Recruiting Video Rubric

Performance Level / Needs Improvement (1) / Satisfactory (2) / Excellent (3)
Introduction / The introduction does not orient the viewer to what will follow. / The introduction is clear and coherent and evokes moderate interest/response from the viewer. / The introduction is motivating, and hooks the viewer from the beginning.
Continuity / Video completely lacks and continuity. Clothes change, setting change, props change, and none of the changes were supposed to happen. / Video has continuity for the most part. Clothes scenery and props do not change. Lighting might fluctuate. / Perfect continuity. Everything flows from scene to scene exactly as it should.
Mechanics / The text and audio have 3 or more grammar or spelling errors. / The text and audio have 1-2 grammar or spelling errors. / The text and audio have no grammar or spelling errors.
Organization / The video lacks a central theme, clear point of view, and logical sequence of information. Much of the information is relevant to the overall message. / Information is connected to a theme. Details are logical and information is relevant throughout most of the video. / Video includes a clear statement of purpose. Events and messages support the video’s main ideas.
Visual Content / Minimal use of imagery OR there are several factual errors. / Only used essential images, nothing more, but are logical and accurate. / Used essential images and key ones for elaboration; They cover the topic. All images are logical and accurate.
Production / Presentation is of poor quality and is unedited. There are no transitions added or transitions are used frequently that they detract from the video. / Presentation is edited. A variety of transitions are used and most transitions help tell the story. Most of the video has good pacing and timing. / Presentation is edited. A variety of transitions are used to assist in communicating the main idea. Shots and scenes work well together.
Technical Skill and Creativity / Use font, color, effects, graphics, etc. but often distract from the presentation’s content. / Makes use of font, color, effects, graphics, etc. but occasionally they distract from the presentation’s content. / Makes excellent use of font, color, effects, graphics, etc. to enhance the presentation.
Sound / The audio is cut-off and inconsistent or overpowering / The audio is clear and assists in communicating the main idea. / The audio is clear and effectively assists in communicating the main idea. Background audio is kept in balance.
Group Cooperation / Students needed to be reminded to stay on task frequently. One or two people did all the work. Students argued with one another or left some students out of the process. / All students contributed a fair share to the project, though some workloads varied. Students had to be reminded occasionally to stay on task. Students made an effort to include all group members in the process. / All students contributed equally to the video. Students stayed on task at all times. Students worked with each other in a friendly manner.
Overall Presentation / Delivery not smooth and audience attention often lost. / Rehearsed with fairly smooth delivery that holds audience attention most of the time. / Well-rehearsed with smooth delivery that holds audience attention.
Duration of Presentation / Under 3 minutes / 3-4 minutes / 4-5 minutes
Grand Total / Grade / /
Grading Scale / 33-29 (A) 28-24 (B) 23-19 (C) 18-14 (D) 13-Below (F)