Supply List 2017-2018

Junior/ Senior High Supply List

Mr. Angerman Math : Pencils, graph paper, scientific calculator, notebook

paper, graph paper, compass, protractor, and ruler.

Mr. Capel Science: A notebook for each class and a folder for returned papers, a good stock of pens.

Miss Davis 7th and 8th grade Pre-Algebra : 1 inch 3 ring binder, (binder will only be used for Math) sectional dividers, pencils, eraser, loose leaf notebook paper. (no spiral notebooks), assignment book.

Mrs. DelRosario 7th grade English and 7th-11th grade History KJV Bible, assignment book, 3 ring binder with dividers and tabs, Loose leaf notebook paper (wide rule), black or blue pens, a red or green pen, pencils, erasers, colored pencils, highlighter(any color) 12 inch ruler, pocket dictionary and thesaurus, 3 packs of index cards, with a pack of rings to which the index cards will be attached, making flash cards.

Mrs. Hamilton 8th-12th grade English: wide ruled notebook paper, 4x6 (1 pack) ruled index cards, #2 pencils, 5 red pens, ballpoint pens(blue or black, non-erasable), 4 boxes of tissues (bring to homeroom), 1 single hole punch, one 2 inch or 3 inch bring for vocabulary flashcards. Please note: additional supplies many be required later in the school year at the teacher or subject dictates.

Mrs. Hunter Health: 3 prong folder, pen, highlighter and exercise mat (can be found at 5Below).

Mrs. Jefferys High School Spanish: 3 ring binder, college rule notebook paper, blue or black ink pens, and an English-Spanish dictionary.

Mr. Netz Physics: Scientific calculator

Pastor Turner: High School Bible: Spiral Bound Composition Notebook(s) and/or loose leaf paper in notebook; pencils and pens, King James Version of the Bible(brought to class each day) and 3x5 cards for verses is recommended.

All students in grades 7th-12th are asked to bring in 4 boxes of tissues. Please turn in to the homeroom teacher at Open House or first day of school. Thank You!

Label all items! You can bring to Open House on Thursday from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm.

Elementary School Supplies List

Pre-School (3 year olds): 2 boxes of tissues, art smock, washable markers, colored pencils, 1 pocket folder, 1 container of baby wipes, extra set of clothes, small blanket and pillow. (full- time students only) Please send in 5 small pictures of your child.

Pre-School (4 year olds): Small blanket & small pillow (full time students only), art smock, washable markers, colored pencils, 1 pocket folder, 2 box of tissues, extra set of clothes, 1 container of baby wipes. Please send in 5 small pictures of your child.

Kindergarten: King James Bible, 1 bottle antibacterial hand sanitizer, 2 boxes of tissues, art smock, 6 sharpened # 2 pencils, pencil box, 2 bottles of Elmer’s glue, 1 box of washable markers, 1 box of crayons, 1 large eraser, 1 box of colored pencils, 2 pocket folders, and 1 three ring binder, small blanket, 2 packages of baby wipes

First Grade: King James Bible, pencil box, box of 24 Crayola crayons, #2 pencils, large pink eraser, child safe scissors, washable Elmer glue sticks, 12 Crayola colored pencils and pencil case, dry erase board, dry erase markers and eraser, 1 sturdy pocket folders(child may choose picture) 2 sturdy 2 pocket plastic folder with prongs, and see thru 3 ring pencil pouch, composition notebook, 2 boxes of tissues, 2 packages of baby wipes, 1 large or 2 small containers of disinfecting wipes. (Please use the Crayola and Elmer brands of items, as they last longer) You may want to purchase extra supplies while they are on sale to replace as needed throughout the school year.

Second Grade: King James Bible, one 3-ring floppy binders(not the hard covers) 6 pocket folders (1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 2 any color), 6 pencils, erasers, child-safe scissors, 12 inch ruler (with centimeters), glue stick, 2 boxes of tissues, hand sanitzer, 24-count crayons, zippered pouch-style pencil bag, composition notebook. PLEASE DO NOT BRING: ELMER’S GLUE, STAPLERS, MARKERS, LARGE NOTEBOOKS, OR TAPE – ALL OF THESE ITEMS WILL BE PROVIDED AS NECESSARY. Clear contact paper is needed to cover books.

Third Grade: King James Bible-large print (to be left at school), 20 sharpened #2 pencils, enclosed pencil sharpener, 12 or more sharpened colored pencils, 6 pocket folders (2 blue, 2 red, 1 yellow, 1 color of your choice), 1 composition notebook, 2 large boxes of tissues, 2 large glue sticks, 2-100 sheet packs of wide-ruled notebook paper (not in a binder), 1 box of crayons ( at least 24 count), 1 pair of scissors, 1 twelve inch ruler with English and metric measurements, 1 pencil bag/case (not too large), and 2-one inch 3 ring binders(may be soft) and one 2-inch 3 ring binder with a clear cover for the science animal notebook project.

Fourth Grade: King James Bible- (to be left at school), 2 boxes of tissues, 2-100 count wide ruled notebook paper, 1 green pen (non-clicking type), #2 pencils, ruler with both English and Metric measurements, small pencil holder(zipper types are the best), colored pencils or crayons, glue, scissors, 2 pocket folders, 1 pocket folder with 3 prongs, small container to hold tokens, 2-one inch binders (one to hold paper and one for the New Jersey Notebook), no white out. You must do the ENTIRE summer packet in order to get a 100 A+ for your test grade.

Fifth Grade: Highlighter, scissors,#2 pencils, glue stick, 12 colored pencils, blue or black pens (not gel or click type) two green ink pens, zipper pencil bag fits best in desk, 300 pages wide-ruled notebook paper, two sturdy two-pocket folders, one roll of scotch tape, KJV of Bible that stays at school, one package of 4x6 cards cut into fourths and put in a Ziploc baggie, four folders with prongs in red, blue, yellow and orange. Please label all the above items except the paper.

8oz. bottle of hand sanitizer, three large tissue boxes, and a bottle of white out. Start collecting 10 bugs for project due in September. A small Altoid type tin is needed to store tokens. No binders are used in 5th grade.

Sixth Grade: 15 sharpened pencils, 5 black or blue pens (no click or gel pens) one 12 pack of colored pencils, 2 green pens, 2 highlighters, 4 pack of dry erase markers (no neon), 1 ruler(with English and metric measures), glue stick, 2 erasers, scissors, 1 zippered pencil pouch, 2 sturdy pocket folders, 1 assignment book, 600 pages of wide-ruled notebook paper, 2 packages of 4x6 index cards, 1 one inch loose leaf binder, binder dividers, 1 small container for tokens, King James Bible ( to be left at school) one protractor, 1 bottle of brush on whiteout, 2 boxes of tissues, e-mail address on 3x5 card with parent names.

**** To help with the cost of copying worksheets in the Elementary grades, we are asking that each family donate one ream of white 8”by 11”copy paper. Your help is greatly appreciated!