Design Name

Submitted in Response to the Real World Design Challenge

Submitted by

Team Name

Team Member Names
(list team members, with email addresses and phone numbers, and designate teamleader)

School/Organization Name



Mentor(s)/Advisor(s): Mentor Name
Mentor Contact Info (Address, Phone, E-mail)

Team/Coach Validating Signatures:

Participating students/team members completed Formative Surveys: ______

An electronic signature is expected.

Table of Contents


Specification Sheet

1.Team Engagement

1.1 Team Formation and Project Operation

1.2 Acquiring and Engaging Mentors

1.3 State the Project Goal

1.4 Tool Set-up/Learning/Validation

1.5 Impact on STEM

2.Document the System Design

2.1 Mission Design

2.2 Conceptual, Preliminary, and Detailed Design

2.3 Selection of System Components

2.4 Component and Complete Flight Vehicle Weight and Balance

2.5 Operational Maneuver Analysis

2.6 Three View of Final Design

3.Document the Missions

3.1 Application Plan

3.2 Detection Plan

3.3 Overall System Performance

3.4 Safety

4.Document the Business Case

4.1 Market Assessment

4.2 Profitability Analysis

4.3 Cost / Benefits Analysis and Justification



7.Writing/Format [Remove this section from Final Document]

7.1 References and Citations

7.2 Tone of Writing/Professional Appearance

7.3 Figures and Tables

List of Figures

Figure 1. Three View of Final Unmanned System Design.

Figure 2. Description phrase to be used as title and description. [If not original] Reprinted [or adapted] from Title (page number), by Author first initial. Second initial. Surname, year, place of publication: Publisher. Copyright [Year] by the Name.

List of Tables

No table of figures entries found.

FY16 Real World Design Challenge Page 1


[One page summary includes brief narrative describing the design solution (describe purpose of this document, but without reference citations). Judges will be looking for the ability to express comprehension, and linkage between the design solutions and what students have learned. This section is worth 15 points.]

The following reference provides examples and considerations for writing an abstract:

Keywords: [Add appropriate keywords regarding your abstract and project here]

Specification Sheet

[This section provides an overview of your system by listing important physical and performance characteristics. Some criteria have a corresponding regulation under FAA Part 107. There will also be regulations that do not have a specific physical or performance value. For the regulations, mark whether the system is compliant or not compliant. For aircraft that perform both missions, you will need to provide the values for both missions if different (specify the mission to be clear).]

Criteria / Value / Regulation / Compliance
Yes / No
Takeoff Weight / Unmanned aircraft must weigh less than 55 lbs. (25kg).
Wingspan (fixed-wing) or Max Width (other)
Airspeed / Maximum airspeed of 100 mph (87 knots)
Altitude / Maximum altitude of 500 feet above ground level
Time in Flight
Distance Traveled
Number of aircraft per operator / No person may act as an operator or VO for more than one unmanned aircraft operation at one time.
Visual line-of-sight (VLOS) only; the unmanned aircraft must remain within VLOS of the operator or visual observer. At all times the small unmanned aircraft must remain close enough to the operator for the operator to be capable of seeing the aircraft with vision unaided by any device other than corrective lenses.
Small-unmanned aircraft may not operate over any persons not directly involved in the operation.
Daylight-only operations (official sunrise to official sunset, local time).
Must yield right-of-way to other aircraft, manned or unmanned.
Minimum weather visibility of 3 miles from control station.
No operations are allowed in Class A (18,000 feet & above) airspace.

1.Team Engagement

1.1 Team Formation and Project Operation

[Explain the degree to which teams develop a strategy to win that includes establishing leadership in project management, science, engineering, mathematics, marketing and communications, etc. What skillset does each member bring to the team?]

1.2 Acquiring and Engaging Mentors

[Describe the degree to which your team worked aggressively to identify and leverage mentors early and throughout the challenge process.]

1.3 State the Project Goal

[Demonstrate understanding of the parts of the Challenge Statement and how they relate to the project goal. Has the team listed and demonstrated an understanding of each system element and the relationship to the design solution?]

1.4 Tool Set-up/Learning/Validation

[Degree to which the team described how they overcame challenges and came up with workable solutions for technical issues: installing and operating tools (Creo), learning to use the tools, and validating that the tools are working as needed.]

1.5 Impact on STEM

[Discuss how participating in this challenge has influenced your perspectives on STEM, and on your potential career paths. Also discuss the impact the Challenge has had on STEM interests in your school.]

2.Document the System Design

2.1 Mission Design

[Explain how the part 107 regulation affected the design of your UAS.(provide introduction here if desired but not required)]

2.1.1 Aircraft Compliance with Part 107

[Provide a description of what elements of your design are inside and outside of the part 107 regulations.]

2.1.2 Justification of Regulatory Compliance

[Provide a justification for each area of your design that is outside of the part 107 regulations. What benefits did you gain by going outside of the regulations and how are those benefits important to competing the mission. For areas that your design did not go outside of part 107, explain your reasoning and how it was beneficial to your design.]

2.1.3 Design Operations

[Explain how your aircraft completes the survey and pesticide missions. If you chose an alternative to the aircraft to accomplish one of your two tasks, explain alternative you used and justify why you are not using your aircraft. How did the areas inside and outside compliance of part 107 affect your overall design and your ability to complete the surveying and spraying missions? The description of how the missions are completed should only be an overview. The detailed description of the missions is included in Section 3.]

2.2Conceptual, Preliminary, and Detailed Design

[Discuss research, analysis, design decisions, and supporting rationale for each of the following: (Sketches of the different concepts through the design process must be included. Sketches may be in one large design flow graphic or in the individual design sections. Missing conceptual, preliminary, or detailed sketches will result in half the points lost in their respective section.)(provide introduction here if desired but not required)]

2.2.1 Engineering Design Process

[Discuss the engineering design processes you used. Include conceptual, preliminary and detailed design phases.]

2.2.2 Conceptual Design

[Discuss the many conceptual designs you considered early in the process. Identify how many conceptual designs were considered and why you came up with those designs.]

2.2.3 Preliminary Design

[Explain how and why you narrowed down the number of designs you were considering based on the merits of each design.]

2.2.4 Detailed Design

[Discuss the refinement and analysis processes leading to final design. What data analyses were performed to confirm viability of design and appropriateness of element/component selections?]

2.2.5 Lessons Learned

[Discuss key lessons that were learned in each design phase.]

2.2.6 Project Plan Updates and Modifications

[Discuss the process of how your team developed a timeline to accomplish the challenge showing milestones to come up with your final solution. You must show a Gantt chart or similar type of project management chart detailing project timeline with tasks and milestones.]

2.3Selection of System Components

[Discuss selection of key items, including selection process, design decisions, and supporting rationale for each of the following subsections: (provide introduction here if desired but not required)]

2.3.1 Payload Selection

[Provide a detailed description of the components selected for the payload including cost, items required, and justification of why components are the most appropriate/beneficial option available).]

2.3.2 Air Vehicle Element Selection

[Provide detailed description of components selected for the air vehicle element (airframe configuration, powerplant [propulsion], flight controls, and onboard sensors), including cost, number required, and justification of why components are the most appropriate/beneficial option available. Is the aircraft appropriate for the conditions expected on a farm?]

2.3.3 Command, Control, and Communications (C3) Selection

[Provide detailed description of components selected for the C3 element (user interface, control station, control type [autonomous, semi, and/or manual], and communications equipment), including cost, number required, and justification of why components are the most appropriate/beneficial option available.]

2.3.4 Support Equipment Selection

[Provide detailed description of components selected for the support equipment element, including cost, number required, and justification of why components are the most appropriate/beneficial option available.]

2.3.5 Human Resource Selection

[Provide detailed description of components selected for the human resource element (crew and operators), including cost, number required, and justification of why components are the most appropriate/beneficial option available.]

2.4Component and Complete Flight Vehicle Weight and Balance

[Provide results of the weight and center of gravity analyses. Location of the center of gravity must be provided numerically (from a datum point) and graphically. The graphical location of the center of gravity may be shown on the 3-view of the design (Section 2.6), but if on the 3-view, it must be referenced and discussed in this section.]

2.5Operational Maneuver Analysis

[Demonstrate by analysis that the vehicle can perform required maneuvers to support your proposed flight operations.]

2.6Three View of Final Design

[Include a 3-view diagram of your design with dimensions.]

The following, Figure 1, depicts the three view of the final unmanned system design.


Figure 1. Three View of Final Unmanned System Design.

3.Document the Missions

3.1 Application Plan

[Discuss how your design accomplishes pesticide application requirements for the field. If your design does not perform the application mission, describe the conventional method you are using.(provide introduction here if desired but not required)]

3.1.1 Application Theory of Operations

[Detail how your system would conduct the application mission from beginning to end. Calculate the time and manpower (human resource element) requirements. Show the operational profile for your system to complete the example application.]

3.1.2 Application Considerations

[What are the major considerations necessary to support your theory of operation and application strategy? What did you do to maximize your design efficiency? Include at least: (a) How is your system beneficial to the farmer (time, resources, etc.)? (b) How is your system beneficial to your company? (c) Compare the spraying performance of your system to the performance of the DJI Agras MG-1 (time, money, manpower, etc.).]

3.2 Detection Plan

[Discuss how your design accomplishes the detection requirements for the field. If your design does not perform the detection mission, describe the conventional method you are using.(provide introduction here if desired but not required)]

3.2.1 Detection Theory of Operations

[Detail how your system would conduct the detection mission from beginning to end. Calculate the time and manpower (human resource element) requirements. Show the operational profile for your system to complete the example detection.]

3.2.2 Detection Considerations

[What are the major considerations necessary to support your theory of operation and detection strategy? What did you do to maximize your design efficiency? Include at least: (a) How did the choice of your sensor(s) affect your design and detection strategy? (b) How is your system beneficial to the farmer (time, resources, etc.)? (c) How is your system beneficial to your company? (d) Compare the detection performance of your system to the performance of the eBee SQs (time, money, manpower, etc.).]

3.3 Overall System Performance

[Describe how the overall performance of your system compares with the given systems on the sample field. Explain how your system will have a greater advantage if the field size is increased or decreased. If there is an advantage your system has over the given systems, explain how being out of compliance with part 107 gave your system an advantage considering things like economics.]


[Explain the safety procedures of your design to account (a) for loss of signal from the pilot and GPS and (b) for obstacle detection and avoidance. Explain how your design addresses safety issues that arise from all areas you chose outside of part 107. Make sure to detail the potential safety issues for each area outside the regulations and how your design addresses those safety concerns. You must have a safety plan for every area where you are outside of compliance.]

4.Document the Business Case

4.1 Market Assessment

[Assess the competitiveness of your system based on cost. (Provide introduction here if desired but not required)]

4.1.1 Market Comparison

[Describe how your design choices allow your system to perform better than the systems given. Make sure to explain how each area you are outside of compliance with part 107 improved your ability to complete the detection and spraying missions.]

4.1.2 Field Optimization

[Explain how you calculated optimal field size based on how your design will achieve maximum profitability. Make sure to explain how your systems profitability increases, decreases, or stays the same as the field size increases. Describe how your system profitability increases with a field size increase (do you have a linear profit increase as the size of the field increases, does your system profitability increase exponentially as the field grows, or does your profitability change in another way).]

4.1.3 Target Market Assessment

[Explain, based on research, that there are enough corn farms that are the size that you want to operate in, to justify creating your system.]

4.2 Profitability Analysis

[Describe your strategy for minimizing your operating costs and the costs of your design. (Provide introduction here if desired but not required)]

4.2.1 Fixed (Initial) Costs

[Explain how you calculated the initial cost of your system and your justification for those costs. Make sure to give an explanation of how any components that are outside of part 107 has led to lower system costs for your system.]

4.2.2 Operational Cost

[Explain the costs of flying your system. Make sure to explain how your design choices were used to minimize your operating costs. How are the areas that you are outside of part 107 are used to minimize your operating costs. Explain how the cost to operate your system changed as the field size increases or decreases.]

4.2.3 Pricing Analysis

[Explain how you determined the likely field size you plan on operating over and describe your strategy for detecting and spraying fields. How do you plan on maximizing your profitability without raising your prices above what farmers can afford.]

4.2.4 Regulatory Analysis

[Explain how your design helps you to achieve your strategy for profitability. Describe any area of your design that is outside of part 107 and explain how enables you to achieve your profitability strategy.]

4.3 Cost / Benefits Analysis and Justification

[Clearly show your cost / benefits analysis which drove your major design choices and payload selection. (Why is your vehicle able to do its missions less expensively than another, or why is it a better value?) Place special emphasis on justifying the decisions your team made with respect to cost when compared to other options. What was necessary to find a balanced approach to maximize efforts? How does the missions add value for the farmer by saving time, saving money, and/or performing jobs easier?]


[Provide a brief conclusion to your engineering notebook. Summarize the important aspects of your design. Why your design is the best design for this challenge (make sure to base your argument on the analysis and justification you provided in your Engineering Design Notebook)? Be sure to justify all the design choices that you made.]


This is where the details of any reference citations are maintained. Do not include a reference citation in the References section, if it has not been directly cited in the body of this document. These references should be ordered alphabetically. If any of the reference have the same author and year, place in order by the first word in the title and add an alphabetical identifier to the year (e.g., 2012a) and ensure this year and identifier is used in any in-text citations.