsae.

12.00 – 1.40 pm Practice: Taegeuk 1 – 8 Jang and Koryo..


1.40 – 2.00 pm Lunch

2.00 – 3.30 pm Practice Poomsae Accuracy/Presentations & Scoring

Taegeuk 4 – 8 Jang and Koryo – Hansoo

3.30 – 5.00 pm Examinations: 1. Practical test 2. Scoring test 3.Written test

5.00 p.m. Course closed

Please notice! Spectators are not allowed at the course

Closing date for application form will be Sat. 06th Aug, 2016

BT Poomsae Judges Course

Venue : Unit 2, 76 Tulketh Street, Southport, PR8 1BX

Sunday 14th Aug, 2016 (10.00 am – 5.00 pm)

Application form

Name ……………………………………………………………. Grade…………….Dan/Kup


BT License Number M……………………A……………………..Expires……………………

Address …………………………………………………………………………………………

Post code…………………………………….Date of Birth …………./…...... /…………...

Tel……………………………...... Mobile……………………......

E-mail ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Course fee: £45.00 for ClassB, C, P and refresher

(Please tick for the Class applied for)

Class B……………Class C…………Class P…………….Refresher course……………

Closing date for Judge application form will be 06th Aug, 2016

Please attached a photo (Passport size)

( 1.Application form 2. One photo 3. Course fee £45.00 )

Please make a cheque payable to British Taekwondo and send to follow address;

BT Poomsae Judge co-ordinator557 Chester Road, Chester Road,

Old Trafford, Manchester, M16 0QW Tel. 0161-848 7426

E-mail: ,

Electronic applications will be accepted; however payment must arrive prior to the closing date. Application form to email:

Application for Promotion of National Poomsae Judge Class

Name in Full : Grade : Dan/Kup

Date of Birth / / Name Club :

BT Licence No: M A Expires / /

Present National ( ) Class * Applied Class * ( ) Class

Records of judging experiences include refresher course

No. Championship’s details Date Venue Full / Participated

























* Please specify Full time or Judge + Participated at the event *

I hereby submit this application to the BT National Poomsae Judge Dept for the promotion of my national judge class.

Signature of the applicant:

Date: / /

British Taekwondo Poomsae

National Poomsae Judge Policy

(as of 1st Jan 2009)

Objective: This policyis to efficiently control the Poomsae judging within the British Taekwondo

Organisation: The overall organisation of the National Poomsae judges shall be made by the British Taekwondo Poomsae Judging coordinator.

Qualification: The British Taekwondo will grant qualification as a National Poomsae Judge to those who have attended and passed the examination at a National Judging course which will be conducted by the British Taekwondo.

Course: The course shall be conducted by the British Taekwondo Poomsae Judging department. The following levels of qualification are available: A, B, C and P class.

P Class : Open to 4th Kup to 1st Kup from 16 years old. (P class judges will be upgraded to C class status on promotion to 1st Dan)

C Class : Open to 1st Dan and above from 16 years old

B Class : Open to C class holders with at least 2 years active experience, 2nd Dan and above, from 21 years old. Experience is gained from judging 6 times or more at a recognised event (regional, national or international competitions but not one to one)

A Class : Open to B Class holders with at least 3 years active experience, 3rd Dan and above, from 26 years old. Experience is gained from judging 8 times or more at a recognised event (regional, national or international competitions but not one to one)

A class judges can be recommended by the Poomsae Committee and by the chairman of the British Taekwondo to attend an International Judging qualification course

Qualifications expire after 1 year of issue but will be automatically renewed for active judges


1) The National Judge shall abide by all the Poomsae Rules with pride and dignity as the National Judge of the British Taekwondo.

2) The National Judge shall be familiar with the Competition Rules and guiding principle concerned.

3) The National Judge shall officiate at any Taekwondo events without partialityin consideration of the fact that decisions made by the National Judge shall beconclusive.

Poomsae Judge’s uniform and shoes

The judges uniform is a navy jacket, grey trousers, dark tie, white shirt and white trainers (jeans, T-shirts, doboks, tracksuits are not allowed).