
Teacher: Peggy Sue Yarber School: South High School

Content Area Standard / Grammar and Mechanics of Writing
Literacy Standard:
1.0  Written and Oral English Language Conventions
Prepositions / Grammar and Mechanics of Writing
1.1 Identify and correctly use clauses (e.g., main and subordinate), phrases (e.g., gerund, infinitive, and participial), and mechanics of punctuation (e.g., semicolons, colons, ellipses, hyphens).
Instructional Objectives:
·  Definition of what is to be taught and learned. / Students will be able to recognize and use properly the 7 different types of prepositions.
Of time/duration
Of place
Of position
Of reason
Of manner
Of comparison
Of possessions
·  Lesson Contents / Explanation of prepositions:
(This is not a comprehensive list of prepositions.)
(1). A preposition connects a noun or a pronoun to another word in a sentence and indicates a relationship, of place, time, cause, purpose, direction, or means.
(2). Prepositions are usually one word but can also be two or more words. The most frequently used one word propositions are at, by, from, for, with, to on, and of.
(3). Some prepositions with more than one word are according to, along with, away from, in front of, and away from. Other prepositions that may be familiar are above, across, after, along, among, before behind, below, beside, between, into, through, up, down, over, under, and without.
Instructional Delivery
·  Procedures
·  Strategies / Procedures:
(1) Introduction to prepositions
= using the definitions from the lesson content area.
"You use prepositions every minute of every day-without even realizing what you are doing! Without is a preposition!"
(2) Prepositions allow you to connect one idea to another. There are 7 different ways for you to use prepositions to connect your ideas in order to communicate more effectively!
For example, the statement …class starts at 9:00am. This is a preposition of time. "At" is the preposition of time.
(3) Today I will introduce to you the 7 types of prepositions.
(4) Next I will then help guide you to make sentences that show you are able to recognize prepositions in simple sentences.
(5) We will use pictures-made by your own artistic hand-as our guiding force to recognize the 7 types of prepositions.
(6) Introduce the 7 types of time/duration, place, position, reason, manner, comparison, and possessions.
(7) Put students in groups of 2-3. Give each group a piece of paper and some makers.
(8) Next give each group a piece of paper with the following (there may be a few groups that have similar prepositional topics to draw-depending on class size)
See attachments for teacher-generated prepositional concepts.
(9) Assignment for students:
¨  Develop 3 perfect sentences using the prepositional concept given to them.
¨  Create artwork to highlight the prepositional concept.
¨  Present to the class the prepositional concept
¨  Student will be prepared to answer questions from the other students in the class.
Evidence/ Assessment / Evidence:
The different pieces of learning evidence will be:
¨  posters created by the student
¨  the sentences generated by the student
¨  the presentation of prepositional concept
¨  the student answering questions from other students
Students will be assessed on:
¨  the sentences generated by the student
¨  the presentation of prepositional concept
¨  the student answering questions from other students
The teacher will generate a quiz based on the sentences from the students.
The quiz will ask the students to recognize the preposition and the type of preposition being used in the sentence. For example, class started at 9:00 am would be a preposition of time.
·  Reading difficulties
·  Advanced Learners
·  English Learners / ¨  Students will be given extra time if needed
¨  if the student is in Special Education classes, the assignment will be given to his/her case worker
¨  students will be paired up with students of differing ability levels
¨  adult aide will be available for individual student help during class
Instructional Materials / See attachments (at the end of this lesson plan) for teacher- generated prepositional concepts.
¨  Teacher-generated prepositional concepts
¨  Poster paper
¨  Colored pencils and or makers
¨  Prepared group assignments
Resource Books:
Reader's Handbook:
A Student Guide for Reading and Learning
Laura Robb
Classroom Instruction that Works
Robert J. Marzano
Classroom Strategies for Interactive Learning
Dough Buehl


Ø  Students will create 3 perfect sentences using the Prepositions of Time.

Ø  Students will write the sentences on the paper using the colored pencils and markers. (Creativity is highly encouraged and suggested.)

Ø  Students will present and explain the concept of the Prepositions of Time.

Ø  Students will respond to any questions asked from the students in the class concerning Prepositions of Time.

After all the presentations, the students will then have a quiz (teacher-generated) based on the sentences made the students.

1.  Prepositions of Time


Jose departed from Fresno in December.

Satbir arrived in the United States in 2003.


Jatinder begins classes on Monday.

