The Ride Conditions

Rosettes will be presented to all finishers.

Secure parking, photographic services, catering vans and WCs are

available at the venue.

There will be a £1.00 per rider charge for the landowner who has

generously provided the secure parking.


1. All those taking part in the ride must report to the Secretary to collect

high-visibility, numbered tabards.

2. Riders must wear approved hard hats and boots for riding.

3. All horses and ponies must be at least four years old.

4. Children of twelve and under must be accompanied by an adult.

5. All those taking part in the ride must log in with the starter before setting off.

6. Dogs may not accompany riders and must be on leads in the parking area.

7. Due consideration must be shown for encountered livestock.

8. Those taking part in the ride should report the Secretary to return the

numbered tabards and collect rosettes.

9. Those taking part in this ride do so entirely at their own risk.

10. Riders and others are asked to leave the venue tidy.

11. The organisers reserve the right to vary the routes if necessary.

12. Riders using unconventional tack may not be covered by MBBA's


By entering the ride, those taking part are deemed to have

accepted these conditions.

Riders are covered under BHS insurance arrangements

and the ride has veterinary support available on call.

The organisers, landowners and their tenants accept no

liability for damage or injury to persons, animals or

personal property, however caused.

The discounted fee rates apply if you submit a completed application for MBBA membership with your entry form!

For more information visit or contact

Ginnie Jones on 01749 831276 or ‘’.

Entry Form

Please send entry forms to Thornhill House, BRUTON. BA10 0QD

Cheques should be made payable to ‘MBBA’.

Entries on the day are welcomed but entering in advance will save time and money! Telephone 01749 831276 or email ‘’ for more information.

Entry Fees

In advance:MBBA Members£12.00 or £8.00 (12 and under)

Non-members£15.00 or £11.00 (12 and under)

Mountain Bikes £5.00

On the day: MBBA members£15.00 or £10.00 (12 and under)

Non-members £18.00 or £13.00 (12 and under)

Mountain Bikes £7.00

Parking per rider£1.00

Lead-rein ride £5.00 - no need to pre-book

Rider’s Name:
email Address:

Please tick box if you wish to receive emailed
updates about future MBBA rides and events / MBBA Member No:
Home Telephone: / Mobile Telephone:
Contact Name and Number in case of Accident:
Vehicle Type and Number:
Total fees enclosed (including £1.00 per rider for parking):
(Please make cheques payable to ‘MBBA’.)