His school ends on May 17 of this year.

Specific time:

Classes at our school begin at 7:45 am.

General time:

The school tutoring program ends in the late evening.

Approximate time:

The student told his mother that tutoring ends about 7:15 in the evening.

The Key Club decided to meet after school around 3:30pm.


Japreet's family lived in India for 9 years.

Through the years the teacher often look about her very first English class.


Ø  Students will create 3 perfect sentences using the Prepositions of Place.

Ø  Students will write the sentences on the paper using the colored pencils and markers. (Creativity is highly encouraged and suggested.)

Ø  Students will present and explain the concept of the Prepositions of Place.

Ø  Students will respond to any questions asked from the students in the class concerning Prepositions of Place.

Ø  After all the presentations, the students will then have a quiz (teacher-generated) based on the sentences made the students.

2.  Prepositions of Place:

City/ country:

Maria lived in Los Angles for three years.

Jose lived in Bakersfield for 10 years and moved to Sacramento.


Isaac lives on Chester Avenue.


South High is located at 1101 Planz Avenue.


The football players run to practice.

The cheerleaders walked toward the crowd.


Ø  Students will create 3 perfect sentences using the Prepositions of Position.

Ø  Students will write the sentences on the paper using the colored pencils and markers. (Creativity is highly encouraged and suggested.)

Ø  Students will present and explain the concept of the Prepositions of Position.

Ø  Students will respond to any questions asked from the students in the class concerning Prepositions of Position.

After all the presentations, the students will then have a quiz (teacher-generated) based on the sentences made the students.

3. Prepositions of Position

The book is on the table.

The money is in my purse.

Leo asked to meet me at the library.

The cat is sitting beside the heater.

The school is located between the railroad crossing and the bridge.


Ø  Students will create 3 perfect sentences using the Prepositions of Reason.

Ø  Students will write the sentences on the paper using the colored pencils and markers. (Creativity is highly encouraged and suggested.)

Ø  Students will present and explain the concept of the Prepositions of Reason.

Ø  Students will respond to any questions asked from the students in the class concerning Prepositions of Reason.

After all the presentations, the students will then have a quiz (teacher-generated) based on the sentences made the students.

4.  Prepositions of Reason

They will do the job for little to no money.

He was pleased by her kind words and caring actions.

We talked about the news concerning the Presidential election.


Ø  Students will create 3 perfect sentences using the Prepositions of Manner.

Ø  Students will write the sentences on the paper using the colored pencils and markers. (Creativity is highly encouraged and suggested.)

Ø  Students will present and explain the concept of the Prepositions of Manner.

Ø  Students will respond to any questions asked from the students in the class concerning Prepositions of Manner.

After all the presentations, the students will then have a quiz (teacher-generated) based on the sentences made the students.

5.  Prepositions of Manner

He can understand what they are saying by listening carefully.

She is good at speaking many foreign languages.

They finished the test with plenty of time left over.


Ø  Students will create 3 perfect sentences using the Prepositions of Comparison.

Ø  Students will write the sentences on the paper using the colored pencils and markers. (Creativity is highly encouraged and suggested.)

Ø  Students will present and explain the concept of the Prepositions of Comparison.

Ø  Students will respond to any questions asked from the students in the class concerning Prepositions of Comparison.

After all the presentations, the students will then have a quiz (teacher-generated) based on the sentences made the students.

6.  Prepositions of Comparison

We are so close that she is like my sister.


Ø  Students will create 3 perfect sentences using the Prepositions of Possession.

Ø  Students will write the sentences on the paper using the colored pencils and markers. (Creativity is highly encouraged and suggested.)

Ø  Students will present and explain the concept of the Prepositions of Possession.

Ø  Students will respond to any questions asked from the students in the class concerning Prepositions of Possession.

After all the presentations, the students will then have a quiz (teacher-generated) based on the sentences made the students.

7.  Prepositions of Possession

Frank is a good friend of mine.

The hat of the student is on the teacher's desk.


Ø  Students will create 3 perfect sentences using the Prepositions of Possession.

Ø  Students will write the sentences on the paper using the colored pencils and markers. (Creativity is highly encouraged and suggested.)

Ø  Students will present and explain the concept of the Prepositions of Possession.

Ø  Students will respond to any questions asked from the students in the class concerning Prepositions of Possession.

After all the presentations, the students will then have a quiz (teacher-generated) based on the sentences made the students